Football- A starting point could be headlines 'Premier League suspended indefinitely following Corona virus crisis meeting'
What does this mean for fandom? - can you still be a fan if there is no football? How are fans coping without live football?
The theoretical underpinnings for this are the sociology of fandom (women or men) - eg Tomlinson, or Stacey Pope
Issues around IDENTIT(IES) how has peoples identity changed with the isolation around football - going to the pub to watch the game, drinking culture, how have they adapted?
You can still observe some things - for example your family's reaction to the suspension, then the final decision etc Your story also is important. Observations from the news clips even.
Interviews - semi-structured interviews - you still need to retain the ethics code - the consent forms and informed participant information forms - then conduct the iinterviews face to face ONLY in your household, or by Zoom or phone call - obviously get permission to record the conversation.
Coding data- into emergent themes - both from the theories and the data you have collected
Critical analysis - remember your findings need to be critical - the points you make linked back to the literature you have set up in your review of literature.