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Even though parts of the title sound the same as units that you have previously completed, there is significant difference i

01/11/2020 Client: murugan Deadline: 10 Days


Even though parts of the title sound the same as units that you have previously completed, there is significant difference in the knowledge and skills components of the units. What this means, is there will be assessment items you will need to undertake to close any gaps identified during the mapping process in order for you to meet the outcomes for the new Diploma of Nursing.

Seek help and advice from your Educator on any part of any assessment that you need assistant with.

Assessment process

Your Assessor must discuss their feedback with you and ask you to sign the assessment summary acknowledging agreement with the result. If you have been found Not Yet Competent, the assessor will provide you with feedback explaining why this decision has been made and what you are required to do before being re-assessed. If you disagree with the assessor’s judgement, the assessor must explain the appeal process and provide you with any relevant documentation. The assessor will find a mutually convenient time to discuss any questions or concerns you have regarding your ability to complete the assessments. The assessor will also consider whether any additional support services should be provided to support you. If the assessor deems that you do not have the skills or knowledge to complete the unit, they will discuss this with The RTO Operations Manager.

• You are entitled to two assessment attempts at no additional cost.

• Each re-assessment attempt will be negotiated with the Assessor and should be programmed to enable you to have the best chance for success.

• Your Trainer/Assessor will provide you with direction on the further learning required for your next assessment attempt, this may involve additional theory or classroom learning.

• Your Assessor may apply reasonable adjustment to the subsequent assessment attempts, where required.

• At the end of your second unsuccessful assessment attempt, a formal counselling session will occur to discuss your options and enrolment at CTA.

• Post this process, you may re-enrol, and the learning and assessment process will commence from the beginning of the unit

Process for submitting assessments

Your Training Plan and Class Delivery schedule specifically outlines the due dates of each of your assessments. You must adhere to this timetable. If you need extra time to complete an assessment you must discuss this with your Nurse Educator before the due date. Extensions to assessments can be granted in agreement with you, your Nurse Educator and where applicable the RTO General Manager. The following requirements apply to all written assessments:

• All questions must be answered in full and using your own words.

• Hand written assessments must be legible and in either BLUE or BLACK pen.

• Assessments can be word processed. You must use:

? Arial font

? Size 12

? 1.5 spacing

? Print off a copy and hand to your Educator

• Assessments using white out corrective tape or fluid will be returned for resubmission. Cross out any incorrect answer and rewrite it.

• If submitting extra information, diagrams, posters, flyers or handouts make sure your name and number, date and the unit code is clearly identified on each piece of extra information.

• Where applicable reference any work that is not your own using the style described in the student handbook.

• Where applicable create a bibliography at the back of your work to show where you have accessed information used in your assessment.

• It is advisable that you make a copy of your fully completed Assessment Workbook before you submit it. CTA are required to keep all of your assessments so it will not be returned to you.


Once you have a “Satisfactory Outcome” for all assessments linked to each unit of competency you will be deemed competent for the unit of competency.

If you have a “Not Satisfactory Outcome” your Assessor will provide feedback to you on the area/s for improvement and confirm further requirements. At this time a mutually agreed future date for re-assessment will be set.

Listed below are explanations of the assessment decisions an Assessor can make when marking your assessments.


Outcome The Assessor has assessed your submission against the criteria of the Assessment and is satisfied that all requirements have been met.

Not Satisfactory Outcome The Assessor has assessed your submission against the criteria of the Assessment and is not satisfied that all requirements have been met.

All CTA Assessors follow the Principles of Assessment when assessing your work. What this means to you is that they will always treat every assessment submission objectively (fairly) and without bias, they can make alternative assessment arrangements if need be (flexible), they will only assess what you have submitted (valid), and will use the assessment criteria in the Assessor Marking guide when making their decision (reliable).

Assessors also follow the Rules of Evidence when making the assessment decision. What that means to you is they will make sure the evidence you have submitted is relevant to the assessment (valid), that the evidence you have given covers all of the questions asked (sufficient), that the assessment is your own work (authentic), and that the evidence is recent or from the very recent past (current).

Reasonable Adjustment

To meet the Principles of Assessment, Assessors may make a reasonable adjustment to the assessment. In some cases this may mean that verbal questions may be asked instead of written questions if a student has a literacy difference which would make it difficult for them to complete the assessment under normal circumstances. If you are struggling with the assessment processes outlined in this workbook, then it is highly recommended that you discuss this with your Trainer/Assessor as soon as practicable, however it should be before you attempt any assessment.

Overview of assessment

This unit of competency is predominantly assessed using a project approach. Assessment will focus on your own workplace environment. To demonstrate your competency, you must complete all assessments included in this document. This assessment includes:

• Written Questions – These questions assess your required knowledge and research skills. Whilst it is expected that you will refer to their learning material and secondary research all responses must be in your own words.

• Project– This assessment allows you to apply your skills and knowledge in a practical project, it may be a case study, role play, workplace project or other relevant task that helps you prove your ability to demonstrate how you apply your skills.

Students Please Note:

A zero tolerance to cheating and plagiarism is taken by CTA

If you, the student are found to have cheated on any forms of assessment, including plagiarism of another’s work, you will be required to re-sit an alternative assessment under the supervision of an assessor to confirm competence in this unit or you may face expulsion from the course.

Student Instructions

You must complete all of the following tasks of this workbook. You may work in groups or individually to complete the activities, this must be discussed and agreed to by your Educator. To demonstrate your understanding of the knowledge content, answers must be contextualised and in your own words.

Units of Competency and Tasks

The following units of competency for HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing are included in this Transition Assessment Booklet

• CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

• CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

• HLTAAP002 Confirm physical health status

• HLTENN001 Practise nursing within the Australian health care system

• HLTENN002 Apply communication skills in nursing practice

• HLTENN003 Perform clinical Assessment and contribute to planning nursing care

• HLTENN004 Contribute to planning nursing care

• HLTENN008 Apply legal and ethical parameters to nursing practice

• HLTENN013 Implement and monitor care of the older person

• HLTINF001 Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures

• HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

Thoroughly read the instructions for each assessment task as they may differ from the one you have just completed. Follow the instructions in each assessment and discuss with your Educator if there is something you do not understand

CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

CHCDIV001 – Written Questions

Instructions to Student:

In order to be competent in this assessment you must answer all of the following questions correctly. This is an open book assessment and you may use learning resources, research or the internet to answer questions. You may be observed numerous times over the duration of the unit. Answers to questions must be in your own handwriting.

Question Answer Assessor Comments

1. Give 2 examples of ways you can improve awareness of diversity in the workplace.

2. List 2 things that you could do to help form effective workplace relationships with co-workers and colleagues of diverse backgrounds and cultures?

3. Give an example of a work practice that you can use to ensure your working environment is safe for all, including staff and patients/clients.

4. How can you show respect for diversity when communicating with work colleagues?

5. What is the role of interpreters in the workplace?

6. If there is a cultural misunderstanding in your workplace. What impact may it have on workplace social and cultural diversity?

7. Take diversity into consideration and give an example of how you can sensitively resolve an argument between two colleagues in your workplace.

8. Give two examples of how culturally diverse difficulties can be resolved in the workplace.

9. What is the definition of diversity?

10. Complete the following sentences

When working with diverse people

a) A workers responsibility or right is :

b) An Employers responsibility or right is:

c) A Client/patients responsibility or right is :

What kind of action could be taken if they breached a responsibility or right?

a) An action taken against a worker could be:

b) An action taken against an employer could be:

c) An action taken against a client/patient could be:

11. List three issues affecting Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people.

(Include social, political and economic issues)

12. At work how can you participate in identifying and implementing culturally safe work practices?

13. What resources in relation to cultural diversity issues including the availability of assistance should be obtainable to individuals within their workplace?

14. List 2 cultural influences or practices from diverse communities that you are aware of.

15. How has exposure to cultural practices and experiences positively affected your personal behaviour, interpersonal relationships and social expectations?

16. When working with the general public you need to know where to find information on equal employment opportunity in relation to sex, race, disability, anti-discrimination and similar legislation

List where you can obtain this information.


Match the key areas of diversity with their definition:

• Culture, race, ethnicity

• Disability

• Religious or spiritual beliefs

• Gender

• Intersex

• Generational

• Sexual orientation/sexual identity

A strong belief in a supernatural power or powers that control human destiny

A form or stage in the life cycle of an organism

A population that is believed to be distinct in a way from others and social traits that are shared

The state of being male or female

The type of sexual, romantic, and/or physical attraction someone feels toward others

A physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities

The condition of being intermediate between male and female

CHCDIV001 – Written Questions

Question Answer Assessor Comments

What is the universal declaration of human rights?

What is the relationship between human needs and human rights?

What rights and responsibilities do you and your clients have if your human rights are being infringed?

What frame works, approaches and instruments are used in the workplace to support diversity?

What western systems and structures impact Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their engagement with services?

What are the potential needs of marginalised groups including

a) Protective factors

b) Physical, mental and emotional health issues/care needs

List 2 examples of the potential impact if subjected to the following:

a) Discrimination

b) Trauma

c) Exclusion

d) Negative attitudes

Written Questions Outcome

Assessment Decision

? Satisfactory

? Not Satisfactory

? Further Evidence Required

Feedback and Future Action

Assessor Feedback

Reassessment necessary?

Assessor Name Date

Assessor Signature Date Received

Date Due

Student Name

Student Signature Date

Student Feedback

CHCDIV001 – Self Reflection

Resources required for this assessment:

• Learning resources

• Access to a simulated environment or workplace

• Computer with ergonomic workstation and equipment

• Access to the internet

• Workplace resources

Activity 1 – Self Reflection

For this assessment you are required to complete a self-reflection on your own cultural identity during your work placement.


What are your own social and cultural perspectives and biases?

How do the social and cultural perspectives and biases you have identified above impact your work with people?

How can you improve your own self and social awareness?

What are the community attitudes, language, policies and structures of your own culture?

Give two examples of ways your own cultural practices or beliefs have had a positive or a negative effect on your ability work inclusively with others?

How can you ensure you work with awareness for your own limitations regarding self and social awareness?

Activity 2 – Case Study

For this assessment you are required to demonstrate how you recognise and respect the needs of people from diverse and cultural backgrounds in at least 3 different situations.

You must ensure you choose three different diverse clients/patients and one of them must be a client/patient who has a language barrier.

One patient must be an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander (ATIS).

You must then complete a case study about the threes interactions. Answer the questions in the table below to complete this case study.

Do not share names or personal details of your client/patient.

Case Study Client/patient 1 Client/patient 2

Client/patient 3

What was their diverse social and/or cultural background?

What did you find was the best method of communication with them?

What resources were available to you to assist them?

What misunderstanding could you foresee happening with them due to their diverse social and/or cultural background?

How did you show respect when communicating with them?

What strategy did you use to communicate with the client/patient who had a language barrier?

When experiencing difficulties with your client/patient who did you seek assistance from regarding your?

What legal and ethical considerations did you have to make when interacting with them?

CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

CHCDIV002 – Written questions

Question Answer Assessor Comments

18. What laws, codes or practice and regulations exist in Australia to promote and protect Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety

19. What are some of the key factors that make up a person’s cultural identity?

List at least five

20. What resources can be engaged to promote partnerships between staff and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities

(list 3)

21. List 10 factors that contribute to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ill health

For example, experience of racism leading to mental stress and poor mental health issues

22. What are some (list four) of the diseases that are more commonly experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People than non-indigenous Australians?

23. How can experienced trauma impact on individuals’ ability to:

a) Make decisions

b) Communicate

c) Interpret information

d) Retain information

24. How can you make sure that you actively involve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people in the planning and delivery of services and programs in your facility?

25. Describe Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety in the community services and health context

Discuss the relationship between this cultural safety and:

a) cultural awareness

b) cultural competence

Assessment summary

Student Name

Assessor Name


Unit Code CHCDIV001 & CHCDIV002

Unit Title Work with Diverse People

Please attach the following assessment items and associated checklists to this form Satisfactory

Assessment 1 Written Questions


Assessment 2 Self Reflection ?YES ?NO ?N/A

Assessment 3 Written questions ?YES ?NO ?N/A

The assessment requirements of this unit have been met ?COMPETENT

The assessment requirements of this unit have NOT been met ?NOT YET COMPETENT

Reassessment necessary ? YES ? NO

Feedback to Student

Student Declaration

I hereby acknowledge that I have been assessed in this unit and have been advised of my result. I have been made aware of my appeal rights.

Student Signature Date

Assessor Declaration

I hereby declare that I have provided appropriate feedback and undertaken an assessment process which complies with the principles of assessment and rules of evidence.

Assessor Signature Date

HLTAAP002 Confrim Physical Health Status

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Question Answer Assessor Comments

1. Describe your role (including responsibilities and limitations)

in relation to checking client health status

2. What are the roles of at least two other members of the care team in relation to checking client health status

3. Fill in the blanks with the correct term for measurement:

Fingers are ____________________ to the elbow

The head is ____________________ to the chest

The knee is ____________________to the pelvis

The back is ____________________ to the abdomen

The face is ____________________ to the spine

The toes are ___________________to the knee

4. Describe the cautions and contraindication for the following medications in terms of basic health procedures (such as the taking of observations)




GTN Patch

5. Describe the major types of cellular


6. Describe at least two oral health diseases of the mouth and teeth for both edentulous and dentate clients.

edentulous (no-natural teeth) dentate (having natural teeth)

Written Questions Outcome

Assessment Decision

? Satisfactory

? Not Satisfactory

? Further Evidence Required

Feedback and Future Action

Assessor Feedback

Reassessment necessary?

Assessor Name Date

Assessor Signature Date Received

Date Due

Student Name

Student Signature Date

Student Feedback

Assessment summary

Student Name

Assessor Name


Unit Code HLTAAP002

Unit Title Confirm Physical Health Status

Please attach the following assessment items and associated checklists to this form Satisfactory

Assessment 1 Written Questions


The assessment requirements of this unit have been met ?COMPETENT

The assessment requirements of this unit have NOT been met ?NOT YET COMPETENT

Reassessment necessary ? YES ? NO

Feedback to Student

Student Declaration

I hereby acknowledge that I have been assessed in this unit and have been advised of my result. I have been made aware of my appeal rights.

Student Signature Date

Assessor Declaration

I hereby declare that I have provided appropriate feedback and undertaken an assessment process which complies with the principles of assessment and rules of evidence.

Assessor Signature Date

HLTENN001 Practice nursing within the Australian health care system

Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

Instructions to Student:

In order to be competent in this unit and to successfully transition into the new Diploma of Nursing, you must answer all of the following questions correctly. This is an open book assessment and you may use learning resources, text books, research or the internet to answer questions.

Question Answer Assessor Comments

7. How can you maintain your knowledge of health issues, emerging theories and health policy and make sure that you are always up to date with new developments?

8. List at least 10 current health issues that are experienced by people in Australia:

List at least 10 factors that affect the health of people in Australia:

9. Australia is country made up of a vast range of cultures and people of diverse backgrounds.

a) Describe the unique health and wellbeing issues faced by people who have come to Australia from other countries?

b) Why are these issues experienced by people from other countries (in your response, consider factors relating to environment and community)?

10. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have experienced a lesser level of health care and have differing health-related issues to non-aboriginal people living in Australia. Describe this gap including factors that have contributed to it and what is being done to bridge the gap:

11. Where can Australians access funding for their health care?

Include in your response

• At least two government funding sources

• At least two non-government funding sources

• At least four types of private health insurance available to Australians

Provide a benefit and limitation for each of your examples.

12. How has the nursing profession evolved in Australia from historical perspectives on nursing to contemporary nursing perspectives today:

Include at least two examples of current nursing perspectives in your response.

13. How has the Australian Health Care System evolved from a historical context through to health care standards in Australia today?

14. What is “primary health care” and how do you contribute to primary health care as a nurse?

15. List the standards of care expected of community health nurses in Victoria

16. List at least five health care environments that you may work in as a nurse. For each of these environments, describe the interdisciplinary team that works there and their roles.


An Oncology Ward will have a team of oncologists, surgeons, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and counsellors assigned to help clients with their care.

17. In 250 words or less, critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the Australian Heath Care System in Victoria, and particularly your local area:

18. Health and illness have significant impacts on a person’s life. Give two examples each of the impact that good health and poor health can have on people’s every day lives:

19. What are the principles of wellness and illness?

20. Describe at least three non-western approaches to health care and their place in contemporary nursing practice in Australia.

21. Choose two health service models and describe their key features:

Written Questions Outcome

Assessment Decision

? Satisfactory

? Not Satisfactory

? Further Evidence Required

Feedback and Future Action

Assessor Feedback

Reassessment necessary?

Assessor Name Date

Assessor Signature Date Received

Date Due

Student Name

Student Signature Date

Student Feedback

HLTENN002 Apply communication skills in nursing practice

HLTENN002 – Written Questions

Instructions to Student:

In order to be competent in this unit and to successfully transition into the new Diploma of Nursing, you must answer all of the following questions correctly. This is an open book assessment and you may use learning resources, text books, research or the internet to answer questions.

1. For the characteristics listed in the table explain the importance of each one to establish effective partnerships in nursing? Characteristics Importance




Social conversation

Creating a therapeutic environment

2. What is the purpose for each of the follow resources that are included in the core standards for nurses who support people with a disability?

a) Communication and behaviour support for nurses practice package

b) Communication and behaviour support for nurses appraisal


3. For the communication processes listed in the table, give a rationale for each one.

Process Rationale

Conflict resolution

Group dynamics

4. When communicating with colleagues and patients/clients

a) What information technology can you use?

b) What policies might you need to adhere to?

5. What are the 8 principles of the Australian open Disclosure Framework?

6. You have a patient/client who suffers from sensory losses; give an example of how you would communicate with them.

7. What is the purpose of a social media policy?

HLTENN002 – Written Questions

Resources required for this assessment:

• Learning resources

• Access to a workplace

• Computer with ergonomic workstation and equipment

• Access to the internet

• Workplace resources, including industry software packages

• CTA Student Handbook (social media policy)

For this activity you are required to read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow.

Scenario: You have checked your calendar and have noticed your next appointment is with a patient/client who suffers from a hearing impairment.

1. Prior to the appointment, how can you identify if the communication with the patient/client is going to be complex?

2. What strategies can you use to address the complex communication situation?

3. What policies and procedures do you need to adhere to when communicating with the patient/client?

4. How can you demonstrate advocacy for the patient/client?

When the patient/client arrives for their appointment they have brought a family member with them and at the end of the appointment the family member asks you to put the conversation in writing to them via email.

Use the space below to document what your response would be to the family member.

Assessment summary

Student Name

Assessor Name


Unit Code HLTENN002

Unit Title Apply communication skills in nursing

Please attach the following assessment items and associated checklists to this form Satisfactory

Assessment 1 Written Questions


Assessment 2 Done on placement ?YES ?NO ?N/A

Assessment 3 Done on placement ?YES ?NO ?N/A

Summary Done on placement ?YES ?NO ?N/A

The assessment requirements of this unit have been met ?COMPETENT

The assessment requirements of this unit have NOT been met ?NOT YET COMPETENT

Reassessment necessary ? YES ? NO

Feedback to Student

Student Declaration

I hereby acknowledge that I have been assessed in this unit and have been advised of my result. I have been made aware of my appeal rights.

Student Signature Date

Assessor Declaration

I hereby declare that I have provided appropriate feedback and undertaken an assessment process which complies with the principles of assessment and rules of evidence.

Assessor Signature Date

HLTENN003 Perform clinical Assessment and contribute to planning nursing care

HLTENN003 – Written Questions

Instructions to Student:

In order to be competent in this assessment you must answer all of the following questions correctly. This is an open book assessment and you may use learning resources, research or the internet to answer questions. You may be observed numerous times over the duration of the unit. Answers to questions must be in your own handwriting.

Question Answer Assessor Comments

1. For each of the below explain how you would perform clinical measurements or assessments:

Client status Process for clinical assessment (equipment, measurement, process)

Blood glucose level

Blood pressure

BMI, height and weight

Conscious state

Pupil reaction

Neurological reflexes

Pulse and peripheral circulation

Sensory perception (inc. hearing and sight)

Skin (colour, integrity and turgor)




2. What are the principles of health assessment?

3. What problem solving strategies and techniques can you use to handle the following situations:

You are conducting a health assessment when your client starts to get angry and resist:

Your client is in an altered conscious state and can’t answer your questions:

Your client is living with a psychotic illness and their answers to your questions are inconsistent. They tell you that they can’t trust you because you are trying to poison them. All you need to know is what medication they are taking:

4. What is the purpose for each of the follow resources that are included in the core standards for nurses who support people with a disability?


a) Person Centred Health Care Assessments

b) Development of Health Care Plans Core Standard for Practitioners

c) Mealtime Management for Nurses Practice Package

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