Examining A Set Of Poorly Written Instructions
This discussion topic is designed to help prepare you for Writing Assignment #1, "Rewriting a Set of Instructions."
Please download the Word document in writing assignment #1 that features the poorly written set of instructions.
Then complete the following steps in responding to this discussion topic:
1. Peruse the McMurrey, Jerz, and Wikibooks resources on how to write instructions. They are provided in the list of items for Content for week 1.
2. Examine the set of poorly written instructions. List at least three problems with the instructions, using the these three resources as a guide.
The resources are attached as files. due date March 22, 2019 at 12:00pm eastern-time.
Changing the Discussion Settings in LEO
The following instructions show how you should set up your discussion settings in LEO.
1. You should click on discussions.
2. Then you want to click on settings.
3. The interface looks like this
4. The next step is to change some settings. Look at this next picture.
5. Did you see what we just changed? Good!
6. Want to know the next step? Here it is!
7. I hope you see that two settings have now been changed. Examine the pictures closely to see what has been changed. It’s important.
8. Clicking save will save these settings.
9. Now, click on any particular discussion, and you will see how the changes change the interface. For example, you could click on student introductions, as the screen capture below indicates:
10. Take a look. Cool, eh?!?
11. And more cool features are shown in the next picture.
I hope this helps.