Part I: Textbook Microsoft Excel 2016
Read Module 8 – Working with Advanced Functions – pp. EX463-EX522 in your textbook.
In the buff colored sections of the textbook lesson you are to do the hands-on exercises along with the book.
The files you need to follow along with the books are in the Student Data Files—Excel 2016 folder in the Assignments area of the Blackboard course site.
In the Course Documents area locate the Additional Instructions & Corrections for Week 8. They contain corrections and add information to the textbook module.
Complete the 4 parts of the Week 8 assignments as listed below. Use the link provided on the Assignments page to upload your two completed files.
· Assignment #1 -- Pages EX463-EX522. Read Module 8 and complete the steps in the buff colored sections. Do not submit that workbook.
· Optional Assignment #2 -- Pages EX523. Review Exercise – Optionally complete steps 1 – 14. Do not submit that workbook. A solution will be posted in the Assignments section of Blackboard.
· Assignment #3 -- Page EX524-EX525. Case Problem 1 – Complete steps 1 – 13 in the textbook then complete the steps 14-16 below in the same workbook. Before starting, be sure to read the “Notes for Assignment #3” below.
14. Select J1:L2 and give those cells a range name of your first initial and last name.
15. Save the file with your name and Rickys Popcorn (e.g. SmithJ Rickys Popcorn).
16. Submit that file using the provided link on the Assignments page by the deadline.
Notes for Assignment #3 - Module 8 Case 1:
· Step #5 – In E16:E26, you do not create a list from the values in B33:E41, just the Input Message. Whoever fills out the form then types a flavor from the list in B33:E41 manually.
· Step #13 – When you have entered all of the data, you should get the results shown below.
Part II: Certification Skills
· Assignment #4 – Complete the 15 steps below:
1. Open the AdvancedFunctions.xlsx workbook.
2. On the OrderOfOperations sheet, in B50, type Completed by followed by your name.
3. Test your understanding of order of operations by completing the OrderOfOperations sheet.
4. On the Dollar Store sheet, calculate in D7 the Total for an order with 2 items. Select D7:D9 and drag the Fill Handle down to D21 to copy the formula into the remaining four rows. If the order with 27 items is not $23.10, try again as you did not get the order of operations right in D7.
5. On the Food Pantry sheet, calculate the Value Per Person in F6. Copy down to F9. Calculate the Average of the Value Per Person in F11. The value should be $14.28.
6. On the Absolute sheet, calculate the Credit Due in D7 by reducing the Sale Amount by the Restocking Fee in cell G2. You must use G2 in your formula; typing 17% or 0.17 in the formula will not get any credit. Copy down to D25. The value in D25 should be $199.30.
7. On the TotalInterest sheet, calculate the total interest cost in B5 by multiplying the Rate in B4 by the Loan Amount in A5 by the Period (years) in B2. However, since you wish to copy that formula to the remainder of the table, each of the three cell addresses in that formula will need either absolute or mixed addresses. Adjust the formula with dollar signs as needed. Remember the F4 key can do that for you. Finally copy down and then across (or vice-versa) to complete the data table. The final value in J23 should be $125,000.00. If it isn’t, you need to fix the dollar signs in B5 and re-copy.
8. On the COUNTIF sheet, in M2:M5, use the COUNTIF( ) function to calculate the number of students in each of the four grades (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th). The grade for each student is in column I. Then sum the number of students in M6. The value in M6 should be 97.
NOTE: For this and the next five problems, do not use the entire column address inside the COUNTIF( ) function as in =COUNTIF(I:I,L2). Although it often works, it will cause problems if there is data further down the sheet.
9. On the COUNTIF sheet, use the COUNTIF( ) function to calculate the number of female and male students in M10:M11. The gender of each student is in column B. Then sum the number of students in M12. The value in M12 should be 97.
10. On the SUMIF sheet, in M2:M5, use the SUMIF( ) function to calculate the total club dues for the students in each of the four grades (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th). The grade for each student is in column I. The Club Dues are in column J. Then sum the Total Dues in M6. The value in M6 should be 4542.
11. On the SUMIF sheet, use the SUMIF( ) function to calculate the total club dues for the female and male students in M10:M11. The gender of each student is in column B. The Club Dues are in column J. Then sum the Total Dues in M12. The value in M12 should be 4542.
12. On the AVERAGEIF sheet, in M2:M5, calculate the Average GPA for the students in each of the four grades (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th). Format to 2 decimal places. You should get 2.96, 2.92, 2.98, and 2.97.
13. On the AVERAGEIF sheet, calculate the Average GPA for the students who do or don’t pay club dues in M10:M11. The Yes or No for whether they pay club dues is in column D. Format to 2 decimal places. You should get 2.97 and 2.94.
14. Save the file with your name and AdvancedFunctions (e.g. SmithJ AdvancedFunctions).
15. Submit this workbook using the provided link on the assignments page by the deadline.