Illustrated Excel 2016 | Modules 9-16: SAM Capstone Project 1a
C:\Users\akellerbee\Documents\SAM Development\Design\Pictures\g11731.png Illustrated Excel 2016 | Modules 9-16: SAM Project Capstone 1a
Breeze Smart Home Devices
Open the file IL_EX16_CS9-16a_FirstLastName_1.xlsm, available for download from the SAM website.
Save the file as IL_EX16_CS9-16a_FirstLastName_2.xlsm by changing the “1” to a “2”.
0. If you do not see the .xlsm file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
1. To complete this SAM Project, you will also need to download and save the following data files from the SAM website onto your computer:
1. Support_IL_EX16_CS9-16a_Orders.accdb
With the file IL_EX16_CS9-16a_FirstLastName_2.xlsm still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation sheet.
· If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.
If you see a Message Bar with a security warning at the top of the Excel window, click the Enable Content button in the Message Bar to enable the macros contained in the file.
This project requires you to use the Solver and the Analysis ToolPak add-ins. If these add-ins are not available on the Data tab in the Analysis group (or if the Analysis group is not available), click the File tab, and then click the Options button. In the left pane of the Excel Options dialog box, click the Add-Ins option. Click the Manage arrow, click the Excel Add-Ins option, and then click the Go button. In the Add-Ins dialog box, click the Analysis ToolPak and the Solver Add-In check boxes and then click the OK button. Follow any remaining prompts to install the Analysis ToolPak and Solver.
To complete this project you will need to display the Developer tab. To add this tab to the Excel Ribbon, click the File tab to open Backstage View and then click the Options button. In the Excel Options dialog box, click the Customize Ribbon option and click the Developer check box. Click the OK button to close the Excel Options dialog box and confirm that the Developer tab appears in the Excel Ribbon.
Will Deyes is the sales manager for Breeze Smart Home Devices, a growing company that sells smart devices such as lights, locks, plugs, and thermostats that can be controlled with a smartphone. Will has asked you to update a workbook to show recent sales data and identify trends. He has reviewed the workbook and inserted comments about its contents.
Switch to the Sales Overview worksheet and respond to a comment as follows:
a. Read Will’s comment in cell C5, and then change the value in cell C16 to $416,000 to respond to Will’s request.
b. At the end of Will’s comment in cell C5, press ENTER, and then add OK, it’s done. (including the period).
In response to a comment, modify the Total Sales by Region chart in the range D1:G12 as follows:
c. Read Will’s comment in cell C10, and then change the chart type to a Clustered Bar chart using the first chart option.
d. Add the data in the range B9:C9 to the chart.
e. Apply the Style 5 chart style to coordinate with other charts in the worksheet.
f. Change the colors of the chart to Monochromatic Palette 5 in the Monochromatic section of the Change Colors gallery. (Hint: Depending on your version of Office, the name of the color may appear as Color 9.)
g. Delete Will’s comment in cell C10.
Modify the axes to identify the data in the bar chart as follows:
h. Add 2019 Sales as the primary horizontal axis title.
i. Display the units on the primary horizontal axis in Thousands.
j. Add Inside End data labels to the bars.
k. Remove the legend from the chart.
To show trends in the quarterly sales data for each region, add sparklines to the worksheet as follows:
l. Add Column Sparklines to the range G15:G21 based on data in the range C15:F21.
m. Apply the Blue, Accent 5 sparkline color (9th column, 1st row of the Theme Colors palette) to coordinate with the colors in the other charts.
n. Display a High Point marker in the sparklines to quickly identify the highest sales quarter for each region.
o. Change the High Point marker color to Orange, Accent 2 (6th column, 1st row of the Theme Colors palette) so that the high points use the orange accent color in the worksheet.
Make the Total Quarterly Sales - 2019 chart in the range I1:O12 easier to interpret as follows:
p. Add Sales as the primary vertical axis title.
q. Increase the font size of the primary vertical axis title to 12 pt.
r. Add Quarters as the primary horizontal axis title.
s. Increase the font size of the primary horizontal axis title to 12 pt.
Will wants to make the Quarterly Sales by Region chart easier to interpret. Format the clustered column chart in the range H14:O27 as follows:
t. Change the chart type to a Stacked Column chart grouped by Quarter.
u. Change the fill color of the Mid-Atlantic data series to Blue in the Standard Colors palette (8th column) to make the data series less prominent.
v. Remove the legend.
w. Add a Data Table With Legend Keys to the chart.
x. Resize the stacked column chart so it covers the gray shading in the range H14:O34.
Switch to the Sales by Product worksheet. Modify the Quarterly Sales Trend clustered column chart in the range C1:F11 so it compares products across all quarters by switching the row and column data.
Modify the column sparklines in the range F15:F19 to make it easier to compare the product sales in each quarter as follows:
y. Change the sparkline type to Line.
z. Apply the Blue, Sparkline Style Dark #5 sparkline style.
aa. Display the High Point and the Low Point in the sparklines.
Modify the 2019 Sales by Product Type chart in the range G1:L19 to make the chart easier to analyze as follows:
ab. Change the chart type to a Combo chart.
ac. Use Clustered Column as the chart type for the Lights, Locks, Plugs, and Thermostats data series.
ad. Use Line as the chart type for the Average data series.
ae. Change the color of the line in the Average data series to Orange, Accent 2 (6th column, 1st row of the Themes Colors palette) to make the line more noticeable.
af. Remove all the gridlines from the chart.
ag. Change the Maximum Bounds of the vertical axis to 900,000.
ah. Add a Linear Trendline based on the Thermostats data series.
ai. Change the weight of the new trendline to 2¼ pt.
aj. Apply the White, Background 1, Darker 15% shape fill color (1st column, 3rd row of the Theme Colors palette) to the Plot area of the chart to separate the plot area from the rest of the chart.
ak. Remove the primary horizontal axis title from the chart.
Switch to the Sales by Rep worksheet. Will created a macro to insert a chart of sales by each sales representative. From the last time he ran the macro, the worksheet displays a chart in the incorrect format (a bar chart). The chart also includes sales data for Harsia and Lewison, but not Sattinger. Will has already updated the macro to produce a column chart instead of a bar chart. Troubleshoot and edit the data range in the macro as follows:
al. Assign the SalesChart macro to the button labeled Chart Sales by Rep.
am. Edit the SalesChart macro by changing the selected range in the following lines of code to include the Sattinger label in cell A8 and sales value in cell C8:
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range( _ "'Sales by Rep'!$A$5:$A$7,'Sales by Rep'!$C$5:$C$7")
an. Save the changes, then delete the bar chart.
ao. Click the Chart Sales by Rep button to run the updated SalesChart macro to verify the chart includes the information for all three sales reps.
ap. Resize and reposition the column chart so the upper-left corner is in cell E4 and the lower-right corner is in cell K18.
Will also created a macro named RepBonus, which determines which sales reps receive a bonus each quarter. Cell D8 incorrectly indicates Sattinger should not receive a bonus though her sales exceeded the quota. Troubleshoot the RepBonus macro as follows:
aq. Edit the RepBonus macro in the Visual Basic Editor. Correct the following code at the end of the module so that Sattinger will receive a bonus when her sales exceed $450,000: