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Second Edition

Growing Your Goals

Karine B. Blackett, Ed.D.


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Blackboard users also benefi t from McGraw-Hill’s industry-leading integration, providing single sign-on to access all Connect assignments and automatic feeding of assignment results to the Blackboard grade book.






Karine B. Blackett, Ed.D. American Public University System APUS

Kaplan University National American University

Virginia College Online Walden University



Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2016 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2011. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Blackett, Karine. Career achievement : growing your goals / Karine B. Blackett. — Second edition. pages cm ISBN 978-0-07-783188-2 (alk. paper) — ISBN 0-07-783188-8 (alk. paper) 1. Job hunting. 2. Vocational guidance. I. Title. HF5382.7.B583 2016 650.14—dc23 2014046593

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dedication This book is dedicated to the light of my life, my son, Kevin. And to my students—it is an honor and privilege to work with you as you grow your goals.


AUTHORabout the DR. KARINE B. BLACKETT is a certifi ed life coach whose profes- sional credentials span more than 20 years of student success and career management experience. Dr. Blackett studied at the University of Malta and worked in Kenya, Africa, through her undergraduate degree with the Univer- sity of Minnesota. She holds an English Language Teaching Certifi cate from New School University in New York and taught English as a second lan- guage in Southern Japan. Dr. Blackett received her master’s degree in Stu- dent Affairs in Higher Education from Colorado State University. She received her doctorate in Higher Education Administration from the University of South Dakota.

Dr. Blackett has taught for several institutions, including doctoral online courses for Walden University and Aspen University, master’s online courses for Kaplan University, and undergraduate online courses for Virginia College Online, National American University, and the American Public University System. In addition to teaching, Dr. Blackett is a course instructional designer and consultant for several institutions. In the past, she has served as the career services manager for National American University. She is a published author and contributor in the college success and career management fi elds and is an accomplished public speaker.

Dr. Blackett is a Master Facilitator with The Pacifi c Institute, an advisor to Jim Madrid and Advanced Sports Technology (http://jimmadrid.com/ast), and consults with many colleges and universities worldwide. Dr. Blackett was also a consultant with Coach Pete Carroll’s “A Better LA” anti-gang program (http://www.abetterla.org).


After several years of teaching career development and management courses, I realized that something was missing from the course materials I was using. The basic elements could be found in nearly all of the textbooks available, but many of the critical topics that I taught were absent. In my classes and coach- ing practice, I stress the importance of using success tools. Over the years, many former students and clients have told me how those principles and tools literally transformed their lives and set their careers on the paths they truly desired.

I determined that in order to ensure that career-seekers everywhere could apply and reap the benefi ts of those career tools, I needed to compile them into an easy-to-use text, packed with leading success strategies from scholarly resources and industry professionals, proven career planning and search pro- cesses, thought-provoking questions, relevant examples, and action-oriented activities. Career Achievement is the complete, current, and invaluable result of that need.

Career growth is a lifelong development process, not just a onetime search. Your career continually changes as your life path and your professional goals change. That said, the concepts and lessons covered in this book underscore the fact that having a job, and ultimately a career, is critical to your current well-being. By opening this book and preparing to apply its concepts and sup- port tools to your career planning process, you have taken the fi rst step toward fi nding a career that fulfi lls both your personal and fi nancial needs.

Career Achievement will help you discover a wealth of information not only about yourself and your career goals, but also how to grow those goals through- out the job-search process using straightforward, easy-to-follow steps. The con- versational style allows for easy reading and makes you feel as though you have a personal career coach by your side, offering support as you work toward and achieve each of your career goals and providing encouragement, tips, and sug- gestions to guide you through any obstacles. This winning combination is miss- ing from other career planning textbooks; with it, you become unstoppable!

This book is about you. It is about you living your best life and achieving a fulfi lling career. It is about defi ning your own meaning of “success” and really believing that it is possible. A single mother who returns to school to change her life and work in a purposeful career, allowing her to provide for her family, is a success. A retiree who decides to pursue an entirely new career, so that he or she can remain fulfi lled through a chosen vocation is a success. A young adult who goes against what most of his or her friends are doing and attends college while working to earn a degree in a fi eld he is passionate about is a success. When you utilize success tools and principles on your journey, success is not only possible, it is probable. Most of us never received these tools and principles growing up. If you did, the ideas in this book will provide reinforcement and show you how to put what you know into action. If you did not, fear not, as this book was designed with you in mind!

Karine B. Blackett



Welcome to Career Achievement: Growing Your Goals! This text was spe- cifi cally designed with your success as our top priority. We understand the immense preparation, energy, time, and dedication that the career planning process requires. This book was developed to simplify the process. It provides necessary information and support to help career-seekers reach their objectives and succeed beyond what they might have thought possible.

Each chapter covers vital topics—supported by dynamic activities and rel- evant examples—that will help you identify, grow, and ultimately achieve your career goals. In addition to concept discussion, embedded questions, real-world examples, and application-oriented activities, each chapter in Career Achieve- ment presents the opportunity for you to create your own portfolio materials. Whether you are searching for your fi rst job, planning a career change, or have unexpectedly found yourself searching for employment, Career Achievement provides the valuable information you need to land the perfect job and advance on your desired career path.

This comprehensive text couples the most tried-and-true steps to achieving career goals with new principles and tools that are absent in other career development books. In the ever-changing job market, these new tools will help you stay in front of hiring managers and strides ahead of other applicants in the hiring pool. With the continually growing need to stay at the forefront of technology during the career planning process, it also provides the opportunity not only to apply traditional career planning and search techniques, but also to incorporate the Internet and online resources into the process. Career Achievement is a powerful combination of both proven and new career assess- ment, marketing, communication, and management tools.


Preface ix

Exploring, Growing, and Achieving The features included in Career Achievement: Growing Your Goals are specifi - cally designed to ignite and cultivate your students’ interests and career objec- tives, while allowing you to teach the course easily, effectively and comprehensively.

Part Openers Each part provides an introduction to the chapters covered and walks readers through the logical progression of topics.

Embarking on a career search can be intimidating, and you might fi nd yourself feeling overwhelmed. What

do I want to do with my life? What skills do I possess? How will changes in the job market affect my search?

How do I even begin to look for the career that I truly want? These are all questions you might have. Part 1

answers these questions and helps you lay the groundwork for a successful career search.

Chapter 1 guides you through a series of self-assessment exercises that will help you defi ne your career

mission and goals. Once you have a clear understanding of your career objectives, Chapter 2 helps you

determine your values, skills, and personality. Knowing this information will enable you to identify possible

career paths that match not only your educational background, but also your goals, strengths, and interests.

Chapter 3 shows you how to monitor current labor market trends in relation to career paths that interest you,

then explains how to target your career search using various sources of information.

chapter 1 Jump-Start Your Career Focus on Success Determined, but Skeptical The Difference between a Job and a Career Managing Your Career The Importance of Effective Goal Setting Your Career Mission Statement My Portfolio 1.1 Draft Your Career Mission Statement Focus on Success Determined, but Skeptical—Alisha’s

Optimism Grows

chapter 2 Skills and Interests—Your Career Assets Focus on Success The Right Fit Your Values, Interests, and Personality Soft Skills and Adaptive Skills Hard Skills and Transferable Skills

My Portfolio 2.1 Career Assets Inventory My Portfolio 2.2 Quantify Your Skills Identify Your Skills Gap Match Your Degree to Goals and Possibilities Focus on Success The Right Fit—Christine’s Work

Pays Off

chapter 3 Where Are the Jobs? Maximize Your Career Options Focus on Success Jamal’s Daydream Rethinking Unemployment Labor Market Trends and Globalization Using Sources to Find Employment Opportunities My Portfolio 3.1 Company Research My Portfolio 3.2 Log of Contacts Focus on Success Jamal’s Daydream—From Napkin

to Reality

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Chapter Openers Chapter-opening quotes inspire students, while the target competencies and learning outcomes plant the seeds for what is to come. Each learning out- come is linked directly to a main heading in the chapter, emphasizing important topics throughout, and providing a chapter-by-chapter outline for self-study.

Life is hard when you don’t do what you truly value because you are putting your energy into trying to get rid of your fears, rather than materializing your dreams.

—Maria Nemeth, Ph.D., author of The Energy of Money

target competency > Take an inventory of your values, personality, and skills. Add skills and interests to your career portfolio.

learning outcomes After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

LO 2-1 Describe and provide examples of your values, interests, and personality as they relate to obtaining employment.

LO 2-2 Defi ne the terms soft skills and adaptive skills and explain their importance in job seeking and career achievement.

LO 2-3 Understand and provide examples of hard skills and transferable skills.

LO 2-4 Identify your skills gap.

LO 2-5 Match your degree to your goals and career possibilities.


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Focus on Success These are scenarios that focus on real-world career planning and development issues. A dilemma is presented at the beginning of each chapter, allowing students to consider and discuss how they might handle the situation. At the end of the chapter, the problem is resolved, and students can react to the characters’ actions and choices. This feature will spark discussion among students with ques- tions and references to concepts presented in the chapter.

Alisha waited after class to speak with her career development instructor. She needed clarifi cation on how to do the homework Dr. Harris had assigned. She waited patiently, but she wondered how long it would take for the student before her to fi nish talking to Dr. Harris. Alisha’s daughter was at after-school care, and Alisha knew she couldn’t be late picking her up.

Alisha had worked hard to graduate from high school, and had spent the last fi ve years working as a home care aide for the elderly. She enjoyed her work, and the pay she earned as an aide covered her daughter’s needs, but recently she had become increasingly aware that her opportunities for advancement were limited. After determining it was time to make a change, she researched her options online, and decided she wanted to be a dental assistant. Coupled with working, Alisha knew that taking college classes would limit her time with her daughter, but she hoped that earning an associate’s degree would allow her to earn more money and provide a better life for her family. Making more money was a goal she had kept in the back of her mind for several years.

The career development course was required for the dental assisting program, but Alisha didn’t really think it was necessary. She already knew she wanted to do dental assisting, and she had been hired for good jobs in the past without the help of a class. Now Dr. Harris’ homework assign- ment required each person in the class to write down at least fi ve specifi c career goals. With just one goal of making more money, Alisha didn’t know how she was going to come up with four more.

As the other student gathered his books and left the classroom, Dr. Harris turned to Alisha.

“Alisha, right?” she asked. Alisha nodded. “Yes, and I think I need some help,” she said.

“Of course!” said Dr. Harris. “That’s what I’m here for. What can I do for you?” “Well, I really don’t know how I’m going to do the homework assignment,” Alisha replied. “You asked

us to write down fi ve specifi c career goals, and I only have one. My goal is to make more money, and I don’t really see the point in writing that down.”

“I can understand why writing your goals down might not seem to hold much value right now, but I promise it will make sense by our next class,” said Dr. Harris. “If you don’t mind my asking,” she contin- ued, “exactly how much more money would you like to make?”

focus on success Determined . . . but Skeptical

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x Preface

Seeing the Opportunities

3.1careercoach Part of fi nding available jobs involves being open to opportunities. We can understand the trends, but it is also as important to learn how to see what you were unable to see previously. In Chapter 1 you learned how your mind works in terms of goal setting. If you believe there are no jobs in your fi eld, you will not be able to fi nd them (Rutherford, 1998; Tice & Quick, 2004).

Your brain is well-equipped to blind you from seeing everything, from your misplaced car keys to job opportunities. You will learn more about this in future chapters, but essentially your mind is created to keep you sane. So if you think there are no jobs in your area, your mind will block information to the contrary. It is more important to your brain to be sane than right. You may have found yourself in the past seeing some people as “lucky.” We can create our own luck. Being lucky and staying fortunate over the long haul involve knowing and applying the tools and principles found in this book.

Another principle to keep in mind is: money loves speed (Killoran, 2009; Proctor, 1997; Vitale, 2008). This universal principle means that when oppor- tunity presents itself, you need to react with enough speed and wisdom to capitalize on it.

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Career Coaching Career Coach boxes provide enhanced con- cepts, reinforcement, tools, principles, and skills for success. This feature, located throughout each chap- ter, lends a mentoring and guiding aspect and allows each student to feel as though he or she has a personal career coach by his or her side.

My Portfolio Included in each chapter, these action- oriented activities assist students in creating their own personal marketing materials throughout the course, resulting in a complete, ready-to- use portfolio.

my portfolio 1.1 Draft Your Career

Mission Statement You are the expert on you! With this in mind, you will construct a career mission statement that works for you and your life’s purpose. Now that you have learned about the career mis- sion statement, and viewed several websites to learn more about developing one, you are ready to draft your own. Remember that you can modify your career mission statement over time. At this point, draft your best guess. Write something on paper as a starting point about what you want to do with your life. This may be similar to an objective on a resume. Do not be afraid to revise it several times until you have determined your best career mission state- ment. When you are satisfi ed, either rewrite your career mission statement on a clean sheet of paper and keep it in a binder specifi cally for your portfolio documents, or type it into an electronic word processing document and save it to your computer or a portable storage device, such as a USB drive.

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