Facebook Underlying Cause Of Privacy Issue Case Study
Question Description
i have a group project paper, its need to read a case which is about 'Facebook—Can Ethics Scale in the Digital Age?' and explain problems facebook facing and issue and give solution, i already uploaded.
down below is the part that i have to do, to write about underlying causes of problems, plz read the case and finish it, the problem parts is doing by other group members, all i need is 1-1.5 page underlying causes.
Identification of underlying causes (1-1.5page)
Correct use of frameworks and other course material
Identification of underlying causes of the problem (going beyond symptoms of the problem)
Clear and logical discussion of the evidence taken from the case
Use of all the information available in the case (no blind spot)
Recognition of missing information/ realistic hypotheses made
Underlying Causes:
Pressure to make money (shareholders)
Movement towards Ad Placement Revenue
Complex terms of agreement (people don’t fully understand what they are agreeing to/ not a straight forward clause)
Poor Communications with Cambridge to ensure that data was deleted and not used wrongly.
Lack of regulations and laws: takes a while for laws to catch up
here is some problem we were talk about that may help for writing:
Problem: privacy policies/standards, Facebook losing control of its business model, not being transparent, prioritizing profit over privacy, making broad assumptions of people’s privacy
Harm to Users and Society
Harm to Customers (Advertisers)
Harm to Facebook Shareholders