While completing the experiment Electromagnetic Induction, make sure to keep the following guiding questions in mind:
· Is the magnitude of the magnetic field the primary determinant in the Emf induced in the coil? If not, then what is the primary determinate of the magnitude of the induced Emf?
· How is relative motion between the field and coil induced? What controls do you have for changing the relative motion? What is the relationship between the units of RPM and radians per second?
· How can ratios be used in an experiment when data is only available in the form of relative magnitudes?
To complete the experiment you will need to:
1. Be prepared with a laboratory notebook to record your observations.
2. Click the image to open the simulation experiment.
3. Perform the experiment as described.
4. Transfer your data and results from your laboratory notebook into the lab report template provided at the end of this experiment description.
5. Submit your version of the laboratory experiment report.
In your laboratory notebook, you will collect data, make observations, and ponder the questions posed within the lab instructions. Thus, the notebook should contain all the data collected and analysis performed, which will be invaluable to you as you write the results section of your laboratory report. Furthermore, the notebook should contain your observations and thoughts, which will allow you to address the questions posed, both for the discussion section in the laboratory report and in helping you to participate in the online discussion included in the module.
M4A1 Experiment: Electromagnetic Induction
PART I - Faraday’s Law and Relative Motion
Start the simulation “Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab ” by clicking on the image below:
· Select the tab labeled “Pickup Coil.”
· Move the bar magnet to various static (“nonmoving”) positions.
Note that any static position from which the magnet seems to induce a potential in the coil seems to cause the bulb to shine brightly. Try various static positions, including near and far positions. Use the simulation controls to flip the field. Note your observations in your laboratory notebook. Pick other controls available in the simulation to vary the field. What do your observations imply about the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field in inducing an electromotive force in the pickup coil? Do your observations indicate any other factors that might induce an EMF in the pickup coil, and thus, cause the bulb to shine?
Note any factors that will induce an EMF in your notebook. Investigate the general relationship between the magnitude of the bulb brightness and the particular factor you are considering. Your investigation should indicate whether bigger, faster, further, or more causes the bulb to burn brighter than the converse.
Part II - Parameters effecting Generator Performance