BSBMGT617 Develop and Implement a Business Plan
Assessment Task 2
Last Updated January 2016 Page 1 of 8
Assessment Task 2-(Project)Develop a
business plan
Submission details
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any variations to this
arrangement must be approved in writing by your trainer.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.
You must submit both soft copies and printed copies of your answers.
Soft copies-
Upload on the eLearning to the specific submission folder with a cover page clearly indicating
your name, student id, assessment no and the unit name or put those information in the header
and footer of your documents.
Printed copies-
Submit to your Trainer with the "Assessment Cover Sheet" (Filled out and signed appropriately)
attached on top of your documents.
Performance objective
To demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to develop and communicate a business
Assessment description
Use the information provided in the case study ‘Fast Track Couriers’ (see Appendix 1) to develop
a business plan to support the company’s strategic and operational goals. Develop a plan for
communicating the business plan to relevant parties.
1. Review the information in the case study.
2. Analyse and interpret the current business environment, goals and objectives embedded
in the case study.
BSBMGT617 Develop and Implement a Business Plan
Assessment Task 2
Last Updated January 2016 Page 2 of 8
3. Consult with your trainer (assume the trainer is a key stakeholder) and discuss and agree
upon performance objectives and measures.
4. Document a business plan to assist the organisation to achieve its goals.
5. Document a plan for communicating the business plan to all relevant parties.
6. Present the business plan to your trainer (assume the trainer is a
key stakeholder).
Deliverable specifications
● Submit a completed business plan. (approx. 3-4 pages)
● Consult with key stakeholder (trainer) and document the outcomes of the consultation.
● Submit a communication plan.
Quality specifications
● The business plan must include the following:
○ Table of contents
○ Executive summary
○ Introduction
○ Description of the business (background)
○ Business products and services
○ Marketing activity – the market
○ Business operations:
– productivity and performance targets for key result areas (in consultation with
key stakeholders)
– include financial and non-financial performance measures
– detail resource requirements, including human resources, capital equipment
and other resources required to achieve business goals
○ Management and organisational structure
○ Proposal
○ Financial background
– trading to date
– forecasts
○ Risks (risk analysis)
BSBMGT617 Develop and Implement a Business Plan
Assessment Task 2