Assignment Cover Sheet
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Internet Marketing
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Mapping Consumer Digital Journey
This analysis will report on Sarpino’s Singapore website.
The owner Gerry Koutougos opened the first store of Sarpino’s pizzeria in 2001 and it was based in Victoria, British Columbia. The name has its origin from Italy when Gerry was on a vacation in 1999 and he went to a restaurant where the owner’s name was Sarpina. Soon after the first year of the pizzeria’s opening, it had almost 20 stores operating across America. By 2013 it had 47 stores across 6 states in America and it expanded to 65 stores in different locations by the end of 2014 (Revolvy 2019). Providing the customers with the fresh authentic Italian and Mediterranean dishes through many franchises and also it was an opportunity for Gerry to take this chain worldwide and give the customers fresh and original Italian food by the means of restaurants that deliver as well as can we taken away. Singapore’s first Sarpino’s opened in 2001 (Sarpinos 2019). Now Sarpino’s Singapore is the 3rd largest group of pizza restaurants operating in Singapore and the mission is to provide the best to its customers and no to become the biggest. The headquarters of Sarpino’s recently moved to Singapore with a vision of expanding this chain and entering the market of Asia (Sarpinos 2019).
Sarpinos’s has developed to be a modern brand in the pizza market and also, they have developed new portal for online ordering and also new telephone operating systems have been installed in order to make it a better experience for the customers. Their new Paytronix program that is associated with the new loyalty program has been launched. A new app for better delivery service for the customers has been launched and the app has features of tracking the rider and managing the time for delivery in a better way (QSR media 2017). At least 70% of the consumers in Singapore order food online once a month and the number are expected to rise in the coming future (Lim 2019). The market is always moving and always ready to grab the opportunities and specially in the food market where the competition is intense. With the changing taste and preferences of the customers it is hard to predict specially in the pizza market about a certain future and Sarpino’s are determined in doing what is best for the customers by using the best quality products and ingredients just to provide the best of the delivery service (QSR media 2017).
Target market
A target market has many variations and keeping these in mind Sarpino’s has targeted a range of customers involving the college students and young adults as it saves time for them and it is much more convenient for them to just order and get the food they want also, their knowledge about the technology is much more than the others. Other targeted customers are the working professionals. These professional’s majority being men are mostly busy and they hardly have time to think for dinner after work. It is pretty much convenient for them to just order (Branding 2017).
Purchase Process:
a. Problem/Recognition
The customer must understand before the consumption of the service that the customer must have motivation to trust that what they need, where they need to be or how they see themselves or a circumstance is unique in relation to where they really are (Shane 2014). Soon after this the customer moves on the next step that is awareness. Now I am responsible on my part to see what my options are. As I categorize myself under college students target market (Branding 2017) I will automatically be engaged in ordering from Sarpino’s. Sarpino’s provides a variety of Italian dishes and also options for Mediterranean dishes. Sarpino’s also makes their dough fresh and uses excellent quality Italian ingredients (Sarpinos 2019). Seeing all these factors I will be well aware about the image of the brand.
b. Information
Information can be a touch point for the awareness and engagement. It is the process
of finding and analyzing the website and all the products displayed in the website.
Also, the pop-up advertisements help in creating the awareness about the brand in the
mind of the customer. These ads are a kind of internet promoting where the point is to
advance a thing alongside expanding web traffic. At the point when a client interface
with those pop-up commercials, it builds the alertness of notices and decisions that
were unspecified. This prompts the touchpoint of engagement of the purchasers as
the buyer is self-governing interfacing with the site in inspecting the available
information. With relation to my order I would have personally chosen among the
different categories of pizza dishes available with the choice of customizing your own
pizza and the selection would be customizing my own pizza from the
customizing section at the website.