Inclusion Teacher Interview
Interview one or more certified K-12 special education teachers working in an inclusion setting. Your interview should address the following:
What is your role and what are your responsibilities in the inclusion setting?
How did your school decide to use the inclusion model? What are its benefits and drawbacks?
How does an inclusion setting differ from resource and self-contained models?
Do students in an inclusion classroom receive specially designed curriculum?
Are students in your inclusion classroom clustered? If so, how?
How do you collaborate with general education teachers?
How do you measure student progress?
How do you reteach or approach concepts taught in the general education classroom?
How do you use student IEPs to guide your instruction?
In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect upon your interview and explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
Practicum/Field Experience Observation and Activity Log Directions The practicum/field experience is an opportunity for teacher candidates to observe and participate in diverse educational settings, and to apply the theories and concepts learned in program course work. Please be mindful of the following guidelines when completing the practicum/field experience and the observation and activity log.
• Ensure that the teacher being observed is the teacher of record. Teacher Candidates should NOT observe para-educators for practicum purposes.
• Complete a separate Practicum Observation and Activity Log for each classroom being observed. (I.e. A teacher candidate must complete 10 hours of practicum for his/her course. He/she completes 5 hours in one classroom and 5 hours in another classroom. The teacher candidate should complete two separate logs, one for each experience.)
• Fill out the Practicum Observation and Activity Log in entirety including: o Teacher Candidate name and signature o GCU Course Name and Number o Name and address of the practicum/field experience site, o Name, email, phone, and signature of the observed teacher o Feedback/evaluation from observed teacher o Dates and times observation took place o Activities/what was observed
• Print clearly or type. The signatures required at the bottom of the form may NOT be typed. • Use a separate piece of paper if additional room is needed. Include any additional pages in the Taskstream submission. • The Practicum Observation and Activity Log must be submitted into Taskstream as a separate attachment from the course’s Benchmark
Assessment Assignment. • Incomplete hours may result in up to a twenty percent deduction for a related assignment.
o 0-99% completed = 20% module deduction o Students must complete all required practicum hours within the course timeframe. All required practicum hours not completed within
the course timeframe are subject to the assignment deduction AND must be made up prior to the end of the following course. Failure to complete all practicum hours required within the program of study may result in ineligibility into the Clinical Practice portion of the program.
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Practicum/Field Experience Observation and Activity Log
Teacher Candidate’s Name___________________________________________ Teacher Candidates’ GCU ID _____________________________________
Course Name/Number _______________________________________________ School Site Name _______________________________________________
Classroom Site Teacher’s Name _______________________________________ Classroom Site Teacher’s Phone/Email _____________________________
Log of Hours Spent:
Date Time Spent (Hours: Minutes)
Activity (What did you do?)
Classroom Teacher Evaluation: Thank you for allowing our learner to observe and/or participate in your classroom. At the end of the practicum/field experience, please evaluate the learner by taking into consideration that he/she is a prospective teacher. Write a brief narrative, in the space provided below, assessing the performance of the learner in the activities in which he/she was involved.
The data entered into the Observation and Activity log may be audited for accuracy by a College of Education Representative. Falsifying information is a form of Academic Dishonesty and is in direct violation of GCU’s Code of Conduct Policy. Teacher Candidate Signature Date Classroom Teacher Signature Date
Please submit this completed form to your TaskStream account in conjunction with the required assignment.