ASSIGNMENT #7: ADDENDA TO ASSIGNMENT #6-- 35 points-- THE 4th P = PROMOTION SCENARIO: In addition to determining all your chosen BRAND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES, ETC for Assignment #6, take a look at HOW your brand is communicating with their TARGET CUSTOMERS as well as WHAT they are saying and WHERE they are saying it. What is their INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION strategy and does it work? HOW? The fourth and final P is promotion. This is the communications strategy of the brand. Here you'll look at the MESSAGE your BRAND is using as well as the MEDIA TOOLS they are using to spread it to the world. Basically, their plan should cover every communication mode that would appeal to their target market(s) and should help drive them to not only be aware of, but also to act on their offering. Each of these media tools must follow somewhat the same rules and spread the same clear, consistent and compelling message. They may have separate AD/PR agencies or separate Marketing/PR/Sales departments. That can make their IMC communication very difficult, unless they are sure and all in agreement about what they are saying and how they are saying it. EXAMPLES: Paid advertising, Television commercials or Promotional Videos, and Social Media via Digital seem to be the most prevalent these days. Tools could also easily include other things like Customer Newsletters, Company Blogs, their Brand Website, Sponsorships/Experiential marketing/Events, Instagram Stories or other relevant social media. See chart above for examples. As a brand, where are they putting their budget dollars and staff time? TO DO: 1) SHARE 5 or more BRAND EXAMPLES: See what you can find and screenshot it or copy and paste or link URLs (websites/videos) to give us at least 5 examples if not a few more representing their IMC. Make sure they are varied in terms of Advertising, PR, Social Media/Digital, Sales Promotion, etc. and try to find examples from this year 2018 to judge consistency of message and design identity. 2) In your analysis and research, are they following an Integrated Marketing Communications plan that is CLEAR, CONSISTENT and COMPELLING? Does it speak to their Target Customers? Explain your reasoning in a typewritten analysis and show your examples. GRADING: Research of Brand IMC: 8 points Choice of Examples Shown: 10 points Analysis and Reasoning: 10 points Professionalism/Works Cited: 7points TOTAL: 35 points DUE: WEEK 8 11/27 and 29--AFTER THANKSGIVING ...