This is a 1500-2000 word (3-5 pages) film analysis. Follow the posted rubric for specifics on how it will be graded. Make sure you are meeting all requirements of the rubric. I have attached the rubric and the prompt in detail.
The film that was chosen that you have to watch and analyze is Bonnie and Clyde (1967) I will also attach the prompt for the outline that you can send to me so I can send it to my professor for feedback. For the Categories of elements there are techniques/terms under those. If needed definition for it please do ask me so I can see if it is in my textbook. TWO categories of elements (narrative structure, cinematography, mise-en-scène, editing, sound)
Below is how the outline should be set up
I. SUMMARY of film (without spoiling the ending). One paragraph synopsis of film - not more than ½ to ¾ of a page.
A. State a theme of the film and
B. the TWO categories of elements (narrative structure, cinematography, mise-en-scène, editing, sound) you will
analyze to explain how well they do/do not support the theme.
C. Thesis statement – how elements of form are used (successfully or not) to create meaning, and support theme.
III. ANALYSIS of the movie’s form. (THINK: What works well? What doesn't? How is it used to create meaning?)
A. First category of elements
Technique one / scene where it's used / meaning created
Technique two / scene where it's used / meaning created
NOTE: Think about relation to theme
B. Second category of elements
Technique one / scene where it's used / meaning created
Technique two / scene where it's used / meaning created
NOTE: Think about relation to theme
IV. CONCLUSION restate your thesis and ...
A. RECOMMENDATION for or against watching the film (because of its good use of form or despite the bad form).