In this paragraph, identify your company and the reasons why you selected it for this project.
Foundations of Global Business
This section will include the information you researched to complete Part 1, which was due in Week 2.
Global Business Environment
This section will include the information you researched to complete the questions on the cultural environment, the legal and political environment of your company, and corruption and ethics in global business. You completed this in Part 2, which was due in Week 4.
Global Business Strategy and Organization
This section will include the information you researched to complete the questions concerning your business’s entry and exit strategies in global business, the controls set up for its global business, and the type of organizational structure. You completed these in Part 2, which was due in Week 4.
Managing Global Business
This section will include the information you researched to complete the second section of Part 3, which was due in Week 6.
Wrap up the major points about your company.