follow exact paper format below BUS 300
Title of Paper Here
(type your introduction here) [~1/2 page] - statistics (recent: 2018, 2019, or 2020) (1 sentence, use in-text citations) - background information (~3 sentences, use in-text citations) - definition(s) (1 sentence, use in-text citations)
Background on Financial Literacy [~2 pages]
- summarize your topic with peer-reviewed articles from the last 5 years (2015-2020) and/or .gov sources from the last 5 years (2015-2020)
- include definitions, if appropriate - Note: use in-text citations
Current Research
(summary of current research here) [~½ - 1 page] - include a summary of the main points from the first and second peer-reviewed articles below Title of the First Peer-Reviewed Article [~2 pages] [type the exact title of your peer-reviewed article above]
- summarize the empirical peer-reviewed article (look for “n” in the abstract) - after you have completed your summary, you should be able to identify the who, what, when,
where, why, and how in your summary Title of the Second Peer-Reviewed Article [~2 pages] [type the exact title of your peer-reviewed article above]
- summarize the empirical peer-reviewed article (look for “n” in the abstract) - after you have completed your summary, you should be able to identify the who, what, when,
where, why, and how in your summary
Conclusion [~1/2 page] - overall summary of your paper - Note: there should be no new information here, so there is no need to use in-text citations