Required Reading: Harvard Course pack
1. Authentic Followership: Being a More Effective Leader, by Rob Goffee, Gareth Jones
2. Followership: It's Personal, Too, by Robert Goffee, Gareth Jones
3. Why Great Followers Make the Best Leaders, by Chris Musselwhite
4. In Praise of Followers, by Robert E. Kelley
From your reading, discuss the following questions: What is followership?
Are followership skills required to be a good leader? Why, why not? What are the key skills of good followership? How would you assess your own followership skills? Where are you strong and which areas need development of your followership skills? What was your key learning from this paper?
Avoid using quotes from the articles. Explain the concepts in your own words and use proper citations and references. Use personal voice e.g. I agree, I feel, I believe, etc. and real-life examples from your experience.
Suggested format requirements: Write 3-4 pages. Use Times New Roman, 12 font size, double space. Use references and in-text citations in APA format.
Grading Rubric:
Format: 10% of your grade. Paper should be well written and organized, uses clear English and logical development of argument. Proper APA style for citations and references was used.
18 points: Explained followership concepts using insightful examples on how you can use it. Evaluated your own level and identified areas for development. Showed deep level of critical thinking and used your personal voice.
16 points: Explained followership concepts using examples; however, critical thinking and development of argument need development.
14 points: Paper was written according to the requirements but could be improved by using more examples or outside research. Writing needs development in critical thinking and writing.
12 points: Paper did not follow most of the requirements. Did not demonstrate understanding of the question and key concepts from the suggested material.
Under 12 points
Unsatisfactory effort