written about the novel. You will need a total of two critiques (also known as critical analysis essays) for this assignment.
First, use the selection of links below to locate a critical analysis essay written about the 1818 version of Mary Shelley's novel. You may focus most of your attention on this first critique.
Choose from among these sources:
Romantic Circle's Critiques:
Professor Naomi Hetherington’s critique: https://s3.amazonaws.com/StraighterLine/ENG102/Topic+4%3A+Evaluation/Hetherington%2C+_Creator+and+Created+in+Frankenstein_.pdf
In addition to the critiques, you will also need to include the novel, Frankenstein, as a source.
Your evaluation may go more smoothly if you approach the guiding questions in this order:
Evaluate the critic/author:
Who wrote the criticism you read? What credentials does the author have? (If you are using a valid source, you should be able to find these easily)
Find the thesis of the article:
What is the thesis of the critical article you’ve chosen? What point does the author want to make about Frankenstein?
Evaluate the thesis:
Do you agree with this thesis? Why or why not? We’ve covered many ideas in the study guides. Can you find points within the guides that support your agreement or disagreement with the critical writer(s)? Look for new supporting information rather than revisiting the same ones the critics have chosen.