Lesson PlanTeaching Group Year 9 Autumn Term Inverse linear functions Lesson 1ResourcesVTB worksheets, excel resources Aspects of National Curriculum Frame Work to be covered.Finding the inverse of a linear function. Pg 161-163Lesson context/focus:Focus is on understanding the meaning of an inverse function and how to work them out.Key words : linear, inverse, functionMisconceptionsPupil’s must remember that when doing the inverse of a function they must do the inverse of all the functions in that and not just part of it.Learning Objectives:To be able to find the inverse of a linear function.
Structure of lessonStarter : Explain that a function is an order of events and that in an equation putting a value in and performing the function will result in an answer. For example 3multiplyby2add511 By doing this function of multiplying and then adding a result is produced. Whenever we solve equations we are in fact doing this process although we may not write it in this manner.To practice algebraic manipulation try the Linear equations (XP). (15mins)Main : Hand out worksheet Ma36B004 Qu 1-12. This allows the students to practice writing out what the functions are which is important for understanding inverse functions. (10 mins)In the starter example we can write this function mathematically instead of in words.x is the value we put in and it maps onto another value once we have performed the function.3(32) + 5 11If our value was not 3 but any value we would write itas x 3 x + 5 x 3x + 5 So in this case x maps to 3x + 5 On worksheet Ma35D001 Qu 1 ask the children to work out the outputs. (10mins)Qu2 on this worksheet is about inverse functions and if we use our example from the starter which was x 3x +5 we need to create a function that takes us back to the originale.g 3x + 5 x In this case we need to minus 5 and then divide by 3.