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Gartner hype cycle for emerging technologies 2019 pdf

29/11/2021 Client: muhammad11 Deadline: 2 Day

Emerging Technologies Research:


Write a 5-6 page APA paper (not including cover or references page) on three similar or complementary emerging technologies from Gartner(links for reference). Choose technology that is currently being explored (or may be explored) in your organization.

Locate at least 5 and no more than 6 scholarly references pertaining to those three technologies; where it started, where it is currently, and where it is headed. Also discuss Also discuss how this technology is being explored or how it will add value to your current organization or future IT career in an organization you hope to work for some day.

Length: 5-6 pages; 7-8 pages including cover and references page.

Review the following "Top Trends in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies"

5 Trends Emerge in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2017
5 Trends Emerge in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2018
5 Trends Emerge in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2019

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SafeAssign Originality Report 100 ITM 510 Research in Information Tech • Emerging Technologies Research

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Emerging Technologies

Ravi Teja Kandru

100 ITM 510 Research in Information Tech

Concordia University St. Paul

Instructor: Dr. Heather Wegwerth


Introduction Recent and technological innovations have become the subject for most scholarly research carried out and therefore a key strategy in many of the debates. This ever-increasing amount of comments covering the subject at hand and reports which constantly talk about current as well as disruptive technologies may show correlation between increased knowledge of the topic. Nevertheless, the work on only the subject can never be linked to disruptive technologies since there is no specific perspective about why these innovations should initially be deemed evolving (Alkemade, 2012). There have been alternate meanings originating through various study components, yet many converge as well as concentrate on various features if innovation is involved. Although some of the explanations explain the effects on the economy of disruptive innovations, some explain the confusion correlated with any of these best practices. That standpoint of existing as well as emerging technology resides throughout the viewpoint of a author. Whereas some observers see disruptive technologies as an enhancement of current technologies, some regard these as influences onto the innovation of the community (Alkemade, 2012). Cloud computing Cloud computing is the important central aspect that any business organiza- tion should be considered implementing (2019). Cloud computing provides a shared pool that any business organization can quickly get aces to vari- ous computing resources such as network services, storage capacities, and servers. Any business organization should be considered implementing cloud-based services since these cloud services provide a conducive business environment for agile development and application. Cloud computing and its cloud-based services have numerous advantages that any business organization that opts to implement and use the strategy will benefit from. For example, a business organization that chooses to use cloud-based ere vices will enhance and increase its business eligibility, which means that infrastructural cost and services costs that a business organization might spend when deploying other alternatives are significantly reduced. Amiability in a business organization reduces the amount of time spent. It increases revenue and other benefits that a business organization might

2/29/2020 Originality Report

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y g p g g benefit from upon the implementation of cloud computing services. There are various benefits associated with cloud computing, for example, a business organization that might opt to implement cloud services will benefit from Economies of scale which means that cloud services will signifi- cantly increase the overall organizational productivity and business output within a short period and at fewer resources’ usage (2019). Cloud com- puting services enhances and improve information and data access hence it is flexible since a business organization will be able to store their critical information and data in online beside directories anyone in the organization can get access to the data from various organizational servers and databases from anywhere and hence cloud computing significantly increases flexibility within a given organization that might opt to implement and use the stray. Cloud computing and cloud-based services are significant since they reduce the overall organizational capital expenditure (Cape) sped on various software and hardware's used within a given organization since the Operational Expenditures (Pox) spent on cloud services hosting are cheap and efficient hence we can regard that cloud computing a more significant deal an organization can implement (2019). Finally, it is advisable that any organization that might opt to apply and use cloud-based services to first ensure that they comply with all legal, regulatory policies and also ensure that they perform a tendered based cloud computing services since standards computing services provides that various cloud services providers can be able to interoperate on an opened standard network or interface easily. Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence is one of the innovative trends in the market place today. Machines can continually learn from the experience in addition to adjusting from new inputs and act like human beings in performing manual tasks. Artificial intelligence has helped human beings not only in the innovative sector but also in their healthy lifestyle like chess-playing machines (Karam, 2012). There are also electric driven automobiles that use the information coded in them to move from one place to another. However, the trends have changed over the years, with innovations being done every year. There are common trends in the field of artificial intelligence as focused on this paper (Karam, 2012). Robot Hand’s Dexterity

Artificial intelligence was used to develop an artificial Dactyl that is being used to solve the puzzle of the Rubik Cube.



Even the robot was developed in a simulated environment for an extended period, the knowledge was transferred to it, and also, after it was relocated, the induced experience continued to work (Karam, 2012). To improve the efficiency of the robot, the domain randomization procedure was used to ensure that its capabilities were enhanced. The success of the project was not the developing phase, but the ability of the robot to oper- ate in the areas that it had not been trained in. AI-Generated Synthetic Text

In the field of online texting, there have been random developments made to ensure that the communication path is digitalized. Last year, Gen- erative Pre-Training was released to release a synthetic message automatically. This model operates based on the fact that when as few words of a text are written, it automatically generates the remaining text without any command from the operator (Hanako, 2015). This was the second version of the project, and after its success, it was launched and used in over eight million website pages, which often create and generate the desired con- tent. Gamification of memories

This is a project that was initiated by Google LLC to incorporate future events into the present. The developers use Temporal Value Transport to send assignments and lessons from the future to understand the significant drawbacks of the decisions that are being made in the present (Hanako, 2015). It is a way of aligning the current concerning the future. Even though this idea was incorporated in a standard game, little did we know that it would soon be included in the field of artificial intelligence? Explainable Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is continually making long strides towards the overstretching methodologies that are currently in the market. To make the inno- vation more relevant, various organizations have allowed other firms to write down the principles of success of their machines through different we services (Hanako, 2015). It is after this move that the breakthrough to the hidden knowledge about the operational factors of the black box was achieved. Even though the conclusions are not well-illustrated, it is clear that the innovation of artificial intelligence is at its core and that the future depends on it.


This is a project that has been developed by Samsung in the long run. It is a way to create a video from one picture that is used as the input. Howev- er, it used ML models so that the images can appear to be real human expressions. Effects of emerging technologies Technological advances are re- ally the leading causes of the visible impact on particular variables and on particular cultural-economic systems whereby they combine innovations exercise a considerable control on particular realms or more generally on the social economic-economic system by modifying the configuration of participants, organizations, communication trends between them and all the related mechanisms of information development. Caused by a lack of information as well as the complexity of identifying the innovation at its very initial phases, scientometric approaches can't fully recognize significant contextual influence. Search terms, for instance, might still be used among participant individuals with different definitions as well as in various con- texts (Fisher, J., and Pry, R, 1971). Conclusions Recent and technological innovations have become the subject for most scholarly research carried out and therefore a key strategy in many of the debates. This ever-increasing amount of comments covering the subject at hand and reports which con- stantly talk about current as well as disruptive technologies may show correlation between increased knowledge of the topic. Artificial intelli- gence is one of the innovative trends in the market place today. Machines can continually learn from the experience in addition to adjusting from new inputs and act like human beings in performing manual tasks. Artificial intelligence has helped human beings not only in the innovative sector but also in their healthy lifestyle like chess-playing machines. Cloud computing is the important central aspect that any business organization should be considered implementing. Cloud computing provides a shared pool that any business organization can quickly get aces to various computing re- sources such as network services, storage capacities, and servers. Any business organization should be considered implementing cloud-based ser- vices since these cloud services provide a conducive business environment for agile development and application. References Alkemade, F., and Su- urs, R. A. (2012). Patterns of expectations for emerging, sustainable technologies. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 79(3):448–456. (2019).

Retrieved 24 October 2019, from https://www.omg.org/cloud/deliverables/CSCC-Practical-Guide-to-Cloud-Computing.pdf Karam, P. A. (2012). Artificial intelligence. New York: Chelsea House. Hanako, A. (2015). A modern approach to artificial intelligence. Jersey City, NJ: Clanrye International.





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2/29/2020 Originality Report

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Student paper 96%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 92%

Fisher, J., and Pry, R. (1971). A simple substitution model of technological change. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 3(1):75–88.


Student paper

Artificial intelligence Artificial intelli- gence is one of the innovative trends in the market place today. Machines can continually learn from the expe- rience in addition to adjusting from new inputs and act like human be- ings in performing manual tasks. Ar- tificial intelligence has helped hu- man beings not only in the innova- tive sector but also in their healthy lifestyle like chess-playing machines (Karam, 2012). There are also electric driven automobiles that use the in- formation coded in them to move from one place to another.

Original source

Abstract in artificial intelligent Artifi- cial intelligence is one of the innova- tive trends in the market place today Machines can continually learn from the experience in addition to adjust- ing from new inputs and act like hu- man beings in performing manual tasks Artificial intelligence has helped human beings not only in the innovative sector but also in their healthy lifestyle like chess-playing machines (Karam, 2012) There are also electric driven automobiles that use the information coded in them to move from one place to another


Student paper

However, the trends have changed over the years, with innovations be- ing done every year. There are com- mon trends in the field of artificial intelligence as focused on this paper (Karam, 2012).

Original source

However, the trends have changed over the years, with innovations be- ing done every year There are com- mon trends in the field of artificial intelligence as focused on this paper (Karam, 2012)


Student paper

Artificial intelligence was used to de- velop an artificial Dactyl that is being used to solve the puzzle of the Rubik Cube. Even the robot was developed in a simulated environment for an extended period, the knowledge was transferred to it, and also, after it was relocated, the induced experi- ence continued to work (Karam, 2012). To improve the efficiency of the robot, the domain randomiza- tion procedure was used to ensure that its capabilities were enhanced. The success of the project was not the developing phase, but the ability of the robot to operate in the areas that it had not been trained in.

Original source

Artificial intelligence was used to de- velop an artificial Dactyl that is being used to solve the puzzle of the Rubik Cube Even the robot was developed in a simulated environment for an extended period, the knowledge was transferred to it, and, after it was re- located, the induced experience con- tinued to work (Karam, 2012) To im- prove the efficiency of the robot, the domain randomization procedure was used to ensure that its capabili- ties were enhanced The success of the project was not the developing phase, but the ability of the robot to operate in the areas that it had not been trained in


Student paper

In the field of online texting, there have been random developments made to ensure that the communi- cation path is digitalized. Last year, Generative Pre-Training was re- leased to release a synthetic mes- sage automatically. This model oper- ates based on the fact that when as few words of a text are written, it au- tomatically generates the remaining text without any command from the operator (Hanako, 2015). This was the second version of the project, and after its success, it was launched and used in over eight million web- site pages, which often create and generate the desired content.

Original source

In the field of online texting, there have been random developments made to ensure that the communi- cation path is digitalized Last year, Generative Pre-Training was re- leased to release a synthetic mes- sage automatically This model oper- ates based on the fact that when as few words of a text are written, it au- tomatically generates the remaining text without any command from the operator (Hanako, 2015) This was the second version of the project, and after its success, it was launched and used in over eight million web- site pages, which often create and generate the desired content


Student paper

This is a project that was initiated by Google LLC to incorporate future events into the present. The devel- opers use Temporal Value Transport to send assignments and lessons from the future to understand the significant drawbacks of the deci- sions that are being made in the present (Hanako, 2015). It is a way of aligning the current concerning the future. Even though this idea was in- corporated in a standard game, little did we know that it would soon be included in the field of artificial intelligence?

Original source

This is a project that was initiated by Google LLC to incorporate future events into the present The develop- ers use Temporal Value Transport to send assignments and lessons from the future to understand the signifi- cant drawbacks of the decisions that are being made in the present (Hanako, 2015) It is a way of aligning the current concerning the future Even though this idea was incorpo- rated in a standard game, little did we know that it would soon be in- cluded in the field of artificial intelligence


Student paper

Artificial intelligence is one of the in- novative trends in the market place today. Machines can continually learn from the experience in addi- tion to adjusting from new inputs and act like human beings in per- forming manual tasks. Artificial intel- ligence has helped human beings not only in the innovative sector but also in their healthy lifestyle like chess-playing machines.

Original source

Abstract in artificial intelligent Artifi- cial intelligence is one of the innova- tive trends in the market place today Machines can continually learn from the experience in addition to adjust- ing from new inputs and act like hu- man beings in performing manual tasks Artificial intelligence has helped human beings not only in the innovative sector but also in their healthy lifestyle like chess-playing machines (Karam, 2012)

2/29/2020 Originality Report

https://csp.blackboard.com/webapps/mdb-sa-BB58b699acdcc23/originalityReport/ultra?attemptId=7e50cc7a-9e77-416c-97b5-756aeb916af6&course_id=_15095_1&… 4/4

Student paper 95%

Student paper 100%


Student paper

Retrieved 24 October 2019, from https://www.omg.org/cloud/deliver- ables/CSCC-Practical-Guide-to- Cloud-Computing.pdf Karam, P.

Original source

Retrieved 24 October 2019, from https://www.omg.org/cloud/deliver- ables/CSCC-Practical-Guide-to- Cloud-Computing.pdf


Student paper

A modern approach to artificial intel- ligence. Jersey City, NJ:

Original source

A modern approach to artificial intel- ligence Jersey City, NJ

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