Gen Y Rocks the Business World Caritas Christi sexual harassment HRIS technology
Business Finance
Question Description
Read “Application Case 2-1: Gen Y Rocks the Business World” and answer the following questions.
What will organizations have to do to adapt to the influx of needed Generation Y individuals?
Is Generation Y really that different from previous generations that entered the workforce in large numbers? Explain.
Will Generation Y individuals have to make adjustments in their style, preferences, and interests to be successful in their careers? Explain.
Read “Application Case 3-1: Sexual Harassment Cases are Becoming More Complex” and answer the following questions.
Should the president of Caritas Christi Health Care be fired? Why?
Why is the handling of sexual harassment cases considered complicated?
Explain why consistency in handling sexual harassment claims is important.
Discuss how the use of technology (such as an HRIS) has helped to facilitate the evolution of HR from an administrative function to one that is more strategic. Provide examples from a managerial perspective. Select an era and discuss what HR did during that time and how it would be different today with the use of technology.