HW03 Adding/Removing Material
MEE 104L
1. Create the basic, unconstrained geometry
2. Apply geometric constraints to lock the shape
3. Be sure to constrain one point on the sketch to the Origin Point
4. Apply dimensions to lock the size. All dimensions are mm.
5. Sketch is complete when SolidWorks shows the sketch as Fully Defined
6. Extrude or revolve the sketch to create the 3D part shown
7. Repeat 1-6 for all major shapes of the 3D part
8. Create holes, fillets, etc. to acheive the final shape of the part
9. For dimensions shown as A, B, or fractions thereof (e.g. 0.25B or 0.2A) find A and B based on your “StudentNumber” on the attached chart.
10. Check your work against the attached grading rubric in Isidore
11. When you have completed and checked the parts, save the files, then upload both .sldprt files to Isidore. Please name the files like: HW03n-Lastname.sldprt (n= A or B).
Part Geometry:
Problem 03A
Part Geometry:
Problem 03B
Student Numbers & Assigned Dimensions For many assignments, there will be a few versions of dimensions. Each of you will have a Student No., which you will have throughout the semester. Here is your Student No. based on your last name, and the Assigned Dimensions for HW02:
Student Name Student No Student Family Name Student No
Adams 1 Ingram 1
Alansari 2 Kamal 2
Aldubaisi 3 Kane 3
Alkhalfan 4 Kane 4
Alkharusi 5 Kress 5
Alotaibi 6 Larkin 6
Alrasheed 7 Lucchesi 7
Alshammari 8 Maciejewski 8
Alshoeabi 1 Madouh 1
Asher 2 Marburger 2
Bahniuk 3 McCormick 3
Biondic 4 Mier 4
Dimarzio 5 Miller 5
Dong 6 Moretti 6
Feldhausen 7 Quick 7
Flowers 8 Robertson 8
Freeh 1 Rollhauser 1
Guerrero 2 Santarpia 2
Harper 3 Smith 3
Harrington 4 Weigel 4
Hart 5 Wicks 5
Hogan 6 Ye 6
Horst 7 Zaura 7
Hughbanks 8 Zimmerman 8
Student No.
A B 1 70 40
2 76 40
3 80 40
4 70 44
5 76 44
6 80 44
7 70 50
8 76 50
Student Numbers Assigned Dimensions