Review the "Linda" case vignette (attached).
Linda agrees to work with you for several months, and you will be using Gestalt procedures with her.
At some point you might work with Linda’s feelings of anger and hurt toward her boyfriend. What Gestalt techniques can you think of to help her explore these feelings? What techniques could you use to work with her feelings of guilt over not having lived up to her parents’ high expectations? What other Gestalt approaches might you use (with what expected outcomes) to explore with Linda her other feelings associated with being pregnant?
As you proceed with Linda, what importance will you place on her nonverbal communication? Can you think of examples of how Linda’s body messages might contradict her words?
Please include in your discussion some of the following “gestalt” terminology: “why” questions, awareness, catastrophic expectations, etc. This should be in MS Word, 12 point New Times Roman, and at least 1 academic, peer-reviewed resource. Please use APA citation format.
Thank you!