Aimee Brown
- The hisTory of Logos And definiTions
reference PhoTos When first first researching giraffes for this project, I came across a few photos of a mother giraffe and her baby sharing a ‘kiss’.
It seemed that these photographs were very popular to the public so I thought they would be very effective for the campaign.
2. 3.
Each one of these designs have given me ideas for dif- ferent styles of the logo.
These images were created using the Procreate app on an iPad. I made these to help visualise the best colour com- binations and to make sure I was able to create a digital image from my sketches. When creating the final vector im- age in Illustrator, I was able to refer back to these in order to help me pick the style and arrangement.
VecTor imAges
Once I had chosen the style of logo I wanted to make, I opened up Adobe Illustrator to create the final vector image. Since I couldnt find a way to invert the text over the image in Ilustrator, it had to be all done carefully by hand. Making two layers of the text, one being black and one white, and erasing where each one should stop.
I made three vector images to start with since I couldnt choose which would be best. By making all three, I could see which would be more suitable for the style and most effective.
finAL Logo Versions
1.Two Giraffes [photograph]. Avaliable from: Two Giraffes [photograph]. Avaliable from: https://www.ex- Zoo [Accessed 30 December 2017] [Accessed 29 December 2017]
2.Two Giraffes [photograph]. Avaliable from: mous-Misha-the-giraffe-behind-touching-Kiss-photo-dies-Perth-Zoo [Accessed 30 December 2017]
3. Giraffe Kiss [photograph]. Avaliable from: BxcSXveL._SL1200_.jpg [Accessed 30 December 2017]