Forces – Momentum Vehicle Data Vehicle 1, Mass Vehicle 1, Speed Before Vehicle 1, Speed After Vehicle 1, Direction of Motion Before Vehicle 1, Momentum Before Vehicle 1, Direction of Motion After Vehicle 1, Momentum Vehicle 2, Mass Vehicle 2, Speed Before Vehicle 2, Speed After Vehicle 2, Direction of Motion Before Collision 1 Collision 2 Vehicle 2, Momentum Before Vehicle 2, Direction of Motion After Vehicle, Momentum 1.In a 50 km/h head-on crash test, the steering column of passenger car 1 moved 3 cm upward and 2 cm rearward. The steering column of passenger car 2 moved 6 cm up and 24 cm toward the rear of the car. Which of the two cars would protect people better in a crash? Explain your answer. ar 1 is safer in a crash. If the column moves a shorter distance (less) the driver’s chest will be C aimed by the column. The seat belt restrains the driver from moving towards the column. 2.Why does a properly adjusted head restraint help prevent head and neck injuries to occupants in rear-end collisions? Explain your answer in terms of the law of conservation of momentum. In terms of conservatin of momentum, if we are at rest inside a moving car, after we collide we will have experienced a change in momentum which causes a velocity in the opposite direction of motion. Due to the fact we were at initially at rest and colliding , the sudden change in velocity or momentum causes us to move backwards and if we are lacking the proper head restratint to prevent backward movement of the head, you very well could be injured. 3.A skater wearing in – line skates (no friction) is standing in the middle of the aisle inside a bus and is not holding on to anything. Which way would the skater move in reaction to the bus as it pulls away from the bus stop? Explain you answer. The skater would move in the oppostie direction of the movement of the bus. This is due to the inertia of the rest of the skater body. The actual body will try to be at rest and the full force is not transmitted between the bus and the skates, the skates will move backsward as the bus moves forward, friction is very week, the skater reacheds the back of the bus as the bus moves. 4.You drive a bumper car into another bumper car whose driver has a much larger body mass that you do. Who experiences more of a jolt, you or the other driver? Explain your answer. I would experience more of a jolt because the change in velocity is larger for me. When the cars collide, the momentum that is lost by me and my car is equa to the mometum gained by the other driver and his car. ...