Step 1: Complete this Virtual Lab by interacting with the online Simulation. Answer the Virtual Lab Questions in complete sentences to demonstrate your learning. Step 2: Submit your answers in Date NAME TITLE (OF YOUR EXPERIMENT) 1. QUESTION State the general purpose of your experiment. A. Example “Can you determine the acidity of common substances?” i. Usually 1 or 2 sentences after your question stating: 1. What you will attempt to accomplish 2. Any general knowledge you have on the issue 2. HYPOTHESIS A. This is your educated guess on the outcome of your experiment i. ii. iii. Example “I think orange juice will have a pH of 7.” It does not have to be accurate, just what you think will be the outcome of the experiment 1-2 sentences depending on what you are evaluating 1. This does not mean ONLY 1-2 sentences. You must hypothesize the outcome of your experiment** 3. PROCEDURE A. How you are going to proceed. i. ii. iii. iv. This MUST be repeatable. The hallmark of any lab is that your results are repeatable. Imagine you are telling someone how to do the lab over the phone. You can show them so you must tell them in detail It is acceptable to have a list, and short sentences or instructions NEEDS to be specific 4. RESULTS A. Charts/ / Tables i. ii. iii. NOT a paragraph. Results are strictly the numbers/outcomes of the experimental procedures. 1. Keep standard units 2. Example: do not record in miles, then feet, then inches. DO NOT explain the results in this section, it is strictly for reporting results. 1. Explanations are done in the analysis/conclusion section 5. ANYLISIS /CONLUSION A. Present your findings from the experiment i. Here you will explain your results i. How accurate was your initial hypothesis? i. Example “I may have misreported certain pH values because multiple solutions were tested at the same time.” i. Example “in future experiments solutions should be tested one at a time to improve accuracy and avoid mistakes.” B. Evaluate the results of the experiment against your hypothesis C. Discuss discrepancies with your results/ possible problems with the lab D. Infer improvements that could yield better results IMPORTANT POINT TO KEEP IN MIND -SPELLING AND GRAMMAR COUNT TOWARDS YOUR GRADE. -PROCEDURES AND RESULTS SECTIONS ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT DO NOT REQUIRE FULL SENTENCES. -ANY REPORT THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN THESE SECTIONS WILL BE REJECTED OR RECEIVE A FAILING GRADE AT MY DISCRETION. 2 YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ...a word document. Step 3: **Prepare Lab Report according to outline in attached document( Look at lab outline, it is not that intensive)