Knowledge Management
BBA212 – Knowledge Management Midterm Assignment
You must prepare an in-depth report on a case study to be uploaded to Turnitin on the 15th of November.
Read carefully the following case study available on Moodle:
· Global Knowledge Management at Danone
Answer the following questions within the report:
1. How does the organization define “Knowledge Management”? To what extent is this a ‘sufficient’ definition of the term?
2. Describe and analyse the knowledge management system and processes that the organisation implemented – what challenges emerged and what benefits did the organization obtain? This should include analysis of how the organisation transformed ‘data’ to ‘knowledge’
3. Based on your research, what additional measures could the organization take to improve the use / acceptance of the KM system and processes in the organization?
· Expected total word length = 1,500 -2,000 words
· Deadline for submission to Turnitin: Midnight, Friday 15th November
· This task is worth 40% of the overall grade for this subject.
Learning Outcomes Tested:
Learning Outcome (from Outline)
Question #
LO1. Analyze the key theoretical concepts of knowledge management and the reasons why businesses invest in knowledge-management systems
Questions 1, 2,3
LO2. Identify the most appropriate knowledge management systems for an organization, a strategic business unit or a department
Question 2
LO4. Evaluate the importance of data analysis in the transformation process of data to knowledge
Question 1
Marginal Fail
Knowledge & understanding of theory, concepts and models
Student demonstrates excellent understanding of key concepts and
uses vocabulary in an entirely appropriate manner
Student demonstrates good understanding of the task and
mentions some relevant concepts and
demonstrates use of the relevant vocabulary
Student understands the task and
provides minimum theory and/or
some use of vocabulary
Student understands the task and
attempts to answer the question but
does not mention key concepts or
uses minimum amount of relevant vocabulary.
Student does not understand the task, or does not attempt the question, but
fails to mention key concepts
fails to use any relevant vocabulary
Critical Analysis & supporting example(s)
Student provides excellent analysis and
provides good examples from the case study
Student provides thoughtful / appropriate analysis and
provides relevant supporting example(s)
Student describes some (dis)advantages and
makes comparisons but
provides some analysis and
provides some supporting evidence
Student provides minimal analysis and/or
provides minimal supporting evidence but
does not provide supporting examples
Student does not analyse a situation and/or
does not identify possible implications of a selected course of action and/or
Does not provide supporting example(s)
Student communicates their ideas very clearly in a structured manner
Student communicates their ideas clearly and
there is some structure
Student communicates their ideas with some clarity but
there is a lack of structure
Student makes an attempt to communicate ideas but
with little or no structure
Student fails to communicate their ideas clearly and/or
provides few / minimum number of words