Write a 2,000 word essay, single space, on the Federal Government response to the Public Health Crisis 2020 of COVID-19.
Review at least 20 different national news reports and newspaper articles from the last 60 days from sources like FOX News, CNN News, Presidential News Conferences. The essay should be your thoughts, based on information that is available through news media.
What do you think about the applicability of the key concepts discussed in class:
GOVERNMENT [ complex systems, institutions, military, congress, senate, other]
GOVERNANCE [ building of structures, processes for doing, supply chains of products medical supplies, medical protective clothing , mask for medical professionals in hospitals and other health personnel, also mask for the 330 MILLION US citizens, manufacturing of ventilators, setting public policy, social distancing, requirements of wearing mask, restrictions on human travel and stay at home laws.
GOVERN[ action, leadership to prevent deaths in the USA. Students analyze one or all points above, you decide, to write on and breakdown the issues buried in each above point. What do you think about individual citizen social responsibility, what does this mean?