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Communicating in Small Groups

Steven A. Beebe Texas State University

John T. Masterson Texas Lutheran University

Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River

Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montréal Toronto

Delhi Mexico City São Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo

Principles and Practices

Editor in Chief: Ashley Dodge Senior Acquisitions Editor: Melissa Mashburn Editorial Assistant: Courtney Turcotte Marketing Coordinator: Jessica Warren Managing Editor: Denise Forlow Program Manager: Reena Dalal Senior Operations Supervisor: Mary Fischer Operations Specialist: Mary Ann Gloriande Art Director: Jayne Conte Cover Designer: Bruce Kenselaar Cover Image: Shutterstock Director of Digital Media: Brian Hyland Digital Media Project Management: Learning Mate Solutions, Ltd./Lynn Cohen Digital Media Project Manager: Tina Gagliostro Full-Service Project Management and Composition: Integra Printer/Binder: Courier Kendallville Text Font: 9.25/12.5 Utopia Std

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication is on file with the Library of Congress

Copyright © 2015, 2012, 2009 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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ISBN-10: 0-205-98083-X ISBN-13: 978-0-205-98083-3

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Dedicated to Sue and Nancy

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CHAPTER 1 Introducing Group Principles and Practices 1

CHAPTER 2 Understanding Small Group Communication Theory 36

CHAPTER 3 Facilitating Group Development 55

PART I Foundations of Group Communication

CHAPTER 4 Preparing to Collaborate 76

CHAPTER 5 Relating to Others in Groups 102

CHAPTER 6 Improving Group Climate 129

CHAPTER 7 Enhancing Communication Skills in Groups 148

CHAPTER 8 Managing Conflict 178

PART II Managing Group Relationships

CHAPTER 9 Leading Groups 218

CHAPTER 10 Making Decisions and Solving Problems 240

CHAPTER 11 Using Problem-Solving Techniques 269

CHAPTER 12 Enhancing Creativity in Groups and Teams 301

APPENDIX A Principles and Practices for Effective Meetings 326

APPENDIX B Principles and Practices for Communicating to an Audience 337

PART III Managing Group Tasks

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CHAPTER 1 Introducing Group Principles and Practices 1 What Is Small Group Communication? 3

Communication 3 A Small Group of People 5 Meeting with a Common Purpose 5 Feeling a Sense of Belonging 5 Exerting Influence 5

What Is Team Communication? 6 Characteristics of an Effective Team 8 Characteristics of Effective Team Members 10

PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: Strategies for Becoming a Competent Team Member 12

Communicating Collaboratively: Advantages and Disadvantages 13 Advantages 13 Disadvantages 14 When Not to Collaborate 16 Me Versus We 17

Communicating in Different Types of Groups 19 Primary Groups 19 Secondary Groups 20

Communicating in Virtual Groups and Teams 21 Channels of Virtual Collaboration 22 Differences Between Virtual and Non-Virtual Collaboration 23 Virtual Group and Team Theory 25

How Can You Become a Competent Small Group Communicator? 26 VIRTUAL GROUPS 27

The Essence of Communication Competence 28 The Nine Core Small Group Communication Competencies 28

CASE STUDY: The Battle Over Working as a Virtual Group 29 COLLABORATING ETHICALLY: What Would You Do? 31

STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply, and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 32

CHAPTER 2 Understanding Small Group Communication Theory 36 The Nature of Theory and the Theory-Building Process 37 Theory: A Practical Approach to Group Communication 38

Explanatory Function 39

Preface xvii Acknowledgments xxii

PART I Foundations of Group Communication


Predictive Function 39 COLLABORATING ETHICALLY: What Would You Do? 39

The Purpose of Communication in Small Groups: Making Sense 40 Complexity 41 Small Groups: More Complexity 41

Theoretical Perspectives for the Study of Group Communication 42 Systems Theory 42 Social Exchange Theory 43 Symbolic Convergence Theory 44

CASE STUDY: How Do You Keep a Group on Task? 46 Structuration Theory 46 Functional Theory 47

PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: Structuration and the Exercise of Free Will 48

A Model of Small Group Communication 49 VIRTUAL GROUPS 50

STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply, and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 52

CHAPTER 3 Facilitating Group Development 55 Why People Join Groups 56 Interpersonal Needs 56

Maslow’s Theory 56 Schutz’s Theory 57

Individual and Group Goals 59 Establishing Mutuality of Concern 60

COLLABORATING ETHICALLY: What Would You Do? 62 Interpersonal Attraction 62

Similarity 63 Complementarity 63 Proximity, Contact, and Interaction 63 Physical Attractiveness 63

PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: Mutuality of Concern 64 Group Attraction 64

Group Activities 64 Group Goals 65

VIRTUAL GROUPS 65 Group Membership 66

Culture and Group Development 66 Individualism and Collectivism 67 High-Context and Low-Context Cultures 67 High-Contact and Low-Contact Cultures 68 Homogeneity and Diversity 69

Group Formation over Time 70 CASE STUDY: How Do You Manage Conflicting Needs and Goals? 71

STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply, and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 73

Contents ix

CHAPTER 4 Preparing to Collaborate 76 How to Develop a Discussion Plan 77

Get Acquainted with Your Group Members 78 Clarify the Goals of the Group 78 Develop a Plan for Gathering Information and Analyzing Issues 79 Follow a Structured Agenda to Accomplish the Task 80 Share Information with Others 81 Determine How to Present Your Information 82

PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: What Should You Do with Group Members Who Don’t Pull Their Weight? 82

How to Formulate Discussion Questions 84 Questions of Fact 85

VIRTUAL GROUPS 85 Questions of Prediction 86 Questions of Value 87 Questions of Policy 88

CASE STUDY: Questioning the Cost of Textbooks 89 How to Use Logic and Reasoning Effectively 90

Inductive Reasoning 90 Deductive Reasoning 91 Causal Reasoning 92

How to Evaluate Evidence in Group Discussions 92 Facts 92 Examples 93 Opinions 93 Statistics 93 Gathering and Evaluating Evidence: A Special Emphasis on Web Resources 94

How to Develop Critical-Analysis Skills 95 Causal Fallacy 95 Either/Or Fallacy 95 Bandwagon Fallacy 95 Hasty Generalization 96 Attacking the Person 96 Red Herring 96


STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply, and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 98

CHAPTER 5 Relating to Others in Groups 102 Roles 103

Who Are You? 103 Self-Concept Development: Gender, Sexual Orientation, Culture, and Role 104 Diversity of Roles in Small Groups 105 Group Task Roles 106

PART II Managing Group Relationships


Group-Building and Maintenance Roles 106 Individual Roles 107

Norms 108 How Do Norms Develop? 109 Identifying Group Norms 109

PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: Establishing Group Norms 110 Conforming to Group Norms 110

COLLABORATING ETHICALLY: What Would You Do? 112 Establishing Ground Rules 112

Status 114 Privileges Accorded to High-Status Group Members 114 Effects of Status Differences 114 Status Differences in Online Groups 115 Observing Status Differences to Predict Group Dynamics 116

Power 116 Power Bases 116

VIRTUAL GROUPS 117 Effects of Power on Group Process 118 Power and Gender 119 Status and Power: A Cultural Footnote 119

Trust 120 Developing Trusting Relationships 120 Trust in Face-to-Face and Virtual Teams 121

The Development of Group Relationships over Time 121 CASE STUDY: Adjusting to Variable Status and Power 122

Gender and Communication 122 Culture 123 Conversational Style 124 Time 124

STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply, and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 126

CHAPTER 6 Improving Group Climate 129 Defensive and Supportive Climates 130

Evaluation versus Description 131 Control versus Problem Orientation 131 Strategy versus Spontaneity 131 Neutrality versus Empathy 132 Superiority versus Equality 132 Certainty versus Provisionalism 132

Interpersonal Confirmation and Disconfirmation 133 COLLABORATING ETHICALLY: What Would You Do? 134

Disconfirming Responses 134 Confirming Responses 135

Group Cohesiveness 136 Composition and Cohesiveness: Building a Team 136

Contents xi

Individual Benefits and Cohesiveness 137 Task Effectiveness and Cohesiveness 137 Communication and Cohesiveness 137 Cohesiveness in Virtual Teams 138

Communication Networks 138 PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: Cohesiveness and Productivity at Harley-Davidson 139

Group Size 140 Group Climate and Productivity 141

VIRTUAL GROUPS 141 CASE STUDY: Avoiding Defensiveness 143

STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply, and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 145

CHAPTER 7 Enhancing Communication Skills in Groups 148 Verbal Dynamics in Small Groups 149

Words as Barriers to Communication 149 Listening 151

Listening Styles 151 Obstacles to Effective Listening 152 A Guide to Active Listening 154

The Importance of Nonverbal Communication in Groups 155 More Time Is Spent Communicating Nonverbally Than Verbally 156 Emotions and Feelings Are Typically Expressed Nonverbally Rather Than Verbally 156 Nonverbal Messages Are Usually More Believable Than Verbal Messages 156

Applications of Nonverbal Communication Research to Groups 157 Posture, Movement, and Gestures 157 Eye Contact 158 Facial Expressions 160 Vocal Cues 160 Personal Space 161 Territoriality 162 Seating Arrangement 162 Personal Appearance 164 Communication Environment 165

PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: Improving Nonverbal Communication Skills 166

Functions of Nonverbal Cues in Groups 167 Nonverbal Messages Influence Perceived Leadership 167 Nonverbal Messages Influence Persuasion Skills 167 Nonverbal Messages Help Synchronize Interaction 167 Nonverbal Messages Provide Information about Perceived Honesty or Dishonesty 168

Interpreting Nonverbal Communication 169 VIRTUAL GROUPS 170


COLLABORATING ETHICALLY: What Would You Do? 171 CASE STUDY: Interpreting Indirect Communication 172

STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply, and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 174

CHAPTER 8 Managing Conflict 178 What Is Conflict? 180

Causes of Conflict 180 Misconceptions About Conflict 181

Types of Conflict 182 Pseudo-Conflict: When People Misunderstand One Another 182 Simple Conflict: When People Disagree about Issues 183 Ego Conflict: When Personalities Clash 184

Conflict and Diversity in Small Groups 186 Conflict in Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures 186 Conflict in High-Context and Low-Context Cultures 186

PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: Strategies for Managing Conflict in Diverse Groups: Surface and Deep Diversity 187

Approaches to Conflict When There Are Gender Differences 188 Conflict-Management Styles 188

Avoidance 189 Accommodation 189 Competition 190 Compromise 191 Collaboration 191

Collaborative Conflict Management: Principles and Skills 192 Separate the People from the Problem 192 Focus on Shared Interests 193 Generate Many Options to Solve Problems 193 Base Decisions on Objective Criteria 193

When People Are Not Cooperative: Dealing with Difficult Group Members 194 Manage Your Emotions 194

CASE STUDY: Practice in Applying Principles 194 Describe What Is Upsetting You 196 Disclose Your Feelings 197

COLLABORATING ETHICALLY: What Would You Do? 197 Return to the Issue of Contention 197

Groupthink: Conflict Avoidance 199 Symptoms of Groupthink 200 Suggestions for Reducing Groupthink 202

VIRTUAL GROUPS 204 Consensus: Reaching Agreement Through Communication 206

The Nature of Consensus 206 Suggestions for Reaching Consensus 206

STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply, and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 212

Contents xiii

PART III Managing Group Tasks

CHAPTER 9 Leading Groups 218 What Is Leadership? 219 Trait Perspective: Characteristics of Effective Leaders 220 Functional Perspective: Group Needs and Roles 220

Task Leadership 221 Process Leadership 222

Situational Perspective: Adapting Style to Context 224 Leadership Style 225 Hersey’s Situational Leadership® Model 227 Some Observations on the Situational Approach to Leadership 228 Shared Leadership in Teams 228

Transformational Leadership 228 VIRTUAL GROUPS 229 CASE STUDY: Adjusting Leadership Style to Situation 230

Emergent Leadership in Small Groups 231 The Minnesota Studies 231

COLLABORATING ETHICALLY: What Would You Do? 232 Leadership and Gender 233


STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply, and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 236

CHAPTER 10 Making Decisions and Solving Problems 240 Group Decision Making: Choosing among Alternatives 241

Elements of Effective and Ineffective Group Decision Making 242 Methods of Group Decision Making 243

Group Problem Solving: Overcoming Obstacles to Achieve a Goal 246 Problem Solving Defined 247 Barriers to Group and Team Problem Solving 247

Three Approaches to Group Problem Solving 249 Descriptive Approach 249

COLLABORATING ETHICALLY: What Would You Do? 250 Other Descriptive Models of Group Problem Solving 252

VIRTUAL GROUPS 253 Functional Approach 256

PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: Real Groups, Real Challenges: The Bona Fide Group Perspective 258

Communication Functions of Effective Group Problem Solvers 259 Prescriptive Approach 261

CASE STUDY: Keep Tuition Low 262 Cultural Assumptions About Group Problem Solving and Decision Making 263

STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply, and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 265


CHAPTER 11 Using Problem-Solving Techniques 269 An Overview of Prescriptive Problem-Solving Strategies 271

The Origin of Prescriptive Problem-Solving Strategies 271 Finding a Balance between Group Structure and Interaction 271

Groups Need Structure 272 Groups Need Interaction 273

Reflective Thinking: The Traditional Approach to Group Problem Solving 274 Step 1: Identify and Define the Problem 274 Tools for Defining the Problem 275

COLLABORATING ETHICALLY: What Would You Do? 276 Step 2: Analyze the Problem 278 Tools for Analyzing a Problem 279 How to Establish Criteria 282

VIRTUAL GROUPS 283 Step 3: Generate Several Possible Solutions 283 Step 4: Evaluate Options and Select the Best Solution or Combination of Solutions 284 Tools for Evaluating the Solutions 285 Step 5: Test and Implement the Solution 285 Tools for Implementing a Solution 286 How to Use Reflective Thinking in Your Group or Team 288

Question-Oriented Approaches to Problem Solving 289 Ideal-Solution Format 289 Single-Question Format 290 How to Use Question-Oriented Approaches in Your Group or Team 290

PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: When Should You Make a Decision Based on Careful Analysis and When Should You Trust Your “Gut Instincts”? 292

Beyond Technique 293 CASE STUDY: Who Loses Their Job 293

STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 295

CHAPTER 12 Enhancing Creativity in Groups and Teams 301 What Is Creativity? 302 Why Study Creativity? 303 Myths about Creativity 304

Creativity Myth 1: Creativity Is a Mysterious Process That Can’t Be Learned 304 Creativity Myth 2: Only a Few Gifted People Are Creative 304 Creativity Myth 3: Creativity Just Happens 305

Barriers to Group and Team Creativity 305 Premature Evaluation of Ideas 305 Poor Physical Surroundings 306 Too Many People 306 Poor Timing 306 Stinking Thinking 306

Principles of Group and Team Creativity 307 Appropriately Analyze and Define the Problem 307

Contents xv

Create a Climate of Freedom 308 Listen to Minority Points of View 308 Encourage People to See Things and Themselves Differently 309

Selectively Increase Group and Team Structure 309 Techniques for Enhancing Group and Team Creativity 310

Brainstorming 311 CASE STUDY: Clipping Negative Thinking 313

The Nominal-Group Technique 313 COLLABORATING ETHICALLY: What Would You Do? 315 PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: Using Your Whole Mind 316

The Delphi Technique 317 VIRTUAL GROUPS 318

Electronic Brainstorming 318 The Affinity Technique 319 How to Use Brainstorming in Your Group or Team 320

STUDY GUIDE Review, Apply, and Assess Group Communication Principles and Practices 323

APPENDIX A Principles and Practices for Effective Meetings 326 Giving Meetings Structure 328

Determine the Meeting Goal(s) 328 Identify Items That Need to Be Discussed to Achieve the Goal 328 Organize the Agenda Items to Achieve the Goal 328

Becoming a Meeting Facilitator: Managing Group and Team Interaction 330 Be a Gatekeeper 331 Focus on the Goal 331 Monitor Time 332 Structure Interaction 332

How to Lead Meetings 333 How to Participate in Meetings 334

PUTTING PRINCIPLES INTO PRACTICE: How to Make a Meeting Better When You’re Not the Meeting Leader 335

APPENDIX B Principles and Practices for Communicating to an Audience 337 Panel Discussions 337 Symposium Presentations 338 Forum Presentations 338 Planning What to Say to an Audience 339

Analyze Your Audience 339 Have a Clear Objective 339 Identify Your Major Ideas 340 Support Your Major Ideas 340 Organize Your Ideas 340


Presenting Information to an Audience 341 Select Your Method of Delivery 341 Use Effective Delivery Skills 341 Consider Using Visual Aids 341 Using Computer-Generated Graphics 342

Glossary 343 Notes 349 Photo Credits 375 Index 377

F rom our first edition to this, our eleventh edition, our goal in writing this book has remained the same: to write a book students find interesting and practical, and instruc- tors find clear and comprehensive. We are pleased that the previous ten editions continue to be praised and widely used by both teachers and students.

We have written the eleventh edition of Communicating in Small Groups: Principles and Practices to serve as the primary text for a college-level course that focuses on group communi- cation. We continue to seek a balanced approach to presenting the latest small group principles, while also identifying practical practices that bring the principles to life.

New to the Eleventh Edition In this new edition we have thoroughly updated the research that anchors the principles and skills we present, incorporated new pedagogical features to enhance student learning, and added new applications of technology to enhance collaborate. Here’s an overview of what’s new.

Expanded Emphasis on Virtual Groups and Teams. From the first page of Chapter 1 through the final appendix, we have included additional research-based information about the role technology plays in facilitating collaboration in contemporary society. Students who have used technological tools all of their lives are increasingly becoming more sophisticated about the use of technology. We have revised our coverage of technology and the use of new media to reflect students’ existing knowledge while also building on it.

Increased Application of Group Skills. Students take a course in group communica- tion not only to improve their knowledge but also to become more skilled communicators. How to develop a discussion plan, create an agenda, facilitate a meeting, manage conflict, make ef- ficient and effective decisions, lead others, and collaboratively solve problems are just a few of the skill sets that are presented. To help students bolster their communication competence, we have expanded our application of specific group communication skills throughout the book. Our “Theory into Practice” feature has been re-titled “Putting Principles into Practice,” and we’ve added new material and applications to ensure students can increase their group com- munication skill.

Linking Chapter Objectives with Chapter Headings. To help students learn, review, and master chapter content, each learning objective that appears at the beginning of a chapter corresponds to a specific major heading. Students can easily confirm their mastery of each section of the material by reviewing the chapter objectives.

New Chapter-End Study Guide. We have completely revised our chapter-end material to help students assess their understanding of chapter content. Our new Study Guide features use the revised chapter objectives to organize their study. We review information linked to each objective and help them clinch chapter content; we identify key terms and page numbers where students can review their understanding of the term. Finally, we present activities and assess- ment measures—including several new assessment measures—linked with each objective in the book.




Revised Ethics Feature. To help students explore their own values and ethics when col- laborating with others, we have revised several of the “Collaborating Ethically: What Would You Do?” features. These mini case studies can be used for student journal entries or spark insightful class discussions.

Crisp Presentation of Chapter Content. Sometimes less is more. To help students quickly grasp ideas and information, we have looked for ways to structure the text’s content using bullets, new subheads, and streamlined prose to assist students’ mastery of the material.

New Inclusion of Contemporary Group Communication Research. As we have for 30 years, we’ve done our best to find the latest research about small group communication and add it to our already comprehensive digest of small group communication research ap- plications. Each chapter includes new and updated references to the latest applications of and insights into communicating in small groups.

New Diversity Material Integrated into Every Chapter. As we have in previous editions, we continue to integrate research and application of diversity throughout the text. For example, in Chapter 8 we offer new, practical strategies for addressing conflict in diverse groups looking at both surface and deep diversity. Thanks to an increased use of technol- ogy as well as an increasingly diverse society, we ensure students can adapt and respond to others from different backgrounds and cultures. Rather than relegating culture and diversity topics to a boxed feature, we carefully integrate our discussion of culture and diversity into every chapter.

And Much, Much More. Each chapter includes new examples, illustrations, cartoons, and updated pedagogy to make Communicating in Small Groups: Principles and Practices the best learning tool possible. We’ve made a special effort to streamline our coverage of content to make room for new research and additional pedagogical features so as not to add to the overall length of the book.

Chapter-by-Chapter Revision Overview Here’s a brief summary highlighting several specific changes we’ve made to the eleventh edition:

Chapter One: Introducing Group Principles and Practices ■ New material about the importance of virtual groups and teams. ■ Extensively revised discussion of communicating in virtual groups and teams. ■ New research about best practices for virtual group and team collaboration.

Chapter Two: Understanding Small Group Communication Theory ■ Updated, more cotemporary case study. ■ New research on gender and culture. ■ New application and assessment chapter-end materials to help students grasp the theories


Chapter Three: Facilitating Group Development ■ More streamlined discussion of individual and group goals and motivators. ■ Enhanced treatment of formation in virtual teams. ■ New discussion of homogeneity and diversity in groups.

Preface xix

Chapter Four: Preparing to Collaborate ■ Revised discussion on how to develop a discussion plan including a new review box that

lays out specific suggested steps and actions. ■ Updated information about how to ensure that all group members share what they know. ■ New assessment activity to help students review their understanding of types of


Chapter Five: Relating to Others in Groups ■ Expanded treatment of gender and culture. ■ New discussion of structuration and formation of group norms. ■ Enhanced focus on status and power in groups.

Chapter Six: Improving Group Climate ■ New research on the costs and benefits of diversity. ■ Updated material on the relationship of group size to group climate. ■ New research-based recommendations about building cohesiveness in virtual teams. ■ New assessment of group cohesiveness.

Chapter Seven: Enhancing Communication Skills in Groups ■ Updated practical nonverbal skills section. ■ New nonverbal virtual communication feature. ■ New review section on word barriers and how to avoid them. ■ New section on backchannel communication.

Chapter Eight: Managing Conflict ■ New discussion about the causes of conflict. ■ New information about how group members often respond when trust is violated. ■ Revised and streamlined discussion of pseudo, simple, and ego conflict. ■ New research inclusion about conflict in virtual groups and teams. ■ New assessment activity of pseudo, simple, or ego conflict. ■ New assessment activity about identifying advantages of different conflict styles.

Chapter Nine: Leading Groups ■ Updated, more contemporary examples. ■ Expanded coverage of transformational leadership. ■ New research on shared leadership in teams. ■ Additional research on leadership and gender. ■ New material on traits of “servant leaders.”

Chapter Ten: Making Decisions and Solving Problems ■ New discussion of the elements of effective and ineffective group decision making. ■ Streamlined description of group problem solving. ■ New research conclusions about virtual groups and problem solving.

Chapter Eleven: Using Problem-Solving Techniques ■ New discussion of how to conduct a SWOT analysis. ■ Streamlined discussion of group problem analysis techniques. ■ New applications of problem-solving techniques in virtual groups. ■ New material about when to trust “gut instincts” in groups.


Chapter Twelve: Enhancing Creativity in Groups and Teams ■ New revised discussion of principles of group and team productivity. ■ New research on how to enhance team creativity. ■ New references to the value of introverts in solving problems creatively.

Balanced Coverage: Principles and Practices We provide a carefully crafted integration of both principles and practices that provide a strong theoretical scaffolding for the “how to” practical skills needed for communicating in small groups. Theory without application can leave students understanding group principles but not knowing how to enhance their performance. On the other hand, presenting lists of techniques without providing an understanding of the principles that inform their skill would result in a laundry list of do’s and don’ts without insight as to when to apply the skills. The balanced ten- sion between theory and application, structure and interaction, as well as task and process is especially evident in all communication study, but especially in the dynamic context of a small group. We believe that emphasizing theory without helping students apply principles can result in highly informed yet under-skilled group members. And while it’s true that our students often clamor for techniques to enhance their skills, such approaches alone do not give students the underlying principles they need to inform their newfound applications.

When we summarize research conclusions, we hear our students’ voices echoing in our heads, asking, “So what?” In response to those, we ask ourselves how the research conclusions we cite can enhance the quality of collaboration. We seek to provide principles and practices of small group communication that make a difference in our students’ lives.

We both abhor boring meetings that are adrift. Consequently, we draw upon our almost 75 years of combined university administrative and teaching experience as we sift through clas- sic and contemporary group communication research to keep our focus on application while anchoring our prescriptions in principled theory. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive yet laser-focused compendium of the latest thinking about group and team communication.

Popular Features We’ve Retained A hallmark of this book, according to educators and students, is our get-to-the-point writing style coupled with our comprehensive distillation of contemporary and classic group com- munication research. We continue to receive praise for the clear applications of the research we describe. We’ve done our best to keep the features instructors and students like best about our book: a lively, engaging writing style, references to the most recent research, and not over- whelming readers with unnecessary rambling narratives. As we have in previous editions, we’ve revised and updated all of our pedagogical features, including chapter objectives, discussion questions, and end-of-chapter activities.

Supplemental Resources for Instructors An Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank (0133809323) accompanies Small Group Communication. The Instructor’s Manual portion of the IM/TB includes the following resources: Sample syllabi for structuring the course, an outline and summary for each chapter which includes the major ideas covered, chapter objectives, discussion questions and experiential activities. The Test Bank portion of the IM/TB contains approximately 300 multiple-choice, true/false, and essay

Preface xxi

questions, all of which are organized by chapter. This supplement is available for downloading at www.pearsonhighered.com/irc (access code required).

MyTest online test generating software (ISBN 0133809218) is available at www.pearsonmytest .com (access code required).

The PowerPoint presentation (0133809307) that accompanies Small Group Communication includes lecture slides based on key concepts in the text. This supplement may be downloaded from www.pearsonhighered.com/irc (access code required).

For a complete listing of the instructor and student resources available with this text, please visit the Communicating in Small Groups e-Catalog page at www.pearsonhighered.com.

This text is available in a variety of formats—digital and print. To learn more about our pro- grams, pricing, and customization options, visit www.pearsonhighered.com.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Three and a half decades ago we met as new college professors sharing an office at the University of Miami. Today we live only miles apart in different Texas communities and remain united by a common bond of friendship that has grown stronger over the years. Our collaboration as friends continues to make this book a labor of love. This book is a partnership not only between us as authors, but also with a support team of scholars, editors, colleagues, reviewers, students, and family members.

We are grateful to those who have reviewed this edition of our book to help make this a more useful instructional resource. Specifically we thank Jeanne Christie, Western Connecticut State University; Meikuan Huang, California State University-Stanislaus; Daryle Nagano, El Camino College; David Kahl, Jr., Penn State Erie, The Behrend College.

We continue to be thankful to the talented editorial staff at Pearson. We are especially grateful to our editor, Melissa Mashburn, for her guidance and support. We appreciate Megan Hermida’s assistance in keeping us on track and managing the logistics of preparing this new edition. We are continually thankful for the ongoing support from Karon Bowers, Publisher of Communication.

Steve thanks his colleagues and students at Texas State University for their encouragement and support. Casey Chilton, Mike Cornett, and Sue Stewart are gifted teachers who offer advice, encouragement, and friendship. Kosta Tovstiadi provided expert assistance in helping to gather research for this new edition; we appreciate his ongoing friendship and expertise. We also ac- knowledge Dennis and Laurie Romig of Side by Side Consulting for their rich knowledge and practical insight about groups and teams that they have shared with us for many years. Jim Bell, who teaches in Texas State’s McCoy College of Business Administration, is a valued friend and gifted teacher who offers many ideas about teamwork. Sue Hall, Bob Hanna, and Meredith Wil- liams are talented administrative assistants at Texas State and are invaluable colleagues who pro- vide ongoing structure and interaction to maintain Steve’s productivity.

John thanks his friends, colleagues, and students at Texas Lutheran University, who have taught, challenged, and inspired him.

Finally, as in our previous editions, we offer our appreciation and thanks to our families, who continue to teach us about the value of teamwork and collaboration. Our sons are taking their place in the world and our spouses continue to be equal partners in all we do. John’s sons, John III and Noah, are older than we both were when we began the first edition of this book. John III and Noah continue to make their dad smile with pride at their successes. Nancy Masterson continues, as always, as John’s greatest love, best friend, and most respected critic.

Steve’s sons, Mark and Matt, are now also older than their dad when he started this project. Matt and his wife, Brittany, teach us the power of supportive collaboration and teamwork. Mark continues to teach his dad the importance of endurance and ever-present power of renewal, even when life presents ongoing challenges. Susan Beebe has been an integral part of the author team in this and every previous edition for over 30 years. She continues to be Steve’s personal Grammar Queen, life’s love, and best friend.

Steven Beebe, San Marcos, Texas John Masterson, Seguin, Texas

PART I Foundations of Group Communication

Introducing Group Principles and Practices1

CHAPTER OUTLINE What Is Small Group Communication?

What Is Team Communication?

Communicating Collaboratively: Advantages and Disadvantages

Communicating in Different Types of Groups

Communicating in Virtual Groups and Teams

How Can You Become a Competent Small Group Communicator?

OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, you will be able to: ■ Define small group communication. ■ Discuss the characteristics of a team. ■ List and describe the advantages and disadvantages of

working with others in groups and teams. ■ Compare and contrast primary and secondary groups. ■ Describe five virtual communication methods. ■ Identify nine group communication competencies.

“Working together works.”

—Rob Gilbert

Chapter 1 Introducing Group Principles and Practices2

Regardless of your career choice, you will spend a considerable part of your work

life collaborating with others. One survey of Fortune 500 companies found that 81

percent use team-based approaches to organize the work that needs to be done.1 In

addition, 77 percent use temporary teams and work groups when new projects de-

velop.2 The typical manager spends a quarter of the workweek in group meetings. The

higher you rise in position and leadership authority, the more time you’ll spend in meet-

ings. Top-level leaders spend up to two-thirds of their time—an average of three days a

week—in meetings or preparing for meetings.3

Not all of our collaborations are face-to-face. In the twenty-first century, our collab-

oration has dramatically increased because of our use of technology. We are hypercon-

nected. Computer power that once needed a room-size space now fits in our pocket.

We not only GoToMeetings online (thanks to GoToMeeting software), but because of

“iCommunication” devices (iPhone, iPad, iPods), numerous apps, Skype, Facebook,

Twitter, LinkedIn, and ultra-high-speed-big-data-cloud-computing methods, we are

connected to virtual groups and teams nearly all of our waking moments. Collaboration

is a daily element of our work, family, and social lives.4

Yet despite our constant collaboration, we sometimes (even often) have difficulty

working collectively. Collaboration is hard. Collaboration takes skill. And groups can

exist for constructive as well as destructive reasons.5 Communication researcher

Susan Sorenson coined the term grouphate to describe the dread and repulsion many

people have about working in groups, teams, or attending meetings.6 We have good

news. Grouphate diminishes when people receive training and instruction about work-

ing in groups. The purpose of this book, therefore, is to help you learn communication

principles and become skilled in the practices that make working in groups productive

and enjoyable.

Communication is the central focus of this book. Communication makes it possible

for groups and teams to exist and function. If you use the book as a tool to help you learn

to communicate in groups, you will distinguish yourself as a highly valued group member.


H uman beings are creatures who collaborate. We need to establish relation-

ships with others. We are raised in family groups. We are educated and

entertained in groups, and we work and worship in groups.

What Is Small Group Communication? 3

What Is Small Group Communication? Consider these situations:

■ After the stock market plunges 1000 points in a week, the President of the United States appoints a high-level team of economists to identify the causes of the market collapse.

■ In a bid by the social networking site Connect.com to merge with a rival company, Relate. com, the Chair of the Board of Connect.com calls the board together to consider the virtues and pitfalls of the possible merger.

■ To prepare for the final exam in your group communication class, you and several class members meet three nights each week to study.

Each of these three examples involves a group of people meeting and communicating for a specific purpose. And as group members communicate with one another, they are communi- cating transactively—they are simultaneously responding to one another and expressing ideas, information, and opinions. Although the purposes of the groups in these three scenarios are quite different, the groups have something in common—something that distinguishes them from a cluster of people waiting for a bus or riding in an elevator, for example. Just what is that “something”? What are the characteristics that make a group a group? We define small group communication as communication among a small group of people who share a common pur- pose, who feel a sense of belonging to the group, and who exert influence on one another. Let’s explore this definition in more detail.


Reduced to its essence, communication is the process of acting on information.7 Someone does or says something, and there is a response from someone else in the form of an action, a word, or a thought. Merely presenting information to others does not mean there is communi- cation: Information is not communication. “But I told you what I wanted!” “I put it in the memo. Why didn’t you do what I asked?” “It’s in the syllabus.” Such expressions of exasperation assume that if you send a message, someone will receive it. However, communication does not operate in a linear, input–output process. What you send is rarely what others understand.

Human Communication: Making Sense and Sharing That Sense with Others Human communication is the process of making sense out of the world and sharing that sense with others by creating meaning through the use of verbal and nonverbal messages.8 Let’s exam- ine the key elements of this definition.

Communication Is about Making Sense: We make sense out of what we experience when we interpret what we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. Typically, in a small group, multiple people are sending multiple messages, often at the same time. To make sense out of the myr- iad of messages we experience, we look for patterns or structure; we relate what happens to us at any given moment to something we’ve experienced in the past.

Communication Is about Sharing Sense: We share what we experience by expressing it to others and to ourselves. We use words as well as nonverbal cues (such as gestures, facial expressions, clothing, music) to convey our thoughts and feelings to others.

Communication Is about Creating Meaning: Meaning is created in the hearts and minds of both the message source and the message receiver. We don’t send meaning, we create it based on our experiences, background, and culture.

Chapter 1 Introducing Group Principles and Practices4

Communication Is about Verbal and Nonverbal Messages: Words and nonverbal behav- iors are symbols that we use to communicate and derive meaning that makes sense to us. A symbol is something that represents a thought, concept, object, or experience. The words on this page are symbols that you are using to derive meaning that makes sense to you. Nonverbal symbols such as our use of gestures, posture, tone of voice, clothing, and jewelry primarily com- municate emotions—our feelings of joy or sadness, our likes and dislikes, or whether we’re in- terested or uninterested in others.

Human Communication Is Transactional Live, in-person, human communication is transactional, meaning that when we communicate, we send and receive messages simulta- neously. As you talk to someone, you respond to that person’s verbal and nonverbal messages, even while you speak. In the context of a small group, even if you remain silent or nod off to sleep, your nonverbal behavior provides information to others about your emotions and interest, or lack of interest. The transactive nature of communication suggests that you can- not not communicate. Ultimately, people judge you by your behavior, not by your intent. And since you behave in some way (even when you’re asleep), there is the potential for someone to make sense out of your behavior.

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