Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps in changing thinking patterns and unhealthy habits. This therapy sessions can be helpful both in group and family sessions. CBT helps patients reframe and retrain their thought processes both in group and family sessions. During a group session medication and cognitive behavior therapy ,are combined to help control the core symptoms of distraction, short attention span and impulsiveness.It is more effective at increasing the habits and skills needed for executive self-management and may also serve to improve emotional and interpersonal self-regulation. During psychotherapy sessions and after, the therapist is expected to complete therapy notes about patient’s behavior and responses. An example is during sessions whereby the therapist lists a couple of hypotheses and examine questions to be asked that can prompt responses from the patient. During the sessions for patients struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, multiple treatment modalities were used. According to Norman, Hemblen, Schnurr, and Eftekhari (2018), the Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for Post traumatic Stress Disorder in 2017 suggested evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of PTSD that are most effective therapies for the disorder these are; individual trauma-focused psychotherapies, primarily Prolonged Exposure (PE), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) and Eye Movement.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used in Family therapy. It is recommended in the treatment of ADHD and other mental health related diseases. During family sessions, it was noted that Parents are often exasperated by children with ADHD, and when an adult has the illness, spouses and children are affected. In family therapy, the family can learn ways to help and support each other.CBT is typically a short-term intervention, with changes often apparent after only a few sessions.
During family Cognitive therapy sessions examples of discussions were anxiety, analysis of family relationships, and a variety of other topics. This helped to alleviate some of the symptoms of ADHD, especially in those who are experiencing other issues, such as anxiety and depression, along with ADHD. Talk therapy helped alleviate some of these concerns, bringing one's ADHD back into focus.
Skill based therapy is particularly effective with young children. Therapists specializing in the treatment of attention problems can focus on helping children develop specific skills and time management strategies. CBT is helpful in changing unhealthy habits.During these sessions the child can be helped to talk about upsetting thoughts and feelings, explore self-defeating patterns of behavior, learn alternative ways to handle emotions, feel better about him or herself despite the disorder, identify and build on their strengths, answer unhealthy or irrational thoughts, cope with daily problems, and control their attention and aggression. Medication helps to control the core symptoms of distraction, short attention span and impulsive behaviors. CBT is more effective at increasing the habits and skills needed for executive self-management and may also serve to improve emotional and interpersonal self-regulation (Martin n.d).
Family therapy is recommended in the treatment of ADHD because ADHD does not just affect those who have the condition. Parents are often exasperated by children with ADHD, and when an adult has the illness, spouses and children may be affected. In family therapy, the family can learn ways to help and support each other. (Psychcentral.org). Example was during a family and CBT group session where the patient continued to be suicidal and verbalizes thoughts of hurting herself through cutting or strangulation. She is currently on the 1:1 care and have staff with her 24/7 until discontinued by the psychiatrist.
During Individual therapy she verbalized purging after eating because she does not want to get fat and loosing self-esteem. The therapist continues to use psychotherapy in groups and individual to help patient focus. She denies visual and auditory hallucinations.
During the family sessions, the patient is nervous and anxious, twisting her fingers and verbalized that the father emotionally abused her. She expressed anger.
Explain at least two challenges counselors might encounter when using CBT in the group setting.
Being misinterpreted during the session by other patients and family members during sessions.
Having family sessions with parents who are divorced and fighting over child custody.
Martins (n.d). Additional Treatments for ADHD. Retrieved October 18, 2020 from https://psychcentral.com/lib/additional-treatments-for-adhd/
Norman, S., Hemblen, J., Schnurr, P., & Eftekhari, A., (2018). Overview of Psychotherapy for PTSD. PTSD: National Center for PTSD. Retrieved October 18,,2020 from https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/treatment/overview/overview-treatment-research.asp
Parekh, R. (2017). What is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder? American Psychiatric Association. Retrieved October 18,2020 from https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/ptsd/what-is-ptsd