6.7 LAB: Guess the random number Given the code that reads a list of integers, complete the number_guess() function, which should choose a random number between 1 and 100 by calling random.randint and then output if the guessed number is too low, too high, or correct. Import the random module to use the random seed() and random.randinto functions. • random.seed(seed_value) seeds the random number generator using the given seed_value. • random.randint(a, b) returns a random number between a and b (inclusive) For testing purposes, use the seed value 900, which will cause the computer to choose the same random number every time the program runs. Ex: If the input is: 32 45 48 80 the output is: 32 is too low. Random number was 80. 45 is too high. Random number was 30. 48 is correct! 80 is too low. Random number was 97.