PROMOTING & SUPPORTING LINE DANCING Victorian LineDanceAssociationIncorporated(A0038221S)JUNE 2013 P R E S I D E N T ’ S R E P O R TWe are almost 6 months into the year and the time is passing so quickly. I will be finishing my second year as President and I have decided I would like to continue on for another year if re-elected. If you are interested in any position please remember to first check that you are a member and nomination forms will soon be available.Have you seen all the photos on the VLDA Website? Click on the tab under the main heading on the home page and it will take you to the photo gallery where you will find many photos of the Portarlington event and the Good Friday Marathon. A reminder to join our facebook page. Email one of the Committee or send a message to the facebook page and we will add you to the group.The list of dances for the ball are on the website. Keith has gone to a lot of trouble organizing the split floor dances. This is not an easy task, but one I am sure he has done very well. If you haven’t booked your tickets yet, please send your requests in soon. All the pricing and payment information is on the Ball Flyer which is available on the website on the Line Dance Events page.Once again we have special guests Simon Ward, Maddison Glover and also Elise Spinks will be coming all the way from Sydney to demonstrate their award winning competition dance. Simon will again commence his workshop at 4pm till approximately 5pm. Last year Simon taught two dances, Bang Bang and Beautiful In My Eyes, which became two of the most popular dances, not only in Australia but World Wide. The Ball will commence at 6 pm and finish at midnight. The theme is black and gold and I am sure the night will again be a memorable night for all.Another exciting huge event will be held over the Queen’s Birthday Long Weekend. The Victorian Line Dance Association is proud to be one of the major sponsors for The Southern State Line Dancing Championships. Competition dancing will commence on Saturday 8th June for the whole day followed by a social in the evening at 7 pm. On Sunday morning the competition dancing will commence again followed by another Social at 6 pm. The Theme for the social on Saturday night will be “Back in Time” – Come dressed in any era from the 1900’s and the theme on Sunday night will be “Fluoro Party” – come dressed in your most colourful bright fluoro outfits. Further information is on their website. Visit If you would like to continue dancing on Monday, head out to the East Doncaster Hall, Corner Blackburn and Anderson Creek Road. Travis Taylor, choreographer of many wonderful dances such as I Missed You, Cry, Help Me Help Me, Heaven On Earth, Pieces Don’t Fit and Drop On By will be holding a 3 hour workshop commencing at 1 pm. Travis will also be one of the judges at the Southern State Line Dance Championship, so we welcome Travis to Victoria and look forward to his learning his new dances.Hope to see you at one or all of the above events. Until then, stay warm, take care and keep dancing.Nadia FrielPresidentABN 14 791 721 736