Maricopa Community Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats Essay
Business Finance
Question Description
I suggest you refer to the following document and video.
SWOT Analysis information SheetPreview the document
SWOT Video
Click on the following document :SWOT Activity Sheet for extra credit.Preview the document Complete the form as follows:
List out Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats. Under each heading, type the question number you feel belongs under that title.
For example:
(these numbers will represent the question number) So if you feel question #1 is a Strength, you would list 1 under strengths.
3, 7, 10 (here you are stating you feel questions 3, 7 and 10 are Weaknesses)
11, 12 (here you are stating you feel questions 11 and 12 are Opportunities)
13 (here you feel question 13 is a Threat)
Please ensure ALL numbers are used and placed under the appropriate area.