[ 2]. The sea captains and fishermen of the provinces and the seashores, all those who go in ships to the sea, shall immediately be investigated by the local land steward or administrative deputy [ of the lord's demesne; daikan] and made to subscribe jointly to written oaths, forswearing the slightest piratical activity henceforward. The provincial lords shall collect these pledges and forward them to His Highness.
[3]. From now on and hereafter, should the enfeoffed recipient of a domain prove so negligent that pirates are found [ under his jurisdiction], the pirates shall be punished (seibai) and the fief containing the miscreant locality confis cated with its goods and chattels in all perpetuity.
These articles shall be enforced rigorously. Any transgressor shall swiftly be brought to justice for his offense.
Tensho 16. VII. 8 VERMILION SEAL [Hideyoshi]
[1]. The farmers of the various provinces are strictly forbidden by His High ness to have swords, daggers, bows, spears, firearms, or other kinds of weapons in their possession. The reason is as follows: Those who stockpile useless im plements, evade the payment of rents and dues, plot to band together in leagues (ikki), and commit criminal actions against the recipients of fiefs must of course be punished. As a consequence, however, the fields lie fallow and the fief goes to waste. Hence the provincial lords, recipients of fiefs, and administrative dep uties shall collect all such weapons and forward them to His Highness.
[2]. The swords and daggers thus to be collected will not go to waste. They are to be made into nails and cramp irons for the Great Buddha building project recently begun by His Highness. Consequently, the farmers will benefit not only in this world but even unto the world to come.
[3]. As long as farmers have agricultural tools and devote themselves exclu sively to tilling the fields, they and the generations of their children and chil dren's children will prosper. It is out of compassion with the farmers that His Highness has issued these orders. This is truly the foundation of the country's security and the people's happiness. It is said that in deepest antiquity, when Yao, the lord of Tang, pacified all under Heaven, treasured swords and sharp
Wm. Theodore de Bary et al., ed., Sources of Japanese Tradition, 2nd ed. (New York: Columbia University Press, 2001)
blades were turned into farm tools, but that was in a foreign land. In our empire there can surely be no precedent. Let all who enforce these orders fully realize their purport and farmers put all their energies into agriculture and sericulture.
The aforesaid implements shall be collected and forwarded immediately.
Tens ho 16. VII. 8 VERMILION SEAL [Hideyoshi]
[Dai Nihon komonjo, iewake 11: Kobayakawa-ke monjo, I, pp. 478-481, nos. 502-503; )SAE]