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HIST289Y Fall 2017


Debate Assignment: Dr. Caldwell on Trial Debates will take place in Discussion Section during Week #9

The debate topic "Dr. Caldwell's Trial" is based on the assigned film The Girl With All the Gifts. THE SCENARIO In an ALTERNATIVE REALITY of The Girl With All the Gifts, Dr. Caroline Caldwell survives her wounds and is not killed but hungries. The world of The Girl With All of the Gifts also changes—humans and the hungries have come to an agreement that they will create a society where they co-exist. In an effort to forge this new society, both the hungries and the humans have decided to put Dr. Caroline Caldwell on trial for her masterminding of the hungry experiments that took place at the army base in Home Counties. Note: We may assume that The Girl With All of the Gifts world is the same as ours. This means that the historical events we have learned about in this course also happened in the world of The Girl With All of the Gifts. THE QUESTION up for debate AT THE TRIAL is:

Was Dr. Caldwell’s treatment of Melanie and the other hungries justified?

• The “Defense” will be defending Dr. Caldwell’s actions as justified, and will be demanding her full exoneration from the alleged “crimes.”

• The “Prosecution” will be condemning Dr. Caldwell’s actions as unjustifiable, and will be demanding that she be held responsible. You are not arguing for a specific form of punishment.

Your task is to defend your position (Prosecution or Defense) and to anticipate potential opposing points of view. Consider the argument from multiple angles (i.e. bioethics, evolution, social etc) and from multiple points of view (i.e. human, hungry, race, class, gender etc). Use only materials assigned in this course. It would be unfair to introduce sources that the other groups have not had a chance to review. Arguments will based on evidence drawn specifically from assigned course materials. Evidence may include historical events related to human experimentation, and ideas presented by scholars and other individuals that inform how we perceive human experimentation and the treatment of “others” (i.e. marginalized peoples and those that are non-normative). IMPORTANT NOTE: Your positioned arguments must be made within the context of The Girl With All the Gifts world. This means that your perspective should take into account the situation that has developed in the post-apocalyptic world—a co-existence of humans and hungries. DEBATE PREPARATION (7%) The debate assignment involves preparing a list of evidence for BOTH SIDES—the prosecution (in opposition to Caldwell—treatment not justified) AND the defense (in support of Caldwell—treatment justified). Students will not know which side they will be assigned until they arrive to discussion section. The debate prep will enable students to more effectively argue for their side by taking into account the counter arguments. Students will submit their debate prep the NIGHT BEFORE their discussion day at 11:59 pm via ELMS, and will bring a copy to discussion. Students will submit TWO quotes as evidence for EACH SIDE (2 quotes for prosecution and 2 quotes for the defense= 4 quotes total). Each quote will be followed by an explanation of the quote’s context & significance in terms of themes/issues, and explanation of how it will be used to support your argument.

HIST289Y Fall 2017


The discussion (context & explanation) for each quote should be 5 or more sentences in length. You have been provided with a debate prep worksheet, which you will fill out and submit via ELMS (Word or PDF files only). You must follow the format provided for you in the worksheet. Below you will find a table that reviews the requirements for the debate prep worksheet. Refer to the syllabus for citation information related to course assigned materials.

Debate Preparation Worksheet Format & Expectations Required Elements Instructions Recommended Length

Citation Use the bibliography format for Chicago-Style citations.) n/a

Direct Quote Direct quotes are allowed ONLY from course assigned materials. Films are allowed, but lectures are not.


Context of Quote

What is the context of this quote in the original text? What themes/issues are present in the original text that will be valuable for your argument? You will explicitly link these themes/issues to your argument in the “explanation” below.

2-3 sentences. It is okay to go over 3 sentences, but less than 2 sentences would be insufficient.

Explanation of Quote

How does this quote support your argument? Provide a detailed explanation—do not assume that the quote speaks for itself.

3-5 sentences. It is okay to go over 5 sentences, but less than 3 sentences would be insufficient.

FORMAT of the IN-CLASS DEBATE Defense: 2 individual groups (5 per group max) Prosecution: 2 individual groups (5 per group max) Formation of Groups Groups will be assigned at random on the day of the in-class debate. Two groups of 5 will be assigned to the prosecution, and two groups of 5 will be assigned to the defense. It may be possible to have 4 students per group, depending on the number of students in a discussion section. Each side (prosecution & defense) has two individual groups in order to ensure that students have the opportunity to participate and earn marks for the “debate performance” grade. The two individual groups in each side will come up with their own set of arguments and counter-arguments. The two individual groups will not consult with each other, but they do have to listen to each other’s presentation of arguments in order to make sure that evidence is NOT repeated. This is why each group must come up with a list of 4 arguments—just in case the group that presents before them uses evidence that is on your team’s list. Rules for the Debate

• Each member of the group must speak. See notes below in green. • Students must arrive with a hardcopy of their list of evidence (submitted the night before by

11:59 pm via ELMS). • Be respectful of your team members and the opposing side. Individuals will be docked points if

they engage in poor behavior (interruptions, inappropriate comments, lack of attention to opponents).

HIST289Y Fall 2017



Tasks Time Organizing the Debate Students sorted into groups. 5 min Prep for Round 1 Identify list of 4 arguments. You will

only present 2 of these arguments, but you need 4 just in case the group that goes before you uses evidence that is on your list.

8 min

Round 1 Defense will go first. Team members #1 and #2 from Group 1 will present 1 argument each. Team members #1 and #2 from Group 2 will then present 1 argument each—these arguments cannot repeat those used by Group 1. This process will be repeated for the Prosecution.

1 min per team member (8 min total)

Prep for Round 2 Identify list of 4 counter-arguments. 8 min Round 2 Prosecution will go first. Team

members #3 and #4 from Group 1 will present 1 counter-argument each. Team members #1 and #2 from Group 2 will then present 1 counter- argument each—these arguments cannot repeat those used by Group 1. presents 2 counter-arguments—no repeats! This process will be repeated for the Defense.

1 min per team member (8 min total)

Round 3 Open discussion. Team member #5 in each group must speak first. If a team only has 4 members, then any member make take a turn as “team member #5.” The prosecution will go first, followed by the defense.

1 min per team member #5 + open discussion of 9 min (13 min total)

50 min Round 1 of Debate Individual groups will take 8 minutes to organize their best arguments (organized as a list 1-4). Then, each group will be given two minutes to present two pieces of evidence that support their side. This means that each team member has only 1 minute to present their evidence. Groups are not allowed to repeat evidence so it is important that you pay attention to what your fellow groups are saying. The two groups in the defense will go first, followed by the two groups in the prosecution. Individuals should take notes on the evidence the opposing side is using to support their argument. Note: To follow the rules of the debate you should plan to have team member #1 present the 1st piece of evidence, and team member #2 present the 2nd piece of evidence.

HIST289Y Fall 2017


Round 2 of Debate Individual groups will take 8 minutes organize their responses to the points raised by the opposing side. Just like in Round 1, groups should organize their best responses as a list (1-4). Then, each group will be given two minutes to present their two points in rebuttal to the opposing side—1 minute per team member. Groups are not allowed to repeat evidence so it is important that you remain attentive! The two groups in the prosecution will go first, followed by the two groups in the defense. Note: To follow the rules of the debate you should plan to have team member #3 present the 1st piece of evidence, and team member #4 present the 2nd piece of evidence. Round 3 of the Debate The remaining 13 minutes will be an “open discussion” where the prosecution and defense may openly dialogue with the TA acting as the moderator. Students must remain on the side they were assigned. Team member #5 from each group must be allowed to speak first. If a team has only 4 members, then any member may take a turn as “team member #5.” The prosecution (team members #5) will go first, followed by the defense (team members #5). After the 5’s have spoken, anyone may raise their hand to speak on the group’s behalf. Note: To follow the rules of the debate team member #5 is required to speak before any other team member may contribute. ABSENCE POLICY There is no opportunity to make up the in-class portion of the debate assignment. If you miss section, you get a 0 for this portion. The only two exceptions to this policy are outlined below. Students who qualify for these exceptions will “make-up” the debate performance grade by submitting a one-page position paper in which they make an ARGUMENT for the side they found most convincing. Students MUST choose a side; it is not acceptable to argue for BOTH. Choose a side and convincingly support it with evidence from the film and course assigned materials. The one-page position paper must be formatted as follows: 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-page double-spaced, and footnote citations (10-point Times New Roman font).

• Students with University approved excuses that are communicated to their TA at least one week in advance. Students must submit the make-up assignment as part of their “debate prep” assignment via ELMS. Note that the submission should be one document—the “debate prep” should appear first, followed by the one-page submission paper.

• Students in an emergency situation who contact their TA and Prof. Rodríguez on the DAY of the scheduled debate. Students must complete the make-up assignment within 24 hours of the debate in order to earn partial credit (1/2). Students in this situation will submit their make-up assignment directly to their TA via their chosen method of electronic contact (e.g. email or ELMS). This electronic submission does not need to include the “debate prep” as it should have already been submitted via ELMS.

GRADING The debate prep (7%, or 140 points) and in-class debate performance (3%, or 60 points) are graded on an individual basis. Below are the rubrics that will be used for individual assessment in the debate preparation (ELMS assignment) and in-class debate performance.

Rubric for Debate Evidence Prep

Criteria below will be applied to each quote (35 pts per quote x4 quotes=140 pts total)

Quote #1 3 pts

(Evidence is provided)

Direct quote is provided. 3 pts

Does not provide a direct quote. 0 pts

Citation for Quote #1 4 pts

(Citation of source— author, title, publication

date, page number or URL, editor, publisher and city of


Direct quote is cited, including information made available on the

document itself and/or the syllabus. 4 pts

Direct quote is cited, though lacks some clarity.

3 pts

Direct quote is cited, missing 1-2 critical elements.

2 pts

Direct quote is cited, vaguely identifies elements.

1 pts

Does not provide citation to direct quote. 0 pts

Context of Quote #1 8 pts

(Understands the quote in its original context)

Critically understands the quote in its context and identifies the relevant themes/issues of the

quote in context. 8 pts

Satisfactorily understands the quote in its context and identifies the relevant themes/issues of the quote in context, though may require some clarification.

6 pts

Vaguely alludes to the context of the quote and the relevant

themes/issues of the quote. May misunderstand the context.

4 pts

Quote is used out of context. 2 pts

No context for the quote is provided. 0 pts

Explanation #1 15 pts

(Explains how quote supports argument)

Clearly communicates how direct quote supports the argument. Well-developed explanation, leaving nothing to be desired.

15 pts

Clearly communicates how direct quote supports the argument, but

may require clarification. 12 pts

Discussion of quote in general terms, though an argument may be

extrapolated by an educated reader. Requires additional

explanation to demonstrate the relevance of the quote to the

argument. 9 pts

Discussion of quote is too general and/or vague, though an argument may be somewhat extrapolated by an educated reader. Assumes that the quote speaks for itself and

needs no application to the point being made. May have lapses in

logic. 6 pts

Discussion of quote is unclear or does not respond appropriately to assignment. Discussion may be far

off base. 3 pts

No discussion is offered/attempted. 0 pts

Length of Response to Quote #1

5 pts (Length of response)

5 or more sentences are written for the context and explanation of the direct quote. The length requirement does not include the direct quote itself, or the

citation. 5 pts

All answers that fall below 5 sentences or are in bullet-point

form. 0 pts

Rubric for In-Class Debate Performance

Students will be graded on an individual basis

Quality of Contribution 12 pts

(Effectively conveys evidence & argument)

Concisely communicates the evidence in relation to the argument.

12 pts

Satisfactorily communicates the evidence, though may require some

clarification. 9 pts

Communicates the evidence, and attempts to connect it to the argument but falls short.

6 pts

Communicates the evidence, but does so without making an effort to tie it to

the argument. 3 pts

Contribution is way off base. 0 pts

Requirement to Present Evidence 18 pts

(Takes turn to present evidence)

Takes turn to speak. 18 pts

Does not take turn to speak. 0 pts

Etiquette 15 pts

(Appropriate behavior)

Demonstrates appropriate behavior throughout the trial.

15 pts

Mostly demonstrates appropriate behavior, though may have been reminded 2-3 times to let others speak and/or to be respectful of

peers. 10 pts

Demonstrates somewhat appropriate behavior, but has to be reminded

more than 3 times to let others speak and/or to be respectful of peers.

Does not become hostile. 5 pts

Flagrant disregard for social decorum by interrupting peers, shutting others down, refusing to give others the chance to speak, and disregarding instructions from the TA. Often

becomes hostile. 0 pts

Engagement 15 pts

(Participates in the trial)

Clearly engaged throughout trial by taking notes when others speak,

contributing in group discussion, and showing attentiveness.

15 pts

Remains mostly engaged throughout the trial, though may on one occasion become distracted by technological

devices. 10 pts

Half-heartedly engaged throughout the trial by showing disinterest and/or becoming distracted by technological

devices. 5 pts

Zombie. Does not engage at all, except to maybe meet the minimum requirement of presenting a piece of

evidence. 0 pts

Girl With All the Gifts_Debate_no rubric
Detailed Rubric_Debate Prep
Performance in Debate_Rubric

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