RPL Assessment Toolkit for CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care© Commonwealth of Australia2013Workplace Assessment Tasks: Instructions for CandidatesPage 1Candidate instructions for task 1: Identify and report existing and potential hazardsIs task required?YesNoIf yes, date and venue for assessmentInstructions to the candidateThis workplace assessment taskrequires you to identifyandreportexisting orpotential hazards inan early childhood education and care servicein line with workplace procedures.Youare required to:useworkplaceprocedures to identifyany existing or potential hazardsreport any identified hazards to designated personsrecord hazardsaccording to workplace procedures, for example in a checklist or hazard reportprovide your report to your assessor.Your assessor will consider yourreport,and may ask questions during orafter the process, such as asking you to define workplace hazardsanddescribe hazards that mightexist in early childhood education and care services.The workplace assessment taskshould be completed in about onehour (excluding preparation andassessor feedback). Your assessor will consider the report, answers to questions,and any workplace observations, and will giveyou feedback.Resources needed to complete this taskYour assessor (or workplace representative) will ensure you have:current workplace policies andprocedures for work health and safety (WHS)a WHS checklist or similar for you to record your observationsany personal protective equipment (PPE) required forthis workplace task.How will I be assessed in this task?Your assessor will check thatyou can:undertake a process in line with workplace policies and procedures to identify existing or potential hazards report hazards to designated personsrecord hazards a workplace checklist or other mechanism.Units of competency related to this taskCHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children (core unit)CHCECE004 Promote and provide healthy food and drinks (core unit)HLTWHS001 Participate in work healthand safety (core unit)Your Candidate Guidehas a brief description of the units related to this task. The units can be viewed at www.training.gov.au
RPL Assessment Toolkit for CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care© Commonwealth of Australia2013Workplace Assessment Tasks: Instructions for CandidatesPage 2Candidate instructions for task 2: Undertake a risk analysis of toys and equipmentIs task required?YesNoIf yes, date and venue for assessmentInstructions to the candidateThis workplace assessment task requires you to undertakea risk analysis of toys and equipmentin a regulated early childhood education and care service.Youare required to:conduct arisk analysisof toys andequipment in anearly childhood education and care servicecheck that the toys and equipmentare safe for children,and that they are safe to use in their proposed arearecordthe resultsof yourrisk analysisprovide the findings of your risk analysisto your assessor.Your assessor may ask questions during orafter the process, such as asking you tooutlinerisk management strategies for children’s health and safety in a variety of contexts.The workplace assessment taskshould be completed in about onehour (excluding preparation and assessor feedback). Your assessor will consider your findings, answers to questions,and any workplace observations,andwill giveyou feedback.Resources requiredto complete this taskYour assessor (or workplace representative) will ensure you have:toys and equipmentfor children of various agescurrent workplace policies and procedures for work health and safety (WHS)the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care, and relevant approved learning framework under the National Quality Framework.How will I be assessedin this task?Your assessor will check that you can:conducta risk analysis of toys and equipmentcorrectly determine the safety and suitabilityof toys and equipment in their arearecordthe results of the risk analysisin line with workplace procedures.Units of competency related to this taskCHCECE002 Ensure the health and safety of children (core unit)HLTWHS001 Participate in work health and safety (core unit)Your Candidate Guidehas a brief description of the units related to this task. The units can be viewed at www.training.gov.au