Issued by AMP Superannuation Limited ABN 31 008 414 104, AFSL No. 233060, the trustee of the AMP Superannuation Savings Trust ABN 76 514 770 399 and AMP Retirement Trust ABN 73 310 248 809 ® Registered trademark of AMP Life Limited ABN 84 079 300 379 Page 1 of 1 Contact details T 131 267 (131 AMP) F1300 301 267 E 1 July 2013 W\myportfolio AMP Life Limited PO Box 300 PARRAMATTA NSW 2124 To whom it may concern Letter of compliance – AMP Superannuation products The AMP superannuation products shown below are part of either the AMP Retirement Trust or the AMP Superannuation Savings Trust (‘Funds’). Fund nameAMP Retirement TrustFund name AMP Superannuation Savings TrustFund ABN73 310 248 809 Fund ABN76 514 770 399 Fund RSE Reg. No.R1075274 Fund RSE Reg. No.R1001648 Product(s) in this Fund Unique superannuationidentifier (USI) Product(s) in this Fund Unique superannuationidentifier (USI) AMP Flexible Super®AMP1248AUFlexible Lifetime® - SuperAMP0195AU CustomSuper®AMP0277AU SignatureSuper®AMP0735AU SuperLeader®AMP0278AUAMP Retirement Savings Account AMP0276AU AMP Superannuation Limited (ASL), RSE Lic. No. L0000550, in its capacity as the trustee of the above Funds, certifies the funds are: - complying superannuation funds and are resident regulated superannuation funds within the meaning of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS) - not and have never been subject to a direction under section 63 of SIS, and - able to accept contributions from employers. Yours faithfully AMP Superannuation Limited