Chapter 2 Developing Confidence through the Speech-Planning Process
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This chapter begins by explaining what scholars call public speaking apprehension. Then we discuss the causes and benefits of public speaking apprehension, as well as how you can manage anxiety successfully. And, finally, we explain how careful preparation can help you develop and display confidence when you speak. At the end of the chapter, we introduce the narrative/personal experience speech, a common early speech assignment.
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The mind is
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The mind is a wonderful thing. It starts working the minute you’re born & never stops…until you get up to speak in public.
~ Anonymous
Learning Outcomes:
1. What is public speaking apprehension?
2. Why do we experience public speaking apprehension?
3. What can we do to manage public speaking apprehension?
4. In what ways does careful planning help reduce public speaking apprehension?
5. What are the six steps in an effective speech action plan?
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Public Speaking Apprehension Is…
…the level of fear a person experiences when anticipating or actually speaking to an audience.
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Almost everyone feels apprehensive about speaking in public, but about 15 percent of us experience high levels of anxiety. Paradoxically, some degree of apprehension can make us better public speakers because it is an indication that we want to perform well.
The goal is not to eliminate nervousness about speaking, but to learn how to manage it.
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Phases of Public Speaking
Anticipation phase
Confrontation phase
Adaptation phase
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Public speaking apprehension gradually decreases for most of us as we speak. It is normal to be nervous before you speak and, when understood and managed correctly, can result in a better speech than having no anxiety at all.
Phases of Public Speaking:
Anticipation phase: anxiety we experience before giving the speech
Confrontation phase: surge of anxiety we feel as we begin speaking
Adaptation phase: period during which our anxiety level gradually decreases
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Exhibit 2.1 Phases of Public Speaking Apprehension
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Most people pass through three phases as they deliver a speech.
Causes of Public Speaking Apprehension
Biologically based temperament
Previous experience
Level of skills
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Some public speaking apprehension may be inborn. Speaking anxiety may also result from past negative experiences with public speaking. We sometimes model (imitate) behavior we have seen before, or past responses to our behavior reinforce (shape) our expectations about what will happen in the future. The lack of public presentation skills can also cause anxiety in many speakers.
Causes of Public Speaking Apprehension:
Biologically based temperament-public speaking apprehension may be inborn. This “communibiological” explanation suggests that for some, public speaking apprehension stems from our biologically based temperament
Previous experience: modeling/reinforcement. Modeling is learning by observing and then imitating those you admire or are close to. Whereas reinforcement is learning from personal experiences so that past responses to our behavior shape our expectations about how our future behavior will be received (p.19)
Level of skills – an important source of public speaking apprehension comes from having underdeveloped speaking skills. The “skill deficit” theory is an early explanation for apprehension & continues to receive the attention of researchers. It suggests that most of us become apprehensive because we don’t know how to (or choose not to) plan or prepare effectively for a presentation (p.20).
Managing Public Speaking Anxiety
General Methods
Communication orientation motivation techniques
Relaxation exercises
Systematic desensitization
Cognitive restructuring
Public speaking skills training
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These methods are targeted at reducing the apprehension that results from worrisome thoughts and negative self talk.
1. COM techniques are designed by helping speakers adopt a “communication” rather than a “performance” orientation toward speeches.
2. Visualization reduces apprehension by helping speakers develop a mental picture of success.
3. Relaxation exercises help speakers calm themselves before a speech.
4. Systematic desensitization involves having people perform anxiety-causing actions while remaining relaxed.
5. Cognitive restructuring replaces negative self-talk with positive self-talk.
6. Public speaking skills training is the systematic practice of public speaking skills.
Relaxation Techniques
Abdominal breathing
Progressive muscle relaxation exercise
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Once you teach your body to relax on command, you can call it to do so before beginning to give your speech. This allows the natural adrenaline rush you feel before speaking to work for you.
Relaxation Techniques:
1. Abdominal Breathing: Lie on the floor and place your hand on your abdomen. Consciously focus on filling your abdomen with air when you inhale by watching your hand rise. Then, as you release the air, watch your hand lower again.
2. Sighing: By sighing right before it is your turn to speak, you can release tension and lower your anxiety level, allowing the inevitable rush of adrenaline to work for you, not against you.
3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercise: Consciously tense and relax each of these muscle groups twice and then move on to the next group: hands, arms, shoulders, neck, lips, tongue, mouth, eyes and forehead, abdomen, back, midsection, thighs, stomach, calves, feet, and toes.
Negative Self-Talk vs. Positive Coping Statements
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Negative Self-Talk Positive Coping Statements
I’m afraid I’ll stumble over my words and look foolish. Even if I stumble, I will have succeeded as long as I get my message across.
I’m afraid everyone will be able to tell that I’m nervous. They probably won’t be able to tell I’m nervous, but as long as I focus on getting my message across, that’s what matters.
Cognitive restructuring involves four steps:
Identify your fears
Analyze how rational those fears are
Develop positive coping statements to replace each negative self-talk statement
Incorporate the positive statements into your life so that they are second nature.
Negative Self-Talk vs. Positive Coping Statements
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Negative Self-Talk Positive Coping Statements
I’m afraid my voice will crack. Even if my voice cracks, as long as I keep going and focus on getting my message across, I’ll succeed at what matters most.
I’m afraid I’ll sound boring. I won’t sound boring if I focus on how important this message is to me and to my audience. I don’t have to do somersaults to keep the audience’s attention, because my topic is relevant to them.
Managing Public Speaking Apprehension
Specific Techniques
Allow sufficient time to prepare
Use presentational aids
Practice your speech aloud
Dress up
Choose an appropriate time to speak
Use positive self-talk
Face the audience with confidence
Focus on sharing your message
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Along with the general anxiety-reducing strategies discussed, these techniques can be used prior to delivering a speech in public.
Specific Techniques:
Allow sufficient time to prepare
Use presentational aids
Practice your speech aloud
Dress up
Choose an appropriate time to speak
Use positive self-talk
Face the audience with confidence
Focus on sharing your message
Effective Speech Planning
Select a speech goal that is appropriate to the rhetorical situation
Understand your audience & adapt to it.
Gather & evaluate information to use in the speech.
Organize & develop your ideas into a well-structured outline.
Choose, prepare, & use appropriate presentational aids.
Practice oral language & delivery style.
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Your speech goal is a specific statement of what you want your audience to know, believe, or do. To arrive at an appropriate speech goal, you need to consider yourself as the speaker, the audience, and the occasion.
Audience adaptation is the process of tailoring your speech’s information to the needs, interests, and expectations of your listeners.
When you select a topic, you will usually need additional information (e.g., articles, interviews). Whatever sources you use, you will need to evaluate them and select the items you deem valid and truthful.
Organization involves identifying two to four main ideas, outlining the body of the speech, and preparing an effective introduction and conclusion. Presentational aids can also be used to enhance the message.
Finally, speakers must practice their speeches. Very few people can present speeches effectively without considerable practice.
A Narrative/Personal Speech Is…
a presentation in which you recount an experience or experiences you have had and the significance you attach to it or them.
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A narrative is an excellent way for a new public speaker to practice the basic speech preparation action steps that have been covered in this chapter.
When you deliver a narrative, you talk about the setting, characters, and events as they serve as “good reasons” for accepting a moral you deem important. A moral is simply a life lesson about right and wrong.
Elements in a narrative:
1. A narrative has a point to it, usually a life lesson.
2. A narrative is developed with supporting details that give background to and embellish the story.
3. Narrative drama can be increased by using dialogue.
4. Most narratives dramatize because they recount emotional incidents.
In all matters, before beginning, a diligent preparation should be made.
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