1. Monosaccharide structure Aldohexose: D - talose 1. Draw the aldohexose assigned to you in chain form. 2. How many chiral carbons are there in your hexose? Label all the chiral carbons in your structure above with a asterisk (*). 3. Draw the same aldohexose in its pyranose forms, showing both its a and B anomers. a-anomer:
B-anomer: 4. Draw two epimers (one at carbon-3 and another at carbon-4) of your aldohexose in chain form, and give their correct names. 5. Draw the D-ketohexose that is most structurally similar to your assigned aldohexose. (You can draw this by simply transferring the carbonyl from the first carbon of your aldose to the second carbon to make a ketose.) Name your ketohexose.
6. How many chiral carbons are there in your ketose? Label all the chiral carbons in your structure above with an asterisk (*). 7. Draw one epimer (at carbon-4) of your ketohexose, and give its correct name.