Group Project Part 1 / Delivery 1
By: Zachary Toupin, Chaewon Lee, Takudzwa Mushosho, Paramvir Bajwa and Synclaire Ocici
MKT 3230 Consumer Behaviour
Instructor: Marcio Coelho
January 21, 2020
Group Project Part 1 Example
1: Original Brand Name of Product: KitKat
Product Class: chocolate bar / candy
Description: chocolate bar (wafer covered with milk chocolate)
2: Current Target Market: people of all ages and chocolate lovers
Are of all ages
People who like chocolate
Busy people who need a break
Need: having a snack, quick convenient way to eat
3: Currently Sold: Across Canada, in grocery stores, corner stores, convenience stores, etc
4: Price Range: $1 – $4
5: Three Major Environmental Factors are:
Demographics (ages / busyness)
Natural: ethical sourcing of ingredients (cocoa)
Political: ethical sourcing of ingredients again
6: Product Extension: Caffeinated KitKat (KitKat with caffeine added)
Same as original KitKat bar, but with added caffeine, helps those taking breaks to “recharge their batteries” or get a boost of energy, instead of coffee or energy drink
Group Project Part 2 / Delivery 2
By: Zachary Toupin, Chaewon Lee, Takudzwa Mushosho, Paramvir Bajwa and Synclaire Ocici
MKT 3230 Consumer Behaviour A01
Instructor: Marcio Coelho
February 2, 2020
This is our group’s chosen advertisement for Kit Kat. This ad for Kit Kat appeals to the large target market Kit Kat has chosen to advertise towards. Since Kit Kat is a food item, it tries to appeal to the public and consumers in general, although more consumers will be attracted if Kit Kat offers them something of value. Kit Kat has cemented itself as a snack you have when you need to take a break, or if you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed. Thus, Kit Kat also targets busy people who need a break, giving them that extra reason to purchase a Kit Kat over its competitors. The ad shows how anxiety will diminish when a person consumes a Kit Kat, giving those busy consumers a reason to try Kit Kat.
Chapter 1
As a group we decided that our target audience is anyone in general that likes chocolate. But to be more specific, our target audience could be people in the workforce, or people in general, that need a break – hence Kit Kat’s famous quote “Have a break, have a Kit Kat.” This is reflected in our chosen ad, as breaks are featured in the advertisement.
Since our product is a chocolate bar, we are not limited in the age groups we are targeting. The ages of our audience vary from toddlers all the way up to seniors. Our younger audience will be more attracted to our product for the sole reason that it is a chocolate bar, but our older audience may be more inclined to eat a Kit Kat as opposed to other brands because they associate having a break to having a Kit Kat.
Chocolate is a very diverse product that brings people from around the world together. The customers we are targeting specifically are people that are on the run and have a fast-paced lifestyle. This is a particularly good target market for our product, because these consumers with fast-paced lifestyles are becoming a growing trend in the fast-paced world we live in today. Kit Kat targets men and women of all ages that love chocolate. But what draws consumers to this particular brand is again the slogan “Have a break, have a Kit Kat.” Therefore, by targeting consumers that are very busy or always on the move, we can create a need that did not exist before. Every time someone needs a break, they will automatically think about having their favourite waffle bars covered in chocolate, leading to a need to purchase one if they do not have a Kit Kat already.
Kit Kat’s slogan also connects well with Kit Kat’s target market, being consumers of all ages and genders, especially those people who love to eat chocolate. The break mentioned in the slogan is intended to indicate a break during work or study, thereby also targeting teenagers and students as well as workers. Along with our perception, we concluded that these targeted consumers would not prefer necessarily to have variety in chocolates and purchase premium brands. There is no higher tendency for them to try chocolates with more sophisticated or luxurious brands, such as Godiva or Royce. This is the reason why we could put the segmented consumer for social class and income as general workers and students, with little to no level of income.
An issue could be brought up in regards to Kit Kat’s business ethics, with the issue of ethical sourcing of ingredients for the product. However, Kit Kat has already made significant progress on this front, as in 2016, Kit Kat became the first global chocolate brand to use 100% responsibly sourced cocoa in its chocolate confections.
Chapter 2:
Our chosen product is a chocolate bar and it is one for people who are lovers of chocolate and who are consumed in their busy lives that they would need a bit of a distraction, just like a chocolate bar to snack on. The Kit Kat bar is really convenient compared to other chocolate bars, because it can easily be carried around and perfectly fits into pockets. Additionally, Kit Kats can be easily broken apart into several evenly shaped wafers, making sharing the product between multiple consumers easier as well. The Kit Kat bar’s design also fits well into the palms of your hands and feels appropriate to break apart, appealing to the sense of touch of all consumers of all ages.
As marketers know today, our eyes play a large role in what we take into our stomachs. Kit Kat is no exception to this fundamental concept when it selects its packaging. It is known through research that people tend to actually eat more, hence consume more, when the products are wrapped in small packages. It is no wonder that Kit Kat has many of its chocolate bars wrapped in very little packaging, which has been made as easy to remove as possible. Consumers are hence attracted to buy more chocolate bars in the long run, sometimes without even noticing. This is leveraged even further by Kit Kat, because it has already made sharing the product between multiple consumers easier by the very design of the product.
Furthermore, the colour used in the ad is suitable to grab the attention of the target group. We know today the fact that colour can greatly boost a brand’s image and make it stand out from its competitors. Research today also shows that 93 percent of people are captured by the visuals of an ad. The target group, as mentioned earlier, are rather busy people and so using bold colours such as red helps to easily grab the attention of the consumer. In addition, with the different kinds of chocolate being advertised, using red is essentially relevant to make the Kit Kat bar stand out and be easily remembered in the minds of consumers.
It is also noted that the older one gets, the duller colours appear and so older consumers would typically prefer brighter tones. Our chosen ad can also appeal to these types of older people with busy schedules because such ads would more easily noticed by this demographic of consumer. Also, the ad purposefully reflects the message of the brand’s positioning. Kit Kat seeks to have its consumers view it as a snack that people can easily have during their breaks. This falls under the positioning dimension of occasion. It is no wonder that this ad skilfully plays around a graph showing one’s anxiety levels against their breaks, demonstrating that the shorter one’s break is, the higher their anxiety levels and hence the more of a Kit Kat bar they should consume.
Chapter 5
Kit Kat’s advertisement helps ease the self-concept and self-esteem of those who purchase our product. Our chosen ad depicts how your anxiety levels go down after taking a break with a Kit Kat. This helps to ease any negative feelings about eating something that is considered unhealthy, because the consumer is actually getting something positive out of the product, and not just a good tasting snack. Thus, negative feelings that could arise in the consumer’s self-concept from eating something considered “junk food,” is diminished if not eliminated, safeguarding the consumer’s self-esteem. The advertisement for Kit Kat can also create a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. Since our chosen ad shows how your anxiety level will go down after consuming a Kit Kat, consumers will believe it has that effect and will also potentially feel their anxiety levels being reduced by the product. This would be another positive for Kit Kat, as it gives the product another edge over its competitors, despite the fact it may or may not actually reduce anxiety.
Symbolic interactionism can also be leveraged by Kit Kat. Because Kit Kat markets itself as a snack for busy people to help them take a break, it can be said that consumers may gravitate towards Kit Kat because of the message it gives out to other consumers. If a consumer would like to be seen as a busy person leading a busy lifestyle, they may be more inclined to purchase a Kit Kat over another brand of chocolate bar. This would also fit in with self-image congruence models. Since busy people will be consuming Kit Kat bars, it can be seen how a busy consumer would choose a Kit Kat bar over other chocolate bars, because Kit Kat has attributes that match those of busy people needing breaks.
Those who are often self conscious will often pay more attention to information about the product. People may feel self conscious about the quantity of food they eat or having unhealthy snacks like chocolate. Consumers may even believe that the costs of eating Kit Kats outweighs the benefits. Our chosen ad helps to eliminate this feeling of being self conscious. It is communicating to the consumers in the most simple way possible how Kit Kats can help you cope with anxiety. This is particularly important because of the day to day difficulties people face that may produce anxiety, which Kit Kat would help moderate. As a result of this marketing tool this may aid consumers in becoming less self conscious about the product itself. It will also help in eliminating doubts about the benefits the product may have. This ad will help show that there are more benefits than costs. It will in turn change how the public view the product and create a more positive mindset.
In addition, consumers are constantly evaluating their body image and the impacts of products they consume to their body image. If these products fail to contribute to their body image in a positive manner, they may be reluctant to consume the product. Our advertisement helps to combat this issue because it does not make mention of body size or ideal beauty. It addresses this issue by displaying the images of the different sizes of Kit Kats one can consume in the form of a graph. This ad is making an attempt to ensure consumers that the product is able to accommodate their needs in relation to how much they would like to consume in order to contribute to their ideal body image. Kit Kat is adaptable for all. Our ad also helps address this issue by not making body image the center of attention. No models are used and there is no idealistic view of beauty or body perfection created. People are being given the chance to define beauty and perfection on their own terms.
Questionnaire Questions
1) Do you consider yourself a busy person?
2) Do you like / consume chocolate?
-if yes, what do you know about kit kat? --Do you like kit kat?
3)Do you like / consume coffee?
-If yes, how much coffee do you drink a day?
4) Do you eat something during your breaks?
5) How old are you? (Demographic question)
6) Are you employed? (Demographic question)
7) Do you feel a need for a boost of energy during your day? (Which a break provides)
· If yes, how?
8) Are you willing to replace coffee with a caffeinated chocolate bar?
9) How much do you spend on coffee/energy products daily? Weekly?
10) How many breaks do you take/permitted while at work? (usually allowed 2 + lunch break)
11) Thinking about companies that provide chocolate, what companies come to mind?
12) When choosing a chocolate brand, what do you mostly consider? (price, quantity, quality)
13) If the chocolate bar was low in calories (i.e low sugar/fat) would you consider switching from coffee to a chocolate bar? If not, why not?
14) How much are you willing to pay for a caffeinated chocolate bar?
15) If you need to choose either a coffee or a caffeinated chocolate bar, what would you choose and why?
Group Project Part 3 / Delivery 3
By: Zachary Toupin, Chaewon Lee, Takudzwa Mushosho, Paramvir Bajwa and Synclaire Ocici
MKT 3230 Consumer Behaviour A01
Instructor: Marcio Coelho
March 12, 2020
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Survey Summary
To summarize our survey results, we found various insights into our target market. For our survey, we used a wide range of respondents so we could come up with some good data and responses to our survey. We interviewed various people whose ages ranged from 18 to 60, giving us a good sample of different people to respond to our survey. Of the people we interviewed, the majority of them said they were busy with work, with the second most common answer being busy with school and studying. This is characteristic of our target market as they are people who consider themselves busy. We also saw that the majority of our respondents also stated they liked and consumed both coffee and chocolate, although chocolate was consumed a lot less on average as compared to coffee. This again bodes well for our product, as many respondents are already familiar with similar products to our product extension and would thus be inclined to try, or to at least notice, the introduction of our new product extension. Additionally, our respondents indicated that they considered themselves at least fairly busy, as the majority answered with a 4 or higher to our question. This also proves a good data point we can leverage for our product extension, as we could aim our product to people who consider themselves busy. Another point to note is that environmental issues are important for our target market. Most respondents answered that environmental issues are a 4 or higher in importance for them. This would also prove a good point to exploit in our extension by highlighting our product’s sensible decisions regarding environmental issues, such as using ethically sourced ingredients like cocoa and palm oil. Most respondents also said they felt the need for a boost of energy in their daily lives. This need would prove easy for our product to exploit, as it would give these consumers that boost of energy they are looking for. Although this might be a bit hard to do, given most consumers we surveyed indicated they use coffee to fulfill this need usually. Most respondents said they would also rather coffee over a caffeinated chocolate bar. This is definitely detrimental for our product extension, as we initially thought our product could serve as a substitute for coffee. But as our survey results showed us, this might not be the most successful position for our product to occupy. Thus, we suggest that our product not be an outright substitute for coffee in our initial launching of the product, but rather an accompanying product that could occasionally substitute for coffee. This would help the product get introduced to the market without excluding those who like and/or still prefer coffee.