IST Chapter 9
In-Class Discussion
Chapter 9: Social Computing
1. Describe the benefits risks of social commerce to consumers and businesses.
2. Discuss 1) why social computing is so important in consumer relationship management; 2) how social computing improves customer service.
3. How can an organization best employ social computing technologies and applications to benefit its business processes?
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Julian Lao
Chapter 9 Discussion
1. Describe the benefits risks of social commerce to consumers and businesses.
Benefits of social commerce to customers include the following: better and fastervendors' response to complaints; customers can assist other customers;customers' expectations can be met more fully and quickly; customers can easilysearch, link, chat, and buy while staying in the social network's page. Social commerce encourages people to connect with a business through two-way communication. This allows customers to not only engage with your business, but it also gives them the opportunity to use social media as an efficient customer service channel where it's possible to solve problems. Social commerce helps you maintain those relationships by quickly informing your best customers of special promotions, new products, deep discounts and much more. If customers are happy with your products and customer service they will be more likely to buy from you again.
Alejandra Guerrero
Chpt 9 Discussion
Social computing is an important and crucial tool in consumer relationship management because customer's have created elevated expectations about their interactions and experiences with a company and thus expanding consumers roles as being more than purchasers. Customers are now influencers as more and more people are relying on customer's reviews prior to purchasing a product. Consumer relationship management allows businesses to responds to customer's problems in a quick and appropriate manner. Social computing also improves customer service by allowing companies to be more attentive to customer's complaints and reviews of the company itself or their own personal experience they had with them due to customer relationship management. If consumers feel as if their problems are being handled with care then their bad experience will be lessened. With customers using social media, they are able to easily express their experience with the company whether good or bad. Customer service representatives are then able to easily answer customer's questions or concerns using personal or automated responses.