Do not do MLA format, just follow the instructions
Project 1
1 Start PowerPoint. Download and open the file named go_p01_grader_h3.pptx.
2 Replace all occurrences of the text North with Northern and then change layout of Slide 1 to Title Slide.
3 Apply the Ion Boardroom theme with the default purple variant to the presentation.
4 Change the Slide Size to Widescreen (16:9).
5 Display Slide 2, open the Reuse Slides pane, and then from your downloaded grader files browse for and display the presentation p01G_Slides.pptx. If necessary, clear the Keep source formatting check box, and then insert the last two slides. Note, Mac users, after importing the slides, delete Slides 3-5. There should be four slides total in the presentation.
6 Display Slide 2. In either the slide pane or in the slide outline, click at the end of the first bullet point after the word time. Press SPACEBAR. Add the words for viewing and then in the same slide, increase the list level of the second and third bullet points.
7 With Slide 2 still displayed, select the title and change the Font Size to 32. In the Notes pane, type the following notes: The lights reach their peak in September and March. Be sure to type the period at the end of the sentence.