Build a Logistics network
Business Finance
Supply Chain Logistics
Question Description
The goal of this assignment is to demonstrate that you are able to build a logistics network. You will imagine that you run a company that markets a product on Amazon and you need to stock your product at various locations throughout the United States. A successful assignment will illustrate that you are able to use transportation modes, warehouses and and overall understanding of efficiency to create a logistics network that could be implemented in real-life.
Step-By-Step Assignment Instructions
Assignment Topic:
You are the seller of a product on This product represents your country, region, city, etc. or something you really enjoy. In order to start selling the product, you will have to design a logistics network. Now, let's get started!
How to submit:
The format of your work must adhere to the following guidelines...
You will be required to submit your assignment using two files. These are:
An image file (.jpg or .png) containing a map of your proposed logistics network.
A table showing the transit times from your warehouse to each sample customer (please save the file as .pdf).
Make sure to include the following:
A description of your product.
Documentation of your warehouse locations and the time to customers.
A justification of why your warehouse network is ideal for your product and the current economic situation.