Case Study For A Nurse Practitioner Program
Write a case study about the given case scenario using the SOAP format and APA format. No Plagiarism need attached turnitin document. Please read all instructions: The 1st IMAGE uploaded has THE CASE SCENARIO at the bottom that YOU WILL USE to create my case study using the SOAP FORMAT. Please READ/ follow all instructions. P.S please review the Guidelienes/Rubric and template for an example ( attached below) The review of systems and physical examination should correlate with the given scenario. This is for my nurse practitioner masters program( final grade) PLEASE no plagiarism cite information using APA format. I ALSO HAVE EPOCRATES TO RETRIEVE informatio if you need it. THANK YOU.
Required elements of the case study:
All papers are to be type written, double spaced, with pages numbered. Please write course name and number, your name, and date clearly on materials submitted. Use American Psychological Association (APA) style 6th edition including paper format and references. Points may be deducted for multiple spelling, grammar, format and typing errors.
1. Subjective (0.5 point)
State the patient’s chief complaint, reason for visit and/or the problem for which the patient sought consultation.
a. All symptoms related to the problem are described using the following cue descriptive categories:
1. Precipitating/alleviating factors (including prescribed and/or self-remedies and their effect on the problem).
2. Associated symptoms
3. Quality of all reported symptoms including the effect on the patient’s lifestyle
4. Temporal factors (date of onset, frequency, duration, sequence of events)
5. Location (localized or generalized? does it radiate?)
6. Sequelae (complications, impact on patient and/or significant other)
7. Severity of the symptoms
b. Past Medical History including immunizations, allergies, accidents, illnesses, operations, hospitalizations.
c. Family History includes family members’ health history.
d. Social history to include habits, residence, financial situation, outside assistance, family inter-relationships.
e. Review of Systems relevant to the chief complaint/presenting problem is included. Include pertinent positives and negatives.
2. Objective (0.5 point)
a. Using inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation, the examiner evaluates all systems associated with the subjective complaint including all systems which may be causing the problem or which will manifest or may potentially manifest complications and records positive and pertinent negative findings
b. Performs appropriate diagnostic studies if equipment is available
c. Records results of pertinent, previously obtained diagnostic studies.
d. Use Handout Guidelines to Physical Examination.
3. Assessment (1.5 points)
a. Diagnosis/es is (are) derived from the subjective and objective data highlighting the pathophysiology of the case/s.
b. Differential diagnoses are prioritized (minimum of 2)
c. Diagnosis/es come(s) from the medical and/or nursing domain
d. Assessment includes health risks/needs assessment
4. Plan (1.5 points)
a. Appropriate diagnostic studies with rationale
b. Therapeutic treatment plan with rationale
c. Was this patient appropriate for a nurse practitioner as a provider? Is consultation or collaboration with another health care provider required?
d. Health promotion/disease prevention carried out or planned: education, discussion, handouts given, evidence of patient’s understanding.
e. What community resources are available in the provision of care for this client?
f. Referrals initiated (including to whom the patient is referred to and the purpose)
g. Target dates for re-evaluating the results of the plan and follow up
5. Other (1 point)
a. Information is typed, double-spaced, 12pt font, and concise (using short paragraphs and phrases)
b. Information is written so that the objective reader can follow the progression of events and information
c. Only standard, accepted medical terminology and abbreviations are used.
d. At least three (3) references from recent professional journal publications are required for each (APA format). These can include but not limited to medical, research, pharmacological or advanced practice nursing journals. More than 3 references should be used.
e. Rationales need to include a clear demonstration of the use of evidence-based practice in decision-making. Risks and benefits as well as how an intervention was determined to be evidence-based will be clear to the reader.
f. Rationales need to include a clear demonstration of the use of evidence-based practice in decision-making. Risks and benefits as well as how an intervention was determined to be evidence-based will be clear to the reader.