Please read this page (in particular) very carefully.
You need to understand how to send your assignments (deliverables)
to your instructor. The tabs (bottom of each sheet) in this
document contain all of the deliverables expected of you.
If you need help along the way, look for these special cells that have a red indicator
in the corner. It looks like the "Read me" box to the right: Read me
Simply slide your cursor over the red-cornered cell and you will get more information.
The format for all of the deliverables is the same:
The 'objective' is in black font. It describes what you are doing the particular deliverable.
The next segment is in green font. These are your instructions.
The blue font is the data (where applicable) that you will need to complete the deliverable.
We are using Excel software for the projects. You may use other software
to complete your projects, but please 'report' your answers in the Excel format
described below.
You may complete your assignments with any version of Excel software.
All assignments can easily be completed with a basic copy of Excel.
There is also an Add-In feature which is available for Excel that can be helpful,
although it is not required. The Add-In feature comes free with each Excel package,
although it may not be currently loaded into your copy of Excel.
Following are the simple instruction for loading the Excel Add-ins for both Excel 2003
and Excel 2007. (Slide your cursor over the red-cornered cells to read)
Excel 2003 Excel 2007
Excel Novice - Please read
Project Timeline
Deliverables include:
Project charter (target week 3 or sooner)
SIPOC (week 4 or sooner)
Baseline sigma (week 5 or sooner)
Pareto chart (week 6 or sooner)
Process analysis (week 7 or sooner)
Stem & leaf (week 9 or sooner)
DOE (week 12 or sooner)
Scatter diagram (week 13 or sooner)
Control chart (XmR) ( week 14 or sooner)
Pp Ppk (week 15 or sooner)
How to submit an Assignment
In response to customers like you, we have added a peach-colored box
for each deliverable. We have done this to make it clear (and consistent) the
areas of the project that will be reviewed to your instructor.
Project: Healthcare Project
Deliverable: Improve phase - gen. sol.
Student last name: Johnson
What is the control chart telling you?
There is a point out of control at subgroup #15. I would try to figure out why that happened. We would also recalculate the control limits because there is evidence the process has changed.
What is the average of subgroup 1? 22
What is the average of subgroup 2? 34
What is the average of subgroup 3? 23
What is the average of subgroup 4? 22
What is the average of subgroup 5? 25
What is the average of subgroup 6? 23
What is the average of subgroup 7? 29
What is the average of subgroup 8? 27
Read this!
To send each assignment to your instructor:
Click-and-hold the LEFT mouse button at the TOP-LEFT corner of the
peach-colored box, then while holding down on that button, drag to
the LOWER-RIGHT corner of the box. This will highlight the entire
peach-colored box. Release the mouse button. Do a CTRL-C. This will
copy what has been highlighted.
Go to your Villanova website and follow this sequence:
1. Click on the 'email' icon on your course home page
2. Select 'new message'
3. Click on your instructor's email envelope icon
4. Type "the respective assignment name" in the SUBJECT box.
5. Click once inside of the message box
6. Do a CTRL-V. This will paste your deliverable into this box.
Don't be concerned if after you paste it, the appearance of the text is out of
alignment. It will straighten out after you hit SEND.
7. SEND Check your SENT ITEMS folder afterward to see how it straightened out.
Please 'hand-in' your assignments throughout the course.
Procrastinators: The deadline for completing all project deliverables
is 7 days prior to the end of the course.
Instructor: These cells contain some hints, tips, and self-checks. If you would like to print any of the tips, right click the cell containing the tip and select Edit Comment. Highlight the text, copy and paste in a any text document like WORD for printing.
Instructor: EXCEL 2003 or earlier Click on the TOOLS tab in the top bar of Excel. If your computer already has the “Data Analysis” option listed, you are ready to go. Your Data Analysis tools have already been added. Under the Data Analysis Function you will find some of the more advanced functions that we will be discussing such as ANOVAs, and t tests. If you do not see Data Analysis listed under the TOOLS tab, I encourage you to go to the Help function in Excel for specific instructions on how to load “the Data Analysis Toolpak” in your version of Excel. Here are the easy standard instructions for Excel 2003 if you need to load the Add-Ins. 1) On the Tools menu, click Add-Ins. 2) In the Add-Ins available box, select the check box next to Analysis Toolpak, and then click OK. 3) When you load the Analysis Toolpak, the DATA ANALYSIS command is automatically added to the TOOLS menu. If your version if slightly different than the above, refer to your HELP function for details on loading Tookpak. See the next spreadsheet at the bottom of this worksheet entitled EXCEL EXAMPLES for an illustration. Remember that the Data Analysis function is NOT necessary for the course, but it is helpful.
Villanova instructor: Excel 2007 The Analysis Toolpak is a Microsoft Office Excel add-in program that is available when you install Microsoft Office or Excel. To use it in Excel, however, you need to load it first. 1. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Excel Options at the bottom. 2. Click Add-Ins, and then in the Manage box, select Excel Add-ins. 3. Click Go. 4. In the Add-Ins available box, select the Analysis Toolpak check box, and then click OK. If you get prompted that the Analysis Toolpak is not currently installed on your computer, click Yes to install it. 5. After you load the Analysis ToolPak, the Data Analysis command is available in the ANALYSIS group on the DATA tab. See the next spreadsheet EXCEL EXAMPLES for an illustration. Remember that the Data Analysis function is not required for the course.
Instructor: It is beyond the scope of this Black Belt course to teach students how to perform all of the functions of Excel. The Microsoft web site has excellent FREE tutorials for both Excel 2003 or Excel 2007. Excel 2007 http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/training/CR100479681033.aspx Excel 2003 http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/training/CR061831141033.aspx Or, ask a business colleague, who is proficient in Excel to show you how to do some of the basic things such as copying, cutting, pasting, copying from sheet to sheet, etc. Please do not expect your Black Belt class instructor to teach you how to use Excel software. That is not the objective of this course. This course will highlight specific Excel commands that are unique to Six Sigma, but it is not the objective of this course to teach basic Excel commands. Please use the suggested resources listed above.
Excel examples
This spreadsheet tab provides illustrations of adding the DATA ANALYSIS capability to your Excel software.
If you see Data Analysis already listed under the Tools tab, you are set. If you do not see Data Analysis
follow the instructions in the Green tab. Excel 2003 instructions
Excel 2003 or earlier versions of Excel example
This spreadsheet tab provides illustrations of adding the DATA ANALYSIS capability to your 2007 Excel software.
If you see Data Analysis already listed under the DATA tab, you are set. If you do not see Data Analysis
follow the instructions in the Green tab. Excel 2007 instructions
Excel 2007 example
Instructor: EXCEL 2003 or earlier Click on the TOOLS tab in the top bar of Excel. If your computer already has the “Data Analysis” option listed, you are ready to go. Your Data Analysis tools have already been added. Under the Data Analysis Function you will find some of the more advanced functions that we will be discussing such as ANOVAs, and t tests. If you do not see Data Analysis listed under the TOOLS tab, I encourage you to go to the Help function in Excel for specific instructions on how to load “the Data Analysis Toolpak” in your version of Excel. Here are the easy standard instructions for Excel 2003 if you need to load the Add-Ins. 1) On the Tools menu, click Add-Ins. 2) In the Add-Ins available box, select the check box next to Analysis Toolpak, and then click OK. 3) When you load the Analysis Toolpak, the DATA ANALYSIS command is automatically added to the TOOLS menu. If your version if slightly different than the above, refer to your HELP function for details on loading Tookpak. Remember that the Data Analysis function is NOT necessary for the course, but it is helpful. If you would like to print this tip, right click on the cell and select EDIT COMMENT. Then just highlight and copy the text, and paste in a document for printing.
Villanova instructor: Excel 2007 The Analysis ToolPak is a Microsoft Office Excel add-in program that is available when you install Microsoft Office or Excel. To use it in Excel, however, you need to load it first. 1. Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Excel Options at the bottom. 2. Click Add-Ins, and then in the Manage box, select Excel Add-ins. 3. Click Go. 4. In the Add-Ins available box, select the Analysis ToolPak check box, and then click OK. If you get prompted that the Analysis ToolPak is not currently installed on your computer, click Yes to install it. 5. After you load the Analysis ToolPak, the Data Analysis command is available in the ANALYSIS group on the DATA tab. Remember that the Data Analysis function is not required for the course. If you would like to print this tip, right click on the cell and select EDIT COMMENT. Then just highlight and copy the text, and paste in a document for printing.
Healthcare Project
A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that over the past
decade trips to emergency departments (ED) rose 20 percent, while the number of available
emergency centers fell by 15 percent. Another study from the American Hospital Association
indicated that 62 percent of hospitals feel they are at, or over operating capacity. That number
jumps to 90 percent when considering Level 1 Trauma Centers and larger (300+ beds) hospitals.
These statistics are frighteningly familiar to many hospitals and patients. The pressures are
mounting, and a faltering economy has swelled the ranks of uninsured -- people who often
rely on the local ED for primary care. Countless emergency departments are literally on life
support as they try to cope with capacity issues and workforce shortages. Preparing for or
responding to emerging threats such as bioterrorism and SARS only increases the strain on
the system. In hospitals across the U.S., EDs face a similar story of delays
and dissatisfaction…from both patients and clinicians.
Not all the news is bad, however. Some hospitals are finding new ways to overcome the
challenges and create safer, more efficient environments. Through a combination of Six
Sigma and Lean, hospitals are targeting critical aspects of patient flow, patient access,
service-cycle time, and admission/discharge processes. A growing number of hospitals
are taking steps to identify and remove bottlenecks or inefficiencies in the system.
As a result, they are seeing a positive impact on patients, staff, and the bottom line.
By using the principles you have learned in the Six Sigma Black Belt course we want to
decrease 'door to doctor time.' We also want you to decrease the patient’s total length of
stay, and decrease in the number of patients who leave without being seen -- those who get
tired of waiting and took off. In fact, last year of the 43,800 patients awaiting treatment,
6.3% left without treatment--essentially because they were dissatisfied with the wait time.
(You can assume one opportunity for a defect.)
The nation's emergency care network must remain strong -- not only to maintain its ability to
serve basic community needs, but also to ensure it will have the necessary capacity and
processes in place to respond quickly during a crisis.
The deadline for completing all project deliverables is 7 days prior to the end of the course
Define (Project Charter)
A problem statement needs to be developed.
There needs to be a business case so that management will buy-in to having the team
working on the project. The scope of the project also needs to be decided upon. This is
important to ensure a likely successful completion. If the scope is too broad, a
success may not be realized for years, or may not happen at all.
Instructions for you:
Create a project charter based "Create a charter?"
upon the information in the introduction. (see "The project" tab)
In reality, you would fill in a charter with team members' names, stake holders, etc. We
are not interested in those details for this simulation, but we do want to see what you
come up with for four (4) items: Problem statement, business case, goal and project scope.
Be sure to review the week 2 virtual class for more information on Project Charters before you submit this assignment!
How to submit an Assignment
TARGET ASSIGNMENT DATE - Submit in Week 3 or earlier
Project: Healthcare Project
Deliverable: Project charter
Student last name: Your LAST name here
What is the business case?
Type your business case here. "Business Case?"
What is the problem statement?
Type your problem statement here. "Problem Statement"
What is the goal statement?
Type your goal statement here.
"Goal Statement"
What is the project scope?
Type in the scope here. Please see the Helpful Hints ==> "Project Scope?"
Type in the scope here. Please see the Helpful Hints ==>
Read this!
To send each assignment to your instructor:
Click-and-hold the LEFT mouse button at the TOP-LEFT corner of the
peach-colored box, then while holding down on that button, drag to
the LOWER-RIGHT corner of the box. This will highlight the entire
peach-colored box. Release the mouse button. Do a CTRL-C. This will
copy what has been highlighted.
Go to your Villanova website and follow this sequence:
1. Click on the 'email' icon on your course home page
2. Select 'new message'
3. Click on your instructor's email envelope icon
4. Type "the respective assignment name" in the SUBJECT box.
5. Click once inside of the message box
6. Do a CTRL-V. This will paste your deliverable into this box.
Don't be concerned if after you paste it, the appearance of the text is out of
alignment. It will straighten out after you hit SEND.
7. SEND Check your SENT ITEMS folder afterward to see how it straightened out.
Please 'hand-in' your assignments throughout the course.
Procrastinators: The deadline for completing all project deliverables
is 7 days prior to the end of the course.
Instructor: Additional information about project charters can be found in your Online Textbook. I also HIGHLY recommend reviewing week #2 archived virtual class session for additional information and helpful hints for the assignment!
Instructor: Acting as your real-world sponsor, I would need to be sold on why we need to do this project. I wouldn't have time to read long explanations. I would need to know what this project is all about and how it impacts the strategic objectives of the organization. I would need a short, to-the-point compelling reason why we need to do this.
Instructor: In the problem statement, we 'sell' the need for the project with specific and measureable data. One or two sentence description of the symptoms arising from the problem to be addressed. It will often parallel the Business Case, but will be more specific and focused. Answer; What’s wrong? Where is the problem appearing? How big is the problem? What is the impact of the problem on the business?
Instructor: The Goal Statement and Problem Statements are a matched pair. What is your target improvement for this project, including a target date? George Eckes mentions a 50% improvement as a possible target for Six Sigma projects. Is a 50% improvement enough in this case?
Instructor: Outline the project scope in process terms (where does it start and stop - ie. registration thru physician diagnosis), and identify any constraints and assumptions. How much of our work time can be devoted to project per week? Do we have any authority to spend money? Who (what) are our internal/external resources? Also be sure to review week #2 archived virtual class session for additional information and helpful hints! What the scope is not: -It is not merely a timeline (i.e., when the Six Sigma project is to begin and when it is expected to end.) -It is not restating the problem being attacked.
Define (SIPOC)
We want to view the process from a high level in order to see the major process elements.
SIPOC - Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers
Instructions for you:
Create a SIPOC map of the process based upon the healthcare case study write-up (found at
"The project" tab). Feel free to use your imagination in doing this piece of the project.
Draw upon your own experience from visiting an Emergency Department to come up with
the 'suppliers', 'inputs', 'process', 'outputs', and 'customers.' Note: Normally the
SIPOC map is constructed horizontally. When mailing this deliverable to your instructor,
it formats better vertically.
How to submit an Assignment
TARGET ASSIGNMENT DATE - Submit in Week 4 or earlier
Project: Healthcare Project
Deliverable: SIPOC
Student last name: Your LAST name here
Suppliers::: Type suppliers here
Type suppliers here
Type suppliers here
Type suppliers here
Type suppliers here
Inputs::::: Type inputs here
Type inputs here
Type inputs here
Type inputs here
Type inputs here
Process::::: Step 1::::: Step 1
Process::::: Step 2::::: Step 2
Process::::: Step 3::::: Step 3
Process::::: Step 4::::: Step 4
Process::::: Step 5::::: Step 5
Process::::: Step 6::::: Step 6 (if necessary)
Process::::: Step 7::::: Step 7 (if necessary)
Process::::: Step 8::::: Step 8 (if necessary)
Outputs::::: Type outputs here
Type outputs here
Type outputs here
Type outputs here
Type outputs here
Customers::::: Type customers here
Type customers here
Type customers here
Type customers here
Type customers here
Read this!
To send each assignment to your instructor:
Click-and-hold the LEFT mouse button at the TOP-LEFT corner of the
peach-colored box, then while holding down on that button, drag to
the LOWER-RIGHT corner of the box. This will highlight the entire
peach-colored box. Release the mouse button. Do a CTRL-C. This will
copy what has been highlighted.
Go to your Villanova website and follow this sequence:
1. Click on the 'email' icon on your course home page
2. Select 'new message'
3. Click on your instructor's email envelope icon
4. Type "the respective assignment name" in the SUBJECT box.
5. Click once inside of the message box
6. Do a CTRL-V. This will paste your deliverable into this box.
Don't be concerned if after you paste it, the appearance of the text is out of
alignment. It will straighten out after you hit SEND.
7. SEND Check your SENT ITEMS folder afterward to see how it straightened out.
Please 'hand-in' your assignments throughout the course.
Procrastinators: The deadline for completing all project deliverables
is 7 days prior to the end of the course.
Measure (Baseline Sigma)
We want you to determine baseline sigma. (approximate is okay)
Note: You will need to refer to the tab entitled "The Project" for this deliverable.
Instructions for you:
Calculate baseline sigma.
Sigma Levels
6 sigma 3.4 dissatisfied customer experiences per million (DPMO)
5 sigma 233 DPMO
4 sigma 6,210 DPMO
3 sigma 66,807 DPMO
2 sigma 308,538 DPMO
1 sigma 691,462 DPMO
Be sure to review the week 3 virtual class for more information on the Data Collection Plan before you submit this assignment!
How to submit an Assignment
TARGET ASSIGNMENT DATE - Submit in Week 5 or earlier
Project: Healthcare
Deliverable: Baseline Sigma
Student last name: Your last name here
Baseline sigma (Approximate is okay)::: Sigma?
Read this!
To send each assignment to your instructor:
Click-and-hold the LEFT mouse button at the TOP-LEFT corner of the
peach-colored box, then while holding down on that button, drag to
the LOWER-RIGHT corner of the box. This will highlight the entire
peach-colored box. Release the mouse button. Do a CTRL-C. This will
copy what has been highlighted.
Go to your Villanova website and follow this sequence:
1. Click on the 'email' icon on your course home page
2. Select 'new message'
3. Click on your instructor's email envelope icon
4. Type "the respective assignment name" in the SUBJECT box.
5. Click once inside of the message box
6. Do a CTRL-V. This will paste your deliverable into this box.
Don't be concerned if after you paste it, the appearance of the text is out of
alignment. It will straighten out after you hit SEND.
7. SEND Check your SENT ITEMS folder afterward to see how it straightened out.
Please 'hand-in' your assignments throughout the course.
Procrastinators: The deadline for completing all project deliverables
is 7 days prior to the end of the course.
Instructor: Using the information provided in the 'The project' tab you can calculate the DPMO and use the table above. Also please refer to Week #3 virtual class session for additional information and examples on how to use the table above.
Analyze (Pareto Chart)
You need to determine the 'biggest contributors to the problem.'
One tool to accomplish this is the Pareto Chart
As stated in the problem, patients are leaving the emergency
department before being seen by a doctor for a variety of reasons.
The American Medical Association released findings from a
study (blue font far below) that addressed the following question:
Instructions for you:
Using the data in blue below construct a Pareto chart.
We realize that you could simply pick the two or three process components without actually creating
the Pareto Chart, but we want you to actually create the Pareto Chart because in reality management
likes to see simple charts where they don't have to analyze the data to see the picture. That is why the
Pareto Chart is used in the first place.
Notice: The shaded section below has a practice problem intended to help you with this assignment.
If you want to skip this hypothetical problem, you can.
Hypothetical problem (This is NOT the project data which is why this is separated in a shaded box)
Just to show you how this works, let's say the responses were as follows:
Let's say that data reveals the following counts for beach-related injuries for the month of July.
Injury categories # of incidents
Cuts from broken glass 12 This green area is just for practice.
Surf boarding injuries 37 The project is below in blue.
Fishing related injuries 41
Jelly fish stings 45 This is a hypothetical example
Skim boarding accidents 29 You will be doing this using different
Hit with flying toy 79 data for your project, but this is merely
Sprained ankle 43 showing you how to do it.
Jet Ski accidents 34
Burns from grills 52
Misc. 22
The first thing you would have to do is sort the data from the largest count of injuries to the smallest.
It would look like this after sorting.
Then, you would create a cumulative percentage column. Click once on any of the
cumulative percentages to see the formula.
Injury categories # of incidents Cumulative %
Hit with flying toy 79 20% How did you get 20?
Burns from grills 52 33% How did you get 33?
Jelly fish stings 45 45%
Sprained ankle 43 56%
Fishing related injuries 41 66%
Surf boarding injuries 37 75%
Jet ski accidents 34 84%
Skim boarding accidents 29 91%
Misc. 22 97%
Cuts from broken glass 12 100%
..Back to the project itself...
Reasons for leaving: Total choosing this response Cumulative %
Got tired 6
Not necessary 4
People waiting 4
Doctor treatment 3
Staff treatment 2
Environment 2
Elsewhere 1
Ignored me 1
Too expensive 1
Had to go 1
Create a pareto chart in Excel 2003
Create a pareto chart in Excel 2007
Be sure to review the week 3 virtual class for more information on the Data Collection Plan before you submit this assignment!
How to submit an Assignment
TARGET ASSIGNMENT DATE - Submit in Week 6 or earlier
Project: Healthcare Project
Deliverable: Pareto Chart
Student last name: Your LAST name here
Applying the 'pareto principle', what specific categories would your team focus on?
Type your response here.
Read this!
To send each assignment to your instructor:
Click-and-hold the LEFT mouse button at the TOP-LEFT corner of the
peach-colored box, then while holding down on that button, drag to
the LOWER-RIGHT corner of the box. This will highlight the entire
peach-colored box. Release the mouse button. Do a CTRL-C. This will
copy what has been highlighted.
Go to your Villanova website and follow this sequence:
1. Click on the 'email' icon on your course home page
2. Select 'new message'
3. Click on your instructor's email envelope icon
4. Type "the respective assignment name" in the SUBJECT box.
5. Click once inside of the message box
6. Do a CTRL-V. This will paste your deliverable into this box.
Don't be concerned if after you paste it, the appearance of the text is out of
alignment. It will straighten out after you hit SEND.
7. SEND Check your SENT ITEMS folder afterward to see how it straightened out.
Please 'hand-in' your assignments throughout the course.
Procrastinators: The deadline for completing all project deliverables
is 7 days prior to the end of the course.
Instructor: Step 1. Click in the adjacent blank cell and enter an equal (=) sign. Step 2. Click on the cell with the 79. Step 3. Type in a division sign (/). Step 4. Click in the cell with the 394. Step 5. Click enter
Instructor: Step 1. Click in the adjacent blank cell and enter an equal (=) sign. Step 2. Click on the cell with the 20% in it. Step 3. Type + and a parenthesis sign Step 4. Click on the cell with the 52. Step 5. Type in a division sign (/). Step 6. Click in the cell with the 394. Step 7. Type a close parenthesis sign Step 8. Click enter
Instructor: Instructions for creating a pareto chart in Excel 2003 1. Create a table that looks like the practice problem (above), but with the project data (not the practice data). One column is the counts and the second column is the cumulative percentages. 2. Highlight both columns of data without the labels 3. Click INSERT on the top tab bar 4. Click Chart 5. Click Custom types (one of the tabs) 6. Choose Line - Column on 2 axes (scroll down to find it) 7. Finish to create the chart 8. 'Right click' on left Y axis 9. Click on Format Axis 10. Click Scale 11. Change max to 25 and min to zero 12. OK 13. 'Right click' on right Y axis 14. Click Scale 15. Change max to 1 and min to zero 16. OK 17. Now you have a pareto chart. The cumulative percentage line begins at the top of the first column and rises to 100%. When your pareto follows this standard business format, it will enhance communication and presentations to management. If you would like to PRINT these instructions, right click on the cell and select EDIT COMMENTS. Then just highlight the text, copy and paste into a document to print.
Instructor: Excel 2007 1. Create a table that looks like the practice problem (above), but with the project data (not the practice data). One column is the counts and the second column is the cumulative percentages. 2. Highlight both columns of data without the labels 3. Click INSERT on the top tab bar 4. Click Chart 5. Right click the columns that represent the percentages (smaller columns) 6. On the top Format tab, click Format Selection. 7. Under Plot Series On, click Secondary Axis and then click Close. 8. On the Layout tab, in the Axes group, you may modify the Secondary Vertical Axis. 9. Right click on the percentage columns, Select Change Series Chart type to LINE 10. 'Right click' on left Y axis 11. Click on Format Axis 12. Set Axis Options for MAX and MIN to FIXED 13. Change max to the total of all counts from all columns and a min to zero 14. OK 15. 'Right click' on right Y axis 16. Set Axis Options for MAX and MIN to FIXED 17. Change max to 1.0 (100%) and min to zero 18. OK 19. Now you have a pareto chart. The cumulative percentage line begins at the top of the first column and rises to 100%. When your pareto follows this standard business format, it will enhance communication and presentations to management. If you would like to PRINT these instructions, just right click the cell, and choose EDIT COMMENT. Then, highlight the text, copy and paste into a document to print.