Earlier this week, you practiced using ANCOVA models with SPSS and, ideally, used the Collaboration Lab to ask, answer, and otherwise address any questions you had. In this Assignment, you apply what you learned to answer a social research question using ANCOVA. Hopefully you are not yet tired of comparing means!
To prepare
· Review the datasets provided.
· Construct a research question based on one of those datasets.
· Pay attention to the assumptions of this test, and ask, “Does it make sense to interpret the mean of this dependent variable?”
The Assignment
Use SPSS to answer the research question you constructed. Then, compose a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis in APA format in which you answer the following questions:
1. What is the null hypothesis for your question?
2. What research design(s) would align with this question?
3. What dependent variable was used and how is it measured?
4. What independent variable is used and how is it measured?
5. What is your covariate?
6. What is the answer to your research question?
7. What are the possible implications of social change?
Be sure to include your data output with your analysis. See pages 713 and 714 in your Warner textbook for an excellent APA-compliant write-up of an ANCOVA.
To help address the null and alternative hypothesis for this week I have provided an example below. Just like the ANOVA, the ANCOVA also requires 3 null's and 3 alternative hypotheses. Here is an example:
IV - the study site (categorical)
Covariate - plant size
DV - mean ovule number per flower (continuous)
In a paragraph identify what statistical test you are doing, what data set you used, and what you are attempting to test using the variables you chose.
Research Question
Write your one sentence research question here. This should not be written as a question you can answer with a yes or no. Also, you will either use difference, effect, or relationship depending on the type of statistical test you are doing (see underlined word in RQ and hypotheses). You can also see that the independent variables (blue) are listed first and the dependent variable last (green)—do not use colors in your paper. Here is an example:
RQ: What is the relationship between the number of candy bars eaten in a day, hours spent exercising each week, and BMI?
Null Hypothesis (H0): Write your null hypothesis here. You need to use the terminology “no statistically significant” in the null (see words in bold). You can also see that the independent variables (blue) are listed first and the dependent variable last (green)—do not use colors in your paper. Here is an example: There is no statistically significant relationship between the number of candy bars eaten in a day, hours spent exercising each week, and BMI.
Alternative Hypothesis (HA): Write your alternative hypothesis here. You need to use the terminology “statistically significant” in the alternative (see words in bold). You can also see that the independent variables (blue) are listed first and the dependent variable last (green)—do not use colors in your paper. Here is an example: There is a statistically significant relationship between the number of candy bars eaten in a day, hours spent exercising each week, and BMI.
Independent Variables (IV): List your independent variables here as well as how they are coded (values) in your dataset. For example:
Gender—Male=0; Female=1
Age—Actual age in years at time of data collection
Dependent Variables (DV): List your dependent variables here as well as how they are coded (values) in your dataset. For example:
Weight—Self-reported weight in pounds at time of data collection
Ever been a smoker—0=no; 1=yes
Write your results section here. This should only be 2-4 paragraphs long—be succinct—but focus the results write up towards your null hypothesis and research question. Make sure that you address if the assumptions of the statistical test are met or not and what you did if they were not met and why.
I highly recommend that you provide an APA formatted table to illustrate the results that you are discussing. It is difficult for the reader to follow the results if you just list a lot of numbers so use a table if the results are more complex than you can explain well in sentence format. However, make sure that the table is completely in APA format (see examples starting on p. 129 of the 6th ed. APA manual) as the tables that are generated by SPSS are not in APA format.
Analysis MUST INCLUDE TABLE AND GRAPH INFORMATION. When discussing table please please please refer to them in the text such as:
· Clauses beginning with “as”: “As shown in Table 1, …”
· Passive voice: “Results are shown in Table 1.”
· Active voice (if appropriate for your discipline): “Table 1 shows that …”
· Parentheses: “Each sample tested positive for three nutrients (Table 1).”
Here is an example of an APA formatted results section:
An ANCOVA was conducted to determine the effect of two different therapy approaches on stalking-type behavior after controlling for pre-therapy stalking-type behavior. There was homogeneity of regression slopes as the interaction term was not statistically significant, F(1,46) = .882, p = .353. The Levene's test of homogeneity of covariances (F(1, 48) = 7.19, p = .01), was statistically significant and therefore the assumption was violated. The main effect of therapy approach was statistically significant, F(1, 47) = 5.49, p = .023, partial η2 = .11, indicating that the hours spent in stalking-type behavior was lower after using the cognitive-behavioral therapy approach (M = 55.30, SE = 1.87) as compared to using the psychodynamic therapy approach (M = 61.50, SE = 1.87), as indicated in Table 1.
Table 1.
Therapy Approach Differences in Stalking-Type Behavior
*Table data here*
The covariate was statistically significant, F(1, 47) = 50.46, p < .05, partial η2 = .52, indicating that amount of time spent in stalking-type behavior before therapy had a statistically significant effect on amount of time spent in stalking-type behavior after therapy. Therefore the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative accepted. This means that the amount of time spent stalking before therapy should be considered when determining effectiveness of therapy on stalking behavior and the cognitive-behavioral therapy approach may be more effective in treating stalking behavior.
***Make sure to copy and paste your SPSS output (everything produced by SPSS at the end of the paper AFTER the reference list. There is a place at the end of the paper for you to paste this.
(Please note that the following references are just examples of APA formatting)
Alexander, G., & Bonaparte, N. (2008). My way or the highway that I built. Ancient Dictators, 25(7), 14-31. doi:10.8220/CTCE.52.1.23-91
Babar, E. (2007). The art of being a French elephant. Adventurous Cartoon Animals, 19, 4319-4392. Retrieved from http://www.elephants104.ace.org
Bumstead, D. (2009). The essentials: Sandwiches and sleep. Journals of Famous Loafers, 5, 565-582. doi:12.2847/CEDG.39.2.51-71
Hansel, G., & Gretel, D. (1973). Candied houses and unfriendly occupants. Thousand Oaks, CA: Fairy Tale Publishing.
Hera, J. (2008). Why Paris was wrong. Journal of Greek Goddess Sore Spots, 20(4), 19-21. doi: 15.555/GGE.64.1.76-82
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2007). How to cite a video: The city is always Baltimore [DVD]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2010). Name of program [Video webcast]. Retrieved from http://www.courseurl.com
Sinatra, F. (2008). Zing! Went the strings of my heart. Making Good Songs Great, 18(3), 31-22. Retrieved from http://articlesextollingrecordingsofyore.192/fs.com
Appendix: SPSS Output
Your SPSS Output file should be copied (Ctrl +A) and pasted here (Ctrl +V). Do not change your page layout to landscape. It is ok if it goes off the page on the right side.