Critics of globalization, including those in this country, don’t necessarily reject change per se but may raise questions about the pace of change and who gets to decide. For this topic, discuss in detail the uneven pace of change in the unnamed country of the novel, paying special attention to the rural-to-urban migration, the new high tech world available to some, and the signs of globalization, all of which co-exist with crushing poverty. What’s right, what’s wrong with this picture? How can you compare or contrast it to the pace of change and its consequences here in Silicon Valley or in the United States?
1: PLEASE READ THE NOVEL!! How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia
2. 1200+ words, double-spaced, Arial,12 pt font,MLA format ( if you use sentence from the novel, please cite)
3. you need to cite book title and author’s name in your introduction.
4. In the essay, you’ll need to remind your readers what’s at stake: why is your subject matter significant for you and for them? Why is it important that we be able to see its link to our own lives, or think of it as a general account of human experience and its meaning? In a sense, and like the author himself, you’re using the book to peel back a dimly-understood or unplumbed layer of human experience.