Draw a molecular-orbital diagram for LiH and write the electronic configuration.
Indicate the relative energies of the Li 2s and H 1s atomic orbitals by reference to the VOIE values in Table 4-4.
The first ionization energy of LiH has not been measured, but calculation predicts it to be about 8 eV.
To support this value, which atom in LiH must have a partial negative charge?
(table 4-4 in pic)
10. Draw a molecular-orbital diagram for LiH and write the electronic configuration. Indicate the relative energies of the Li 2s and H 1s atomic orbitals by reference to the VOIE values in Table 4-4. The first ionization energy of LiH has not been measured, but calculation pre- dicts it to be about 8 eV. To support this value, which atom in LiH must have a partial negative charge? TABLE 4-4. VALENCE-ORBITAL IONIZATion enerGIEs (eV) 4p 3P Atom 13.6 24.6 He 5.4 Li 9.3 14.0 19.4 8.3 10.6 13.2 25.6 15.8 32.3 18.6 40.2 21.6 Ne 48.5 5.1 Na 7.6 Mg 5.9 7.7 1.3 Al Si 10.1 11.6 18.8 20.7 13.7 25.3 CI 15.8 29.2 4.3 6.1 9.4 6.0 12.6 Ga 7.6 15.6 Ge 9.1 10.8 17.6 20.8 24.1 12.5 14.3 27.5 reterence zero point is the ioized atom. Thus the corresponding valence-orbital energies are obtained simply by c H is 13.6 eV. Hieyy changing the sign of the ionization energy. For example, the ls orbital energy of atomic