Why is needs assessment information critical to the development and delivery of an effective HRD program?
Need assessment information is a process of identifying the requirements of an HRD program. It is the initial stage in the HRD and training process. Need assessment is important for the formation of an effective HRD program due to following reasons:
• Need assessment helps in ensuring the organizational goal and effectiveness in reaching those goals.
• It eradicates the gap between employee skills and skills required for a particular job.
• Need assessment assist an HRD manager to learn what and where programs and involvements of staff are required.
• Moreover, it enables an HRD manager to explore the roadblocks and opportunities coming in a way to achieve the HRD effectiveness.
Why are behavioral objectives and lesson plans important to effective HRD interventions? What role should objectives play in the design, implementation, and evaluation of HRD programs?
The importance of the behavioral objective is to determine the favorable outcome of a training program. To identify training program, training methods, materials used and technique applied, one should prepare a Lesson Plan. It is a handbook of the training content. It requires the trainer to identify facts to be included and time allotment for each topic. It contains:
• Number of contents to be covered.
• Activities that have to be performed sequentially.
• Choosing or designing the training media tool.
• Developing practical exercises.
• Deciding the period for each activity.
• Choosing the method to deliver training.
Werner, J. M. (2017). Human Resource Development, Talent Development, Seventh Edition. Mason: Cengage Learning.