For this assignment you will need to take some personality assessments, write a little bit about each of them, and compare them to each other once you’ve taken all of them. The personality tests I’m recommending are listed below, but you may do others—if you find one you want to do that’s not listed, let me know and I’ll take a look to see if it’s appropriate for this assignment.
Choose any THREE of the following (you’re welcome to do all of them, but only write about three):
Meyrs-Briggs Typology Indicator (MBTI): (Links to an external site.)
Big 5 (based on IPIP items): (Links to an external site.)
Big 5 (using word pairs): (Links to an external site.)
Sixteen Factor Personality Questionnaire (16PF): (Links to an external site.)
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ): (Links to an external site.)
R-Drive Personality system: (Links to an external site.)
Locus of Control: (Links to an external site.)
Visual DNA: (Links to an external site.)
“The Color Test”: (Links to an external site.)
Discuss EACH of the three personality inventories by itself. For EACH test, comment on:
The number of items
The content of each item
What is the stimulus or stem for each item? (e.g., a pair of words, a sentence describing behavior, etc.)
How clear is the content of each item? For example, does it use words you don’t know or ask something that doesn’t make sense (e.g., how “abstract” are you)?
How do you provide your response to the items? (e.g., rating on a scale with 5 points, from strongly disagree to strongly agree)
The number of factors or traits described in your score (if applicable)
In your opinion, does the scale clearly seem to be measuring personality (face validity)?
How accurate do you think the results are (i.e., how well does your score and its interpretation describe you and your behavior patterns)?
How much of the entire domain of personality does the scale cover?
How broad or narrow is/are the factors(s) of the scale? Does each factor cover a wide or small range of behavior? (e.g., conscientiousness covers many aspects of behavior such as self-discipline, neatness, competence, need for achievement, etc.)
Would it be easy to “fake good” (pretend to be an ideal employee) on the scale if you were filling it out as part of a hiring process?
Do you think the measure (or any part of it) would be useful in predicting any work criteria (e.g., job performance, counterproductive work behavior, turnover)?
Compare the three tests you took with each other. Consider:
How did the items differ between the measures?
How did the scoring differ? (e.g., did you get values on a continuum or a personality “type” at the end?)
How did the scope of the tests differ? (e.g., did they seem to describe the same amount of differences in personality or did one seem to cover a broader or narrower range of behavior?
Do they seem to have about the same levels of accuracy (in terms of agreeing with your own conception of yourself)?
Which did you find most useful or informative? (i.e., which taught you the most about yourself)
Which did you find to be the most fun or interesting?