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This lab walks you through using Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP) to create simple, yet very

powerful PHP applications connected to a MySQL database. For developers using Windows, the

acronym becomes WAMP (Linux is replaced by Windows). The basics of inserting, updating, deleting

and selecting from MySQL using PHP forms will be provided. Some “bad” security practices that lead to

SQL injection vulnerabilities will be exposed as well as some techniques to mitigate these issues.

Learning Outcomes:

At the completion of the lab you should be able to:

1. Insert data into a MySQL database using PHP forms

2. Query existing data in a MySQL database using PHP forms

3. Delete data from a MySQL database using PHP forms

4. Update data in a MySQL database using PHP forms

Lab Submission Requirements:

After completing this lab, you will submit a word (or PDF) document that meets all of the requirements in

the description at the end of this document. In addition, your LAMP application and all associated files

should be submitted.

Virtual Machine Account Information

Your Virtual Machine has been preconfigured with all of the software you will need for this class. The

default username and password are:

Username : umucsdev

Password: umuc$d8v

MySQL Username: sdev_owner

MySQL password: sdev300

MySQL database: sdev

Part 1 – Insert data into a MySQL database using PHP forms

In this exercise we will create a small table in MySQL and then use a PHP form to insert collected from

the user into the form. We will first use a technique very susceptible to SQL injection and then a better

approach using prepared statements.

1. Assuming you have already launched and logged into your SDEV32Bit Virtual Machine (VM)

from the Oracle VirtualBox, pen up the terminal by clicking on the terminal icon.


2. To start the MySQL database type the following the terminal prompt:

mysql -u sdev_owner -p

When prompted for the password enter sdev300


3. To display the available databases type the following at the mysql prompt:

show databases;

4. The database we will be using for this course is sdev. To use this database, type the following at

the mysql prompt:

use sdev;


5. To display the current tables in the sdev database, type the following command at the mysql


show tables;

You may already have some tables in your database. If so, the names of those tables would be

displayed. If not, you would see Empty set as illustrated above.

6. Create a Students table in the SDEV database, if one does not already exist:

use sdev;

// Create a student table


tychoName varchar(30) primary key,

firstName varchar(30),

lastName varchar(30),

eMail varchar(60)


7. Next, we will create the PHP code that will provide an HTML form and response for entering data into the database table from the form. Type, or copy and paste from the code examples, the following code into your text editor and save as InsertApp.php. This code has many components including the use of PHP classes, reading parameters from files and other functionality. The code is relative long and may take some experimentation and analysis for full understanding. You should review and tinker with all aspects of the code to become comfortable with the functionality.


Create Student







$messages = array();




function show_form($messages) {

// Assign post values if exist





if (isset($_POST["firstname"]))


if (isset($_POST["lastname"]))


if (isset($_POST["wsname"]))


if (isset($_POST["email"]))


echo "


echo "

Enter New Student


echo "



Complete the information in the form below and click Submit to

create your account. All fields are required.


WebTycho username:



} // End Show form


function validate_form()


$messages = array();

$redisplay = false;

// Assign values

$firstname = $_POST["firstname"];

$lastname = $_POST["lastname"];

$wsname = $_POST["wsname"];

$email = $_POST["email"];

$student = new StudentClass($firstname,$lastname,$email,$wsname);

$count = countStudent($student);

// Check for accounts that already exist and Do insert

if ($count==0)


$res = insertStudent($student);

echo "

Welcome to UMUC!





echo "

A student account with that WenTycho username already





function countStudent ($student)


// Connect to the database

$mysqli = connectdb();

$firstname = $student->getFirstname();

$lastname = $student->getLastname();

$wsname = $student->getTychoname();

$email = $student->getEmail();


// Connect to the database

$mysqli = connectdb();

// Define the Query

// For Windows MYSQL String is case insensitive

$Myquery = "SELECT count(*) as count from Students

where tychoName='$wsname'";

if ($result = $mysqli->query($Myquery))


/* Fetch the results of the query */

while( $row = $result->fetch_assoc() )




/* Destroy the result set and free the memory used for it */




return $count;


function insertStudent ($student)


// Connect to the database

$mysqli = connectdb();

$firstname = $student->getFirstname();

$lastname = $student->getLastname();

$wsname = $student->getTychoname();

$email = $student->getEmail();

// Now we can insert

$Query = "INSERT INTO Students


VALUES ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$email', '$wsname')";


if ($result = $mysqli->query($Query)) {




return $Success;


function getDbparms()


$trimmed = file('parms/dbparms.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES |


$key = array();


$vals = array();

foreach($trimmed as $line)


$pairs = explode("=",$line);

$key[] = $pairs[0];

$vals[] = $pairs[1];


// Combine Key and values into an array

$mypairs = array_combine($key,$vals);

// Assign values to ParametersClass

$myDbparms = new



// Display the Paramters values

return $myDbparms;


function connectdb() {

// Get the DBParameters

$mydbparms = getDbparms();

// Try to connect

$mysqli = new mysqli($mydbparms->getHost(), $mydbparms-



if ($mysqli->connect_error) {

die('Connect Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') '

. $mysqli->connect_error);


return $mysqli;


class DBparmsClass


// property declaration

private $username="";

private $password="";

private $host="";

private $db="";

// Constructor

public function __construct($myusername,$mypassword,$myhost,$mydb)


$this->username = $myusername;

$this->password = $mypassword;

$this->host = $myhost;

$this->db = $mydb;


// Get methods

public function getUsername ()


return $this->username;



public function getPassword ()


return $this->password;


public function getHost ()


return $this->host;


public function getDb ()


return $this->db;


// Set methods

public function setUsername ($myusername)


$this->username = $myusername;


public function setPassword ($mypassword)


$this->password = $mypassword;


public function setHost ($myhost)


$this->host = $myhost;


public function setDb ($mydb)


$this->db = $mydb;


} // End DBparms class

// Class to construct Students with getters/setter

class StudentClass


// property declaration

private $firstname="";

private $lastname="";

private $email="";

private $tychoname="";

// Constructor

public function __construct($firstname,$lastname,$email,$tychoname)


$this->firstname = $firstname;

$this->lastname = $lastname;

$this->email = $email;

$this->tychoname = $tychoname;


// Get methods

public function getFirstname ()


return $this->firstname;


public function getLastname ()



return $this->lastname;


public function getEmail ()


return $this->email;


public function getTychoname ()


return $this->tychoname;


// Set methods

public function setFirstname ($value)


$this->firstname = $value;


public function setLastname ($value)


$this->lastname = $value;


public function setEmail ($value)


$this->email = $value;


public function setTychoname ($value)


$this->tychoname = $value;


} // End Studentclass


8. To run the code place the file in a week7 folder in the appropriate location on your VM and launch it. Note: Be sure to create a parms folder and place the dbparms.txt file in the folder or your application will not connect to the database.



9. Add an entry to verify a student was successfully entered.



10. Note the following code is assuming you have honest users.

$Query = "INSERT INTO Students


VALUES ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$email', '$wsname')";

11. Replace this with a prepared statements to help mitigate the SQL injection in the insertStudent function:

function insertStudent ($student)


// Connect to the database

$mysqli = connectdb();

$firstname = $student->getFirstname();

$lastname = $student->getLastname();

$wsname = $student->getTychoname();

$email = $student->getEmail();

// Add Prepared Statement

$Query = "INSERT INTO Students


VALUES (?,?,?,?)";

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($Query);

$stmt->bind_param("ssss", $firstname, $lastname, $wsname,$email);




return true;


12. Note the bind statement is using “ssss” representing 4 strings. Other options include i for integer and d for double. We will use the prepared statement in the remaining examples.

Part 2 Query existing data in a MySQL database using PHP forms

Now that we have a form to Insert data into a table, we can expand and leverage the previous code to select from the database and display the results in an HTML table. We will also add a link to the Insert Table so we can demonstrate adding additional students.


1. Create the PHP code that will display the data in the Students table. Type, or copy and paste from the source code examples, the following code into your text editor and save as SelectApp.php. You should review and tinker with all aspects of the code to become comfortable with the functionality. Notice the show_form function queries the table and returns the student data for display.

Select Student


// Provide option for inserting another student

echo "


echo " Insert Another Students ";


function show_form() {

echo "


echo "

Select the Student to Update


echo "


// Retrieve the students

$students = selectStudents();

echo "

" . "Number of Students in Database is: " .

sizeof($students) . "


// Loop through table and display

echo "


foreach ($students as $data) {

echo "


echo "


echo "


echo "


echo "


echo "



echo "

" . $data->getFirstname() . " " . $data->getLastname() . " " . $data->getEmail() . " " . $data->getTychoname() . "

} // End Show form


function selectStudents ()


// Connect to the database


$mysqli = connectdb();

// Add Prepared Statement

$Query = "Select firstName,lastName,eMail,tychoName from


$result = $mysqli->query($Query);

$myStudents = array();

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {

while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

// Assign values

$firstname = $row["firstName"];

$lastname = $row["lastName"];

$email = $row["eMail"];

$tychoname= $row["tychoName"];

// Create a Student instance

$studentData = new


$myStudents[] = $studentData;




return $myStudents;


function getDbparms()


$trimmed = file('parms/dbparms.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES |


$key = array();

$vals = array();

foreach($trimmed as $line)


$pairs = explode("=",$line);

$key[] = $pairs[0];

$vals[] = $pairs[1];


// Combine Key and values into an array

$mypairs = array_combine($key,$vals);

// Assign values to ParametersClass

$myDbparms = new



// Display the Paramters values

return $myDbparms;


function connectdb() {

// Get the DBParameters

$mydbparms = getDbparms();


// Try to connect

$mysqli = new mysqli($mydbparms->getHost(), $mydbparms-



if ($mysqli->connect_error) {

die('Connect Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') '

. $mysqli->connect_error);


return $mysqli;


class DBparmsClass


// property declaration

private $username="";

private $password="";

private $host="";

private $db="";

// Constructor

public function __construct($myusername,$mypassword,$myhost,$mydb)


$this->username = $myusername;

$this->password = $mypassword;

$this->host = $myhost;

$this->db = $mydb;


// Get methods

public function getUsername ()


return $this->username;


public function getPassword ()


return $this->password;


public function getHost ()


return $this->host;


public function getDb ()


return $this->db;


// Set methods

public function setUsername ($myusername)


$this->username = $myusername;


public function setPassword ($mypassword)


$this->password = $mypassword;



public function setHost ($myhost)


$this->host = $myhost;


public function setDb ($mydb)


$this->db = $mydb;


} // End DBparms class

// Class to construct Students with getters/setter

class StudentClass


// property declaration

private $firstname="";

private $lastname="";

private $email="";

private $tychoname="";

// Constructor

public function __construct($firstname,$lastname,$email,$tychoname)


$this->firstname = $firstname;

$this->lastname = $lastname;

$this->email = $email;

$this->tychoname = $tychoname;


// Get methods

public function getFirstname ()


return $this->firstname;


public function getLastname ()


return $this->lastname;


public function getEmail ()


return $this->email;


public function getTychoname ()


return $this->tychoname;


// Set methods

public function setFirstname ($value)


$this->firstname = $value;


public function setLastname ($value)


$this->lastname = $value;



public function setEmail ($value)


$this->email = $value;


public function setTychoname ($value)


$this->tychoname = $value;


} // End Studentclass


2. Place the SelectApp.php in the week7 folder on your VM and run launch from your local host browser. As you insert data from the previous InsertApp.php you will be able to watch the table grow in the number of records.


Part 3 Delete data from a MySQL database using PHP forms

Now that we have a form to Insert and Select data, we can continue to expand and add the delete functionality. This code shows you an approach to deleting data from a data table. Deleting data from a table can be a dangerous and often an unrecoverable event so make sure your application really requires this type of functionality.

1. Type, or copy and paste from the source code examples, the following code into your text editor and save as DeleteApp.php. You should review and tinker with all aspects of the code to become comfortable with the functionality. Notice the DeleteIt functionality and associated queries.

Delete Student

// Check to see if Delete name is provided


if (isset($_GET["tychoname"])) {

$toDelete = $_GET["tychoname"];

// A bit dangerous without checks and use of getMethod


echo "Thanks for the deletion of $toDelete";

echo "


echo " Insert Another Students ";

echo "


echo " Select Students ";

echo "


echo " Delete Students ";


else {


// Provide option for inserting another student

echo "


echo " Insert Another Students ";

echo "


echo " Select Students ";



function show_form() {

echo "


echo "

Select the Student to Delete


echo "


// Retrieve the students

$students = selectStudents();

echo "

" . "Number of Students in Database is: " .

sizeof($students) . "


// Loop through table and display

echo "


foreach ($students as $data) {

echo "


// Provide Hyperlink for Selection

// Could also use Form with Post method

echo "


echo "


echo "


echo "


echo "


echo "



echo "

getTychoname() .

">" . "Delete" . "

" . $data->getFirstname() . " " . $data->getLastname() . " " . $data->getEmail() . " " . $data->getTychoname() . "

} // End Show form



function deleteIt($studentD) {

echo "About to Delete " . $studentD ;

// Connect to the database

$mysqli = connectdb();

// Add Prepared Statement

$Query = "Delete from Students

where tychoName = ?";

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($Query);

// Bind and Execute

$stmt->bind_param("s", $studentD);


// Clean-up




function selectStudents ()


// Connect to the database

$mysqli = connectdb();

// Add Prepared Statement

$Query = "Select firstName,lastName,eMail,tychoName from


$result = $mysqli->query($Query);

$myStudents = array();

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {

while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

// Assign values

$firstname = $row["firstName"];

$lastname = $row["lastName"];

$email = $row["eMail"];

$tychoname= $row["tychoName"];

// Create a Student instance

$studentData = new


$myStudents[] = $studentData;




return $myStudents;


function getDbparms()



$trimmed = file('parms/dbparms.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES |


$key = array();

$vals = array();

foreach($trimmed as $line)


$pairs = explode("=",$line);

$key[] = $pairs[0];

$vals[] = $pairs[1];


// Combine Key and values into an array

$mypairs = array_combine($key,$vals);

// Assign values to ParametersClass

$myDbparms = new



// Display the Paramters values

return $myDbparms;


function connectdb() {

// Get the DBParameters

$mydbparms = getDbparms();

// Try to connect

$mysqli = new mysqli($mydbparms->getHost(), $mydbparms-



if ($mysqli->connect_error) {

die('Connect Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') '

. $mysqli->connect_error);


return $mysqli;


class DBparmsClass


// property declaration

private $username="";

private $password="";

private $host="";

private $db="";

// Constructor

public function __construct($myusername,$mypassword,$myhost,$mydb)


$this->username = $myusername;

$this->password = $mypassword;

$this->host = $myhost;

$this->db = $mydb;


// Get methods


public function getUsername ()


return $this->username;


public function getPassword ()


return $this->password;


public function getHost ()


return $this->host;


public function getDb ()


return $this->db;


// Set methods

public function setUsername ($myusername)


$this->username = $myusername;


public function setPassword ($mypassword)


$this->password = $mypassword;


public function setHost ($myhost)


$this->host = $myhost;


public function setDb ($mydb)


$this->db = $mydb;


} // End DBparms class

// Class to construct Students with getters/setter

class StudentClass


// property declaration

private $firstname="";

private $lastname="";

private $email="";

private $tychoname="";

// Constructor

public function __construct($firstname,$lastname,$email,$tychoname)


$this->firstname = $firstname;

$this->lastname = $lastname;

$this->email = $email;

$this->tychoname = $tychoname;


// Get methods

public function getFirstname ()



return $this->firstname;


public function getLastname ()


return $this->lastname;


public function getEmail ()


return $this->email;


public function getTychoname ()


return $this->tychoname;


// Set methods

public function setFirstname ($value)


$this->firstname = $value;


public function setLastname ($value)


$this->lastname = $value;


public function setEmail ($value)


$this->email = $value;


public function setTychoname ($value)


$this->tychoname = $value;


} // End Studentclass


2. Add the file to your week7 folder on your VM and launch the URL.




Part 4 - Update data in a MySQL database using PHP forms

Now that we have a form to Insert, delete and Select data, we can continue to expand and add the update functionality. This code shows you an approach to updating data.

1. Type, or copy and paste from the source code examples, the following code into your text editor and save as UpdaeApp.php. You should review and tinker with all aspects of the code to become comfortable with the functionality.

Update Student

// Check to see if Delete name is provided

if (isset($_GET["tychoname"])) {

$toUpdate = $_GET["tychoname"];

// A bit dangerous without checks and use of getMethod


echo "



echo " Insert Another Students ";

echo "


echo " Select Students ";

echo "


echo " Delete Students ";

echo "


echo " UpdateStudents ";


else if (isset($_POST["UpdateMe"])) {

// Assign values

$firstname = $_POST["firstname"];

$lastname = $_POST["lastname"];

$tychoname = $_POST["tychoname"];

$email = $_POST["email"];

$student = new StudentClass($firstname,$lastname,$email,$tychoname);

// Update the database


echo "


echo " Insert Another Students ";

echo "


echo " Select Students ";

echo "


echo " Delete Students ";

echo "


echo " UpdateStudents ";


else {


// Provide option for inserting another student

echo "


echo " Insert Another Students ";

echo "


echo " Select Students "; }


function show_form() {

echo "


echo "

Select the Student to Delete


echo "


// Retrieve the students

$students = selectStudents();

echo "

" . "Number of Students in Database is: " .

sizeof($students) . "


// Loop through table and display

echo "


foreach ($students as $data) {

echo "


// Provide Hyperlink for Selection

// Could also use Form with Post method

echo "



echo "


echo "


echo "


echo "


echo "



echo "

getTychoname() .

">" . "Update" . "

" . $data->getFirstname() . " " . $data->getLastname() . " " . $data->getEmail() . " " . $data->getTychoname() . "

} // End Show form


function getStudent ($studentD) {

// Connect to the database

$mysqli = connectdb();

// Add Prepared Statement

$Query = "Select firstName, lastName, eMail, tychoName from


where tychoName = ?";

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($Query);

// Bind and Execute

$stmt->bind_param("s", $studentD);

$result = $stmt->execute();


/* fetch values */


$studentData = new Studentclass($firstName,$lastName,$eMail,$tychoName);

// Clean-up



return $studentData;


function updateIt($studentD) {

$student = getStudent($studentD);

// Extract data

$firstname = $student->getFirstname();

$lastname = $student->getLastname();

$email = $student->getEmail();

$tychoname= $student->getTychoname();

// Show the data in the Form for update



WebTycho username:




function selectStudents ()


// Connect to the database

$mysqli = connectdb();

// Add Prepared Statement

$Query = "Select firstName,lastName,eMail,tychoName from


$result = $mysqli->query($Query);

$myStudents = array();

if ($result->num_rows > 0) {

while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

// Assign values

$firstname = $row["firstName"];

$lastname = $row["lastName"];

$email = $row["eMail"];

$tychoname= $row["tychoName"];

// Create a Student instance

$studentData = new


$myStudents[] = $studentData;





return $myStudents;


function getDbparms()


$trimmed = file('parms/dbparms.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES |


$key = array();

$vals = array();

foreach($trimmed as $line)


$pairs = explode("=",$line);

$key[] = $pairs[0];

$vals[] = $pairs[1];


// Combine Key and values into an array

$mypairs = array_combine($key,$vals);

// Assign values to ParametersClass

$myDbparms = new



// Display the Paramters values

return $myDbparms;


function connectdb() {

// Get the DBParameters

$mydbparms = getDbparms();

// Try to connect

$mysqli = new mysqli($mydbparms->getHost(), $mydbparms-



if ($mysqli->connect_error) {

die('Connect Error (' . $mysqli->connect_errno . ') '

. $mysqli->connect_error);


return $mysqli;


class DBparmsClass


// property declaration

private $username="";

private $password="";

private $host="";

private $db="";

// Constructor

public function __construct($myusername,$mypassword,$myhost,$mydb)


$this->username = $myusername;


$this->password = $mypassword;

$this->host = $myhost;

$this->db = $mydb;


// Get methods

public function getUsername ()


return $this->username;


public function getPassword ()


return $this->password;


public function getHost ()


return $this->host;


public function getDb ()


return $this->db;


// Set methods

public function setUsername ($myusername)


$this->username = $myusername;


public function setPassword ($mypassword)


$this->password = $mypassword;


public function setHost ($myhost)


$this->host = $myhost;


public function setDb ($mydb)


$this->db = $mydb;


} // End DBparms class

// Class to construct Students with getters/setter

class StudentClass


// property declaration

private $firstname="";

private $lastname="";

private $email="";

private $tychoname="";

// Constructor

public function __construct($firstname,$lastname,$email,$tychoname)


$this->firstname = $firstname;

$this->lastname = $lastname;


$this->email = $email;

$this->tychoname = $tychoname;


// Get methods

public function getFirstname ()


return $this->firstname;


public function getLastname ()


return $this->lastname;


public function getEmail ()


return $this->email;


public function getTychoname ()


return $this->tychoname;


// Set methods

public function setFirstname ($value)


$this->firstname = $value;


public function setLastname ($value)


$this->lastname = $value;


public function setEmail ($value)


$this->email = $value;


public function setTychoname ($value)


$this->tychoname = $value;


} // End Studentclass

// Final Update

function FinalUpdate($student) {

// Assign values

$firstname = $student->getFirstname();

$lastname = $student->getLastname();

$tychoname = $student->getTychoname();

$email = $student->getEmail();

// update

// Connect to the database

$mysqli = connectdb();

// Add Prepared Statement

$Query = "Update Students set FirstName = ?,


lastName = ?, email = ?, tychoName = ?

where tychoName = ?";

$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($Query);

$stmt->bind_param("sssss", $firstname, $lastname,








2. As shown above, the update usually takes more steps and code. Notice you have to select the record to be updated, then prepare a form to display the current fields and then finally update those fields and save them to the database.

3. After moving the UpdateApps.php file to your VM in the week7 folder and launch with your Web browser.




Lab submission details:

As part of the submission for this Lab, you will modify your session-based e-Commerce application from

week 4 to add database support for your products and sales. Specifically, all product data must be

organized in one or more MySQL tables. In addition, you will need to store your customer data as they

order from your store. You should store all customer information including, username, password,

firstname, lastname, street address, city, state, zip code, phone number, credit card number, credit card

type, and expiration date and products purchases. Other fields can be added for your unique design.

Your product data should be dynamic allowing the ability for the store owner to insert new products,

update existing products, delete existing products and list all available products. When designing your

application, be sure to use prepared statements to minimize SQL injection. Also, make sure your Forms

flow logically within your application and are presented in an attractive easy-to-use Web interface.

Create screen shots showing the successful running your application.

For your deliverables, you should submit a zip file containing your word document (or PDF file) with

screen shots of the application running successfully along with your SQL script file.

Include your full name, class number and section and date in the document.

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